THE COMPLETE RAFFLES SERIES - A Novel & 45+ Short Stories: The Amateur Cracksman, The Black Mask, A Thief in the Night, Mr. Justice Raffles, Mrs. Raffles, R. Holmes & Co.. E. W. Hornung. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: E. W. Hornung
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788075832856
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last. He was one of the footmen who waited at table; and no sooner had I pinned him than the detective loosed his hold.

      "Hang on to him," he cried. "There's more of 'em below."

      And he went leaping down the stairs, as other doors opened and Lord Amersteth and his son appeared simultaneously in their pyjamas. At that my man ceased struggling; but I was still holding him when Crowley turned up the gas.

      "What the devil's all this?" asked Lord Amersteth, blinking. "Who was that ran downstairs?"

      "Mac—Clephane!" said I hastily.

      "Aha!" said he, turning to the footman. "So you're the scoundrel, are you? Well done! Well done! Where was he caught?"

      I had no idea.

      "Here's Lady Melrose's door open," said Crowley. "Lady Melrose! Lady Melrose!"

      "You forget she's deaf," said Lord Amersteth. "Ah! that'll be her maid."

      An inner door had opened; next instant there was a little shriek, and a white figure gesticulated on the threshold.

      "Ou donc est l'ecrin de Madame la Marquise? La fenetre est ouverte. Il a disparu!"

      "Window open and jewel-case gone, by Jove!" exclaimed Lord Amersteth. "Mais comment est Madame la Marquise? Est elle bien?"

      "Oui, milor. Elle dort."

      "Sleeps through it all," said my lord. "She's the only one, then!"

      "What made Mackenzie—Clephane—bolt?" young Crowley asked me.

      "Said there were more of them below."

      "Why the devil couldn't you tell us so before?" he cried, and went leaping downstairs in his turn.

      He was followed by nearly all the cricketers, who now burst upon the scene in a body, only to desert it for the chase. Raffles was one of them, and I would gladly have been another, had not the footman chosen this moment to hurl me from him, and to make a dash in the direction from which they had come. Lord Amersteth had him in an instant; but the fellow fought desperately, and it took the two of us to drag him downstairs, amid a terrified chorus from half-open doors. Eventually we handed him over to two other footmen who appeared with their nightshirts tucked into their trousers, and my host was good enough to compliment me as he led the way outside.

      "I thought I heard a shot," he added. "Didn't you?"

      "I thought I heard three."

      And out we dashed into the darkness.

      I remember how the gravel pricked my feet, how the wet grass numbed them as we made for the sound of voices on an outlying lawn. So dark was the night that we were in the cricketers' midst before we saw the shimmer of their pyjamas; and then Lord Amersteth almost trod on Mackenzie as he lay prostrate in the dew.

      "Who's this?" he cried. "What on earth's happened?"

      "It's Clephane," said a man who knelt over him. "He's got a bullet in him somewhere."

      "Is he alive?"


      "Good God! Where's Crowley?"

      "Here I am," called a breathless voice. "It's no good, you fellows. There's nothing to show which way they've gone. Here's Raffles; he's chucked it, too." And they ran up panting.

      "Well, we've got one of them, at all events," muttered Lord Amersteth. "The next thing is to get this poor fellow indoors. Take his shoulders, somebody. Now his middle. Join hands under him. All together, now; that's the way. Poor fellow! Poor fellow! His name isn't Clephane at all. He's a Scotland Yard detective, down here for these very villains!"

      Raffles was the first to express surprise; but he had also been the first to raise the wounded man. Nor had any of them a stronger or more tender hand in the slow procession to the house.

      In a little we had the senseless man stretched on a sofa in the library. And there, with ice on his wound and brandy in his throat, his eyes opened and his lips moved.

      Lord Amersteth bent down to catch the words.

      "Yes, yes," said he; "we've got one of them safe and sound. The brute you collared upstairs." Lord Amersteth bent lower. "By Jove! Lowered the jewel-case out of the window, did he? And they've got clean away with it! Well, well! I only hope we'll be able to pull this good fellow through. He's off again."

      An hour passed: the sun was rising.

      It found a dozen young fellows on the settees in the billiard-room, drinking whiskey and soda-water in their overcoats and pyjamas, and still talking excitedly in one breath. A time-table was being passed from hand to hand: the doctor was still in the library. At last the door opened, and Lord Amersteth put in his head.

      "It isn't hopeless," said he, "but it's bad enough. There'll be no cricket to-day."

      Another hour, and most of us were on our way to catch the early train; between us we filled a compartment almost to suffocation. And still we talked all together of the night's event; and still I was a little hero in my way, for having kept my hold of the one ruffian who had been taken; and my gratification was subtle and intense. Raffles watched me under lowered lids. Not a word had we had together; not a word did we have until we had left the others at Paddington, and were skimming through the streets in a hansom with noiseless tires and a tinkling bell.

      "Well, Bunny," said Raffles, "so the professors have it, eh?"

      "Yes," said I. "And I'm jolly glad!"

      "That poor Mackenzie has a ball in his chest?"

      "That you and I have been on the decent side for once."

      He shrugged his shoulders.

      "You're hopeless, Bunny, quite hopeless! I take it you wouldn't have refused your share if the boodle had fallen to us? Yet you positively enjoy coming off second best—for the second time running! I confess, however, that the professors' methods were full of interest to me. I, for one, have probably gained as much in experience as I have lost in other things. That lowering the jewel-case out of the window was a very simple and effective expedient; two of them had been waiting below for it for hours."

      "How do you know?" I asked.

      "I saw them from my own window, which was just above the dear old lady's. I was fretting for that necklace in particular, when I went up to turn in for our last night—and I happened to look out of my window. In point of fact, I wanted to see whether the one below was open, and whether there was the slightest chance of working the oracle with my sheet for a rope. Of course I took the precaution of turning my light off first, and it was a lucky thing I did. I saw the pros. right down below, and they never saw me. I saw a little tiny luminous disk just for an instant, and then again for an instant a few minutes later. Of course I knew what it was, for I have my own watch-dial daubed with luminous paint; it makes a lantern of sorts when you can get no better. But these fellows were not using theirs as a lantern. They were under the old lady's window. They were watching the time. The whole thing was arranged with their accomplice inside. Set a thief to catch a thief: in a minute I had guessed what the whole thing proved to be."

      "And you did nothing!" I exclaimed.

      "On the contrary, I went downstairs and straight into Lady Melrose's room—"

      "You did?"

      "Without a moment's hesitation. To save her jewels. And I was prepared to yell as much into her ear-trumpet for all the house to hear. But the dear lady is too deaf and too fond of her dinner to wake easily."


      "She didn't stir."

      "And yet you allowed the professors, as you call them, to take her jewels, case and all!"

      "All but this," said Raffles, thrusting his fist into my lap. "I would have shown it you before, but really, old fellow, your face all day has been worth a fortune to the firm!"

      And he opened his fist, to shut it next instant on the bunch of diamonds and of sapphires that I had last