A Comprehensive History of Norwich. A. D. Bayne. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. D. Bayne
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Документальная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664621375
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as “Pull’s Ferry.”

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      The Gateways to the Cathedral on the west side are deserving of notice.

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      leads to the south end of the Upper Close. It was built by the citizens as an atonement for the injuries done in a quarrel which they had with the monks in 1272. The chamber over the arch was formerly used as a chapel dedicated to St. Ethelbert, the church of that name having been destroyed during the riots. The west front has a modern pediment of stone tracery, inlaid with flint. Beneath is a series of blank niches with a statue in the centre. In the spandrels of the arch are figures, in basso relievo, of a man with a sword and round shield attacking a dragon. The east front consists of stone tracery and flint with painted windows.

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      The Cattle Market, on the south side of the hill, has been greatly extended, and presents the most extensive area for the purpose in England. On the east side whole blocks of old houses have been cleared away, and great additions made to the space for the display of horses, cattle, sheep, and pigs. The improvements cost the city over £50,000. Every Saturday the hill presents a busy and highly interesting scene, and a vast amount of business is transacted here in the space of a few hours. The area has recently been further enlarged by the demolition of some old houses at the corner of Golden Ball Street. A line of new houses has been built on the east side, ending with the handsome show rooms of Messrs. Holmes and Sons, the well-known Agricultural Machine Makers, who have won many prizes for their implements.

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      The Guildhall is a large antique building, chiefly