A Comprehensive History of Norwich. A. D. Bayne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. D. Bayne
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664621375
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(first bishop) 13 ,, ,, Norman statue of 39 ,, Hinds, memoir of 524 ,, Horne, monument of 36 ,, Nykke, tomb of 34 ,, Parkhurst, tomb of 35 ,, Pelham, notice of 714 ,, Stanley, memoir of 524 ,, Wren and the “Book of Sports” 244 Bishop’s Palace, History and description of 43 Bishops of Norwich, list of 708 Black Friars 138 Blomefield, the Norfolk Historian 127, 306 Blind, Hospital for the 327, 733 Blythe, Hancock 307 Board of Health 14, 429 Boleyn, Sir William, tomb of 37 Bombazines, manufacture of introduced 204 Book of Sports 78, 244 Boot and Shoe Trade, Wholesale 601 Bourn, Samuel 297 Bracondale Lodge (Miss Martineau) 106 Brand, John, B.A. 307 Brasses, Monumental 140, 563 Bread Riots 286, 292, 340 Brethren of the Sac Friars 139 Brewers’ Mark, &c., Mr. R. Fitch on 264 Brewers, Wholesale 616 Bridge, Carrow, first stone laid 333 ,, Duke’s Palace, erected 347 ,, Foundry, first stone laid 334 Bridge W., M.A. 245 British Archæological Society, Visit of 433 ,, Association for the Advancement of Science, Visit of 444 Brooke, Sir James, educated at Grammar School 45, 726 Brown, Rev. Robert 243 Browne, Sir Thomas, memoir of 230 Brush and Paper Bag Makers 620 Burial Ground—the Rosary 108 Bury and Schneider unseated 656 Buxton, Thomas Fowell 104 Caer Gwent or Guntum, Norwich called so by the Iceni 10, 157 Caister, a village on the bank of the Taas 10, 11 Caister and Norwich, Traditional Couplet 10 Caister Camp 105, 157 Canons Honorary 718 Canute assigned custody of Norwich Castle to Earl Turkel 152 Cardinal Wolsey visited Norwich 189 Carmelite Friars 137 Caroline, Queen, Address to 350 Carriage Manufacturers 620 Carrow Abbey 84, 139 Carrow Bridge, first stone laid 333