The Complete Novels of Lucy Maud Montgomery - 20 Titles in One Volume: Including Anne of Green Gables Series, Emily Starr Trilogy, The Blue Castle, The Story Girl & Pat of Silver Bush Series. Lucy Maud Montgomery. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Lucy Maud Montgomery
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788026865056
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… I’ve nothing to wear but my old black taffeta. It’s too gloomy for a wedding, isn’t it? And it’s too big for me since I got thin. You see it’s six years since I got it.”

      “We must try to induce your mother to let you have a new dress,” said Anne hopefully.

      But that proved to be beyond her powers. Mrs. Gibson was adamant. Pauline’s black taffeta was plenty good for Louisa Hilton’s wedding.

      “I paid two dollars a yard for it six years ago and three to Jane Sharp for making it. Jane was a good dressmaker. Her mother was a Smiley. The idea of you wanting something ‘light,’ Pauline Gibson! She’d go dressed in scarlet from head to foot, that one, if she was let, Miss Shirley. She’s just waiting till I’m dead to do it. Ah, well, you’ll soon be shet of all the trouble I am to you, Pauline. Then you can dress as gay and giddy as you like, but as long as I’m alive you’ll be decent. And what’s the matter with your hat? It’s time you wore a bonnet, anyhow.”

      Poor Pauline had a lively horror of having to wear a bonnet. She would wear her old hat for the rest of her life before she would do that.

      “I’m just going to be glad inside and forget all about my clothes,” she told Anne, when they went out to the garden to pick a bouquet of June lilies and bleeding-heart for the widows.

      “I’ve a plan,” said Anne, with a cautious glance to make sure Mrs. Gibson couldn’t hear her, though she was watching from the sitting-room window. “You know that silver-gray poplin of mine? I’m going to lend you that for the wedding.”

      Pauline dropped the basket of flowers in her agitation, making a pool of pink and white sweetness at Anne’s feet.

      “Oh, my dear, I couldn’t… . Ma wouldn’t let me.”

      “She won’t know a thing about it. Listen. Saturday morning you’ll put it on under your black taffeta. I know it will fit you. It’s a little long, but I’ll run some tucks in it tomorrow … tucks are fashionable now. It’s collarless, with elbow sleeves so no one will suspect. As soon as you get to Gull Cove, take off the taffeta. When the day is over you can leave the poplin at Gull Cove and I can get it the next weekend I’m home.”

      “But wouldn’t it be too young for me?”

      “Not a bit of it. Any age can wear gray.”

      “Do you think it would be … right … to deceive Ma?” faltered Pauline.

      “In this case entirely right,” said Anne shamelessly. “You know, Pauline, it would never do to wear a black dress to a wedding. It might bring the bride bad luck.”

      “Oh, I wouldn’t do that for anything. And of course it won’t hurt Ma. I do hope she’ll get through Saturday all right. I’m afraid she won’t eat a bite when I’m away … she didn’t the time I went to Cousin Matilda’s funeral. Miss Prouty told me she didn’t… . Miss Prouty stayed with her. She was so provoked at Cousin Matilda for dying … Ma was, I mean.”

      “She’ll eat… . I’ll see to that.”

      “I know you’ve a great knack of managing her,” conceded Pauline. “And you won’t forget to give her her medicine at the regular times, will you, dear? Oh, perhaps I oughtn’t to go after all.”

      “You’ve been out there long enough to pick forty bokays,” called Mrs. Gibson irately. “I dunno what the widows want of your flowers. They’ve plenty of their own. I’d go a long time without flowers if I waited for Rebecca Dew to send me any. I’m dying for a drink of water. But then I’m of no consequence.”

      Friday night Pauline telephoned Anne in terrible agitation. She had a sore throat and did Miss Shirley think it could possibly be the mumps? Anne ran down to reassure her, taking the gray poplin in a brown paper parcel. She hid it in the lilac bush and late that night Pauline, in a cold perspiration, managed to smuggle it upstairs to the little room where she kept her clothes and dressed, though she was never permitted to sleep there. Pauline was not quite easy about the dress. Perhaps her sore throat was a judgment on her for deception. But she couldn’t go to Louisa’s silver wedding in that dreadful old black taffeta … she simply couldn’t.

      Saturday morning Anne was at the Gibson house bright and early. Anne always looked her best on a sparkling summer morning such as this. She seemed to sparkle with it and she moved through the golden air like a slender figure on a Grecian urn. The dullest room sparkled, too … lived … when she came into it.

      “Walking as if you owned the earth,” commented Mrs. Gibson sarcastically.

      “So I do,” said Anne gayly.

      “Ah, you’re very young,” said Mrs. Gibson maddeningly.

      “‘I withhold not my heart from any joy,’” quoted Anne. “That is Bible authority for you, Mrs. Gibson.”

      “‘Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.’ That’s in the Bible, too,” retorted Mrs. Gibson. The fact that she had so neatly countered Miss Shirley, B.A., put her in comparatively good humor. “I never was one to flatter, Miss Shirley, but that chip hat of yours with the blue flower kind of sets you. Your hair don’t look so red under it, seems to me. Don’t you admire a fresh young girl like this, Pauline? Wouldn’t you like to be a fresh young girl yourself, Pauline?”

      Pauline was too happy and excited to want to be any one but herself just then. Anne went to the upstairs room with her to help her dress.

      “It’s so lovely to think of all the pleasant things that must happen today, Miss Shirley. My throat is quite well and Ma is in such a good humor. You mightn’t think so, but I know she is because she is talking, even if she is sarcastic. If she was mad or riled she’d be sulking. I’ve peeled the potatoes and the steak is in the ice-box and Ma’s blanc mange is down cellar. There’s canned chicken for supper and a sponge cake in the pantry. I’m just on tenterhooks Ma’ll change her mind yet. I couldn’t bear it if she did. Oh, Miss Shirley, do you think I’d better wear that gray dress … really?”

      “Put it on,” said Anne in her best school-teacherish manner.

      Pauline obeyed and emerged a transformed Pauline. The gray dress fitted her beautifully. It was collarless and had dainty lace ruffles in the elbow sleeves. When Anne had done her hair Pauline hardly knew herself.

      “I hate to cover it up with that horrid old black taffeta, Miss Shirley.”

      But it had to be. The taffeta covered it very securely. The old hat went on … but it would be taken off, too, when she got to Louisa’s … and Pauline had a new pair of shoes. Mrs. Gibson had actually allowed her to get a new pair of shoes, though she thought the heels “scandalous high.” “I’ll make quite a sensation going away on the train alone. I hope people won’t think it’s a death. I wouldn’t want Louisa’s silver wedding to be connected in any way with the thought of death. Oh, perfume, Miss Shirley! Apple-blossom! Isn’t that lovely? Just a whiff … so ladylike, I always think. Ma won’t let me buy any. Oh, Miss Shirley, you won’t forget to feed my dog, will you? I’ve left his bones in the pantry in the covered dish. I do hope” … dropping her voice to a shamed whisper … “that he won’t … misbehave … in the house while you’re here.”

      Pauline had to pass her mother’s inspection before leaving. Excitement over her outing and guilt in regard to the hidden poplin combined to give her a very unusual flush. Mrs. Gibson gazed at her discontentedly.

      “Oh me, oh my! Going to London to look at the Queen, are we? You’ve got too much color. People will think you’re painted. Are you sure you ain’t?”

      “Oh, no, Ma … no,” in shocked tones.

      “Mind your manners now and when you set down, cross your ankles decently. Mind you don’t set in a draught or talk too much.”

      “I won’t, Ma,” promised Pauline earnestly, with a nervous glance