Observ. XXIII . Of the curious texture of Sea-weeds .
Observ. XXIV . Of the surfaces of Rosemary , and other leaves.
Observ. XXV . Of the stinging points and juice of Nettles , and some other venomous Plants.
Observ. XXVI . Of Cowage , and the itching operation of some bodies.
Observ. XXVIII . Of the Seeds of Venus looking-glass, or Corn Violet.
Observ. XXIX . Of the Seeds of Tyme .
Observ. XXX . Of the Seeds of Poppy .
Observ. XXXI . Of Purslane-seed .
Observ. XXXII . Of the Figure of several sorts of Hair , and of the texture of the skin .
Observations on several other sorts of Hair .
Observ. XXXIII . Of the Scales of a Soal , and other Fishes.
Observ. XXXIV . Of the Sting of a Bee.
Observ. XXXV . Of the contexture and shape of the particles of Feathers .
Observ. XXXVI . Of Peacoks , Ducks , and other Feathers of changeable colours.
Observ. XXXVII . Of the Feet of Flies , and several other Insects .
Observ. XXXVIII . Of the Structure and motion of the Wings of Flies .
Observ. XXXIX . Of the Eyes and Head of a Grey drone-Fly , and of several other creatures.
Observ. XL . Of the Teeth of a Snail .
Observ. XLI . Of the Eggs of Silk-worms , and other Insects.
Observ. XLII . Of a blue Fly .
Observ. XLIII . Of the Water-Insect or Gnat .
Observ. XLIV . Of the tufted or Brush-horn'd Gnat .
Observ. XLV . Of the great Belly'd Gnat or female Gnat .
Observ. XLVI . Of the white featherwing'd Moth or Tinea Argentea .
Observ. XLVII . Of the Shepherd Spider , or long legg'd Spider .
Observ. XLVIII . Of the hunting Spider , and several other sorts of Spiders .
Observ. XLIX . Of an Ant or Pismire .
Observ. L . Of the wandring Mite .
Observ. LI . Of the Crab-like Insect.
Observ. LII . Of the small Silver-colour'd Book-worm .
Observ. LVI . Of a small Creature hatch'd on a Vine.
Observ. LVII . Of the Eels in Vinegar.
Observ. LIX . Of multitudes of small Stars discoverable by the Telescope .
Physiological Descriptions