The Greatest Works of Earl Derr Biggers (Illustrated Edition). Earl Derr Biggers. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Earl Derr Biggers
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027220199
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"In the minute I left the car at the gate. Why—it's impossible—"

      Out of the shadows came Martin Thorn, his pale face gleaming in the dusk. "What's all this?" he asked. "Why—it's Louie. What's happened to Louie?"

      He bent over the door of the car, and the busy flashlight in the hand of Charlie Chan shone for a moment on his back. Across the dark coat was a long tear—a tear such as might have been made in the coat of one climbing hurriedly through a barbed-wire fence.

      "This is terrible," Thorn said. "Just a minute—I must get Mr. Madden."

      He ran to the house, and Bob Eden stood with Charlie Chan by the body of Louie Wong.

      "Charlie," whispered the boy huskily, "you saw that rip in Thorn's coat?"

      "Most certainly," answered Chan. "I observed it. What did I quote to you this morning? Old saying of Chinese. 'He who rides a tiger can not dismount.'"

      Chapter X. Bliss of the Homicide Squad

       Table of Contents

      In another moment Madden was with them there by the car, and they felt rather than saw a quivering, suppressed fury in every inch of the millionaire's huge frame. With an oath he snatched the flashlight from the hand of Charlie Chan and bent over the silent form in the back of the flivver. The glow from the lamp illuminated faintly his big red face, his searching eyes, and Bob Eden watched him with interest.

      There in that dusty car lay the lifeless shape of one who had served Madden faithfully for many years. Yet no sign either of compassion or regret was apparent in the millionaire's face—nothing save a constantly growing anger. Yes, Bob Eden reflected, those who had reported Madden lacked a heart spoke nothing but the truth.

      Madden straightened, and flashed the light into the pale face of his secretary.

      "Fine business!" he snarled.

      "Well, what are you staring at me for?" cried Thorn, his voice trembling.

      "I'll stare at you if I choose—though God knows I'm sick of the sight of your silly face—"

      "I've had about enough from you," warned Thorn, and the tremor in his voice was rage. For a moment they regarded each other while Bob Eden watched them, amazed. For the first time he realized that under the mask of their daily relations these two were anything but friends.

      Suddenly Madden turned the light on Charlie Chan. "Look here, Ah Kim—this was Louie Wong—the boy you replaced here—savvy? You've got to stay on the ranch now—after I've gone, too—how about it?"

      "I think I stay, boss."

      "Good. You're the only bit of luck I've had since I came to this accursed place. Bring Louie into the living-room—on the couch. I'll call Eldorado."

      He stalked off through the patio to the house, and after a moment's hesitation Chan and the secretary picked up the frail body of Louie Wong. Slowly Bob Eden followed that odd procession. In the living-room, Madden was talking briskly on the telephone. Presently he hung up the receiver.

      "Nothing to do but wait," he said. "There's a sort of constable in town—he'll be along pretty soon with the coroner. Oh, it's fine business. They'll overrun the place—and I came here for a rest."

      "I suppose you want to know what happened," Eden began. "I met Louie Wong in town, at the Oasis Cafe. Mr. Holley pointed him out to me, and—"

      Madden waved a great hand. "Oh, save all that for some half-witted cop. Fine business, this is."

      He took to pacing the floor like a lion with the toothache. Eden dropped into a chair before the fire. Chan had gone out, and Thorn was sitting silently near by. Madden continued to pace. Bob Eden stared at the blazing logs. What sort of affair had he got into, anyhow? What desperate game was afoot here on Madden's ranch, far out on the lonely desert? He began to wish himself out of it, back in town where the lights were bright and there was no constant undercurrent of hatred and suspicion and mystery.

      He was still thinking in this vein when the clatter of a car sounded in the yard. Madden himself opened the door, and two of Eldorado's prominent citizens entered.

      "Come in, gentlemen," Madden said, amiable with an effort. "Had a little accident out here."

      One of the two, a lean man with a brown, weather-beaten face, stepped forward.

      "Howdy, Mr. Madden, I know you, but you don't know me. I'm Constable Brackett, and this is our coroner, Doctor Simms. A murder, you said on the phone."

      "Well," replied Madden, "I suppose you could call it that. But fortunately no one was hurt. No white man, I mean. Just my old Chink, Louie Wong." Ah Kim had entered in time to hear this speech, and his eyes blazed for a moment as they rested on the callous face of the millionaire.

      "Louie?" said the constable. He went over to the couch. "Why, poor old Louie. Harmless as they come, he was. Can't figure who'd have anything against old Louie."

      The coroner, a brisk young man, also went to the couch and began an examination. Constable Brackett turned to Madden. "Now, we'll make just as little trouble as we can, Mr. Madden," he promised. Evidently he was much in awe of this great man. "But I don't like this. It reflects on me. I got to ask a few questions. You see that, don't you?"

      "Of course," answered Madden. "Fire away. I'm sorry, but I can't tell you a thing. I was in my room when my secretary"—he indicated Thorn—"came in and said that Mr. Eden here had just driven into the yard with the dead body of Louie in the car."

      The constable turned with interest to Eden. "Where'd you find him?" he inquired.

      "He was perfectly all right when I picked him up," Eden explained. He launched into his story—the meeting with Louie at the Oasis, the ride across the desert, the stop at the gate, and finally the gruesome discovery in the yard. The constable shook his head.

      "All sounds mighty mysterious to me," he admitted. "You say you think he was killed while you was openin' the gate. What makes you think so?"

      "He was talking practically all the way out here," Eden replied. "Muttering to himself there in the back seat. I heard him when I got out to unfasten the gate."

      "What was he sayin'?"

      "He was talking in Chinese. I'm sorry, but I'm no sinologue."

      "I ain't accused you of anything, have I?"

      "A sinologue is a man who understands the Chinese language," Bob Eden smiled.

      "Oh." The constable scratched his head. "This here secretary, now—"

      Thorn came forward. He had been in his room, he said, when he heard a disturbance in the yard, and went outside. Absolutely nothing to offer. Bob Eden's glance fell on the tear across the back of Thorn's coat. He looked at Charlie Chan, but the detective shook his head. Say nothing, his eyes directed.

      The constable turned to Madden. "Who else is on the place?" he wanted to know.

      "Nobody but Ah Kim here. He's all right."

      The officer shook his head. "Can't always tell," he averred. "All these tong wars, you know." He raised his voice to a terrific bellow. "Come here, you," he cried.

      Ah Kim, lately Detective-Sergeant Chan of the Honolulu Police, came with expressionless face and stood before the constable. How often he had played the opposite role in such a scene—played it far better than this mainland officer ever would.

      "Ever see this Louie Wong before?" thundered the constable.

      "Me, boss? No, boss, I no see 'um."

      "New round here, ain't you?"

      "Come las' Fliday, boss."

      "Where did you work before this?"

      "All place, boss. Big town, litta town."
