THE LIFE OF SAMUEL JOHNSON - All 6 Volumes in One Edition. James Boswell. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Boswell
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027223602
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in the Lords on Feb. 1, 1743, the end of the debate in the Commons on March 9, 1742, and the beginning of another in the Commons on the following March 23. From the number for July 1741 to the number for March 1744 Johnson, as I have already said, was the sole composer of the Debates. The irregularity with which they were given at first sight seems strange; but in it a certain method can be discovered. The proceedings of a House of Commons that had come to an end might, as I have shown, be freely published. There had been a dissolution after the session which closed in April 1741. The publication of the Debates of the old parliament could at once begin, and could go on freely from month to month all the year round. But they would not last for ever. In 1742, in the autumn recess, the time when experience had shewn that the resolution of the House could be broken with the least danger, the Debates of the new parliament were published. They were continued even in the short session before Christmas. But the spring of 1743 saw a cautious return to the reports of the old parliament. The session closed on April 21, and in the May number the comparatively fresh Debates began again. In one case the report was not six months after date. In the beginning of 1744 this publication went on even in the session, but it was confined to the proceedings of the previous winter.

      The following table shews the order in which Johnson’s Debates were published:—

      _Gentleman’s Debate or part Magazine. of debate of_

      July, 1741 {Parliament was dissolved } Feb. 13, 1741 { on April 25, 1741. } Aug. ” Feb. 13, “

      Sept. ” {Jan. 27, “

       {Mar. 2, “

       Oct. ” Mar. 2, “

      Nov. ” Mar. 2, “

      Dec. ” { The new Parliament met} Dec. 9, 1740

       { on Dec. 1. }

       Gentleman’s Debate or part Magazine. of debate of

      Supplement to 1741 Dec. 2, “

       Dec. 12,”

       Jan. 1742 Feb. 3, 1741

       Feb. 27, “

       Feb. ” Jan. 26, “

       April 13, “

       Mar. ” Feb. 24, “

       April 13, “

       April ” Jan. 27, “

       Feb. 24, “

       May ” Nov. 25, 1740

       June ” Nov. 25, “

       April 8, 1741

       July ” The session ended on July April 8, “

       15. Dec. 1, “

       Dec. 4, “

       Aug. ” Dec. 4, “

       Sept. ” Dec. 4, “

       Dec. 8, “

       Oct. ” Dec. 8, “

       May 25, 1742

       Nov. ” The Session opened on May 25, “

       Nov. 16.

       Dec. ” May 25, “

       June 1, “

       Supplement to 1742 Dec. 10, 1740

       June 1, 1742

       Jan. 1743 Dec. 10, 1740

       Feb. ” Feb. 13, 1741

       Mar. ” Feb. 13, “

       April ” The Session ended on April 21 Feb. 13, “

       May ” Mar. 9, 1742

       Nov. 16, “

       June ” Mar. 9, “

       Feb. 1, 1743

       July ” Mar. 9, 1742

       Mar. 23, “

       Feb. 1, 1743

       Aug. ” Feb. 1, “

       Sept. ” Feb. 1, “

       Oct. ” Feb. 1, “

       Nov. ” Feb. 22, “

       Dec. ” The Session opened on Dec. 1 Feb. 22, “

       Supplement to 1743 Feb. 22, “

       Jan. 1744 Feb. 22, “

       Feb. ” Dec. 10, 1742

       Feb. 22, 1743

       Mar. ” Dec. 10, 1742

      During the rest of 1744 the debates were given in the old form, and in a style that is a close imitation of Johnson’s. Most likely they were composed by Hawkesworth (ante, p. 252). In 1745 they were fewer in number, and in 1746 the reports of the Senate of Lilliputia with its Hurgoes and Clinabs passed away for ever. They had begun, to quote the words of the Preface to the Magazine for 1747, at a time when ‘a determined spirit of opposition in the national assemblies communicated itself to almost every individual, multiplied and invigorated periodical papers, and rendered politics the chief, if not the only object, of curiosity.’ They are a monument to the greatness of Walpole, and to the genius of Johnson. Had that statesman not been overthrown, the people would have called for these reports even though Johnson had refused to write them. Had Johnson still remained the reporter, even though Walpole no longer swayed the Senate of the Lilliputians, the speeches of that tumultuous body would still have been read. For though they are not debates, yet they have a vast vigour and a great fund of wisdom of their own.



      Malone published seven of the following letters in the fourth edition, and Mr. Croker the rest.



      ‘The account which Miss [Porter] gives me of your health pierces my heart. God comfort and preserve you and save you, for the sake of Jesus Christ.

      ‘I would have Miss read to you from time to time the Passion of our Saviour, and sometimes the sentences in the Communion Service, beginning “Come unto me, all ye that travail and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

      ‘I have just now read a physical book, which inclines me to think that a strong infusion of the bark would do you good. Do, dear mother, try it.

      ‘Pray, send me your blessing, and forgive all that I have done amiss to you. And whatever you would have done, and what debts you would have paid first, or any thing else that you would direct, let Miss put it down; I shall endeavour to obey you.

      ‘I have got twelve guineas[1468] to send you, but unhappily am at a loss how to send it to-night. If I cannot send it to-night, it will come by the next post.

      ‘Pray, do not omit any thing mentioned in this letter: God bless you for ever and ever.

      ‘I am your dutiful son,

      ‘SAM. JOHNSON.’

      ‘Jan. 13, 1758[1469].’


      ‘MY DEAR Miss,

      ‘I think myself obliged to you beyond all expression of gratitude for your care of my dear mother. God grant it may not be without success. Tell Kitty[1470] that I shall never forget her tenderness for her mistress. Whatever you can do, continue to do. My heart is very full.

      ‘I hope you received twelve guineas on Monday. I found a way of sending them by means of the postmaster, after I had written my letter, and hope they came safe. I will send you more in a few days. God bless you all.

      ‘I am, my dear,

      ‘Your most