The Greatest Works of Earl Derr Biggers (Illustrated Edition). Earl Derr Biggers. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Earl Derr Biggers
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Книги для детей: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027220199
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remember now."

      "You know this McGuire?" inquired Chan quickly.

      "I met him, long ago," Holley replied. "The first night I brought Mr. Eden out here to the ranch, he asked me if I'd ever seen P.J. Madden before. I said that twelve years ago I saw Madden in a gambling house on East Forty-fourth Street, New York, dolled up like a prince and betting his head off. Madden himself remembered the occasion when I spoke to him about it."

      "But McGuire?" Chan wanted to know.

      "I recall now that the name of the man who ran that gambling house was Jack McGuire. Honest Jack, he had the nerve to call himself. It was a queer joint—that was later proved. But Jack McGuire was Delaney's old friend—he gave Jerry a watch as a token of their friendship. Gentlemen, this is interesting. McGuire's gambling house on Forty-fourth Street comes back into the life of P.J. Madden."

      Chapter XV. Will Holley's Theory

       Table of Contents

      When the bag was completely repacked and again securely locked, Bob Eden climbed with it to the dusty attic. He reappeared, the trap-door was closed and the stepladder removed. The three men faced one another, pleased with their morning's work.

      "It's after twelve," said Holley. "I must hurry back to town."

      "About to make heartfelt suggestion you remain at lunch," remarked Chan.

      Holley shook his head. "That's kind of you, Charlie, but I wouldn't think of it. You must be about fed-up on this cooking proposition, and I won't spoil your first chance for a little vacation. You take my advice, and make Eden rustle his own grub today."

      Chan nodded. "True enough that I was planning a modest repast," he returned. "Cooking business begins to get tiresome like the company of a Japanese. However, fitting punishment for a postman who walks another man's beat. If Mr. Eden will pardon, I relax to the extent of sandwiches and tea this noon."

      "Sure," said Eden. "We'll dig up something together. Holley, you'd better change your mind."

      "No," replied Holley. "I'm going to town and make a few inquiries. Just by way of substantiating what we found here today. If Jerry Delaney came out here last Wednesday, he must have left some sort of trail through the town. Some one may have seen him. Was he alone? I'll speak to the boys at the gas station, the hotel proprietor—"

      "Humbly suggest utmost discretion," said Chan.

      "Oh, I understand the need of that. But there's really no danger. Madden has no connection whatever with the life of the town. He won't hear of it. Just the same, I'll be discretion itself. Trust me. I'll come out here again later in the day."

      When he had gone, Chan and Eden ate a cold lunch in the cookhouse, and resumed their search. Nothing of any moment rewarded their efforts, however. At four that afternoon Holley drove into the yard. With him was a lean, sad-looking youth whom Eden recognized as the real-estate salesman of Date City.

      As they entered the room, Chan withdrew, leaving Eden to greet them. Holley introduced the youth as Mr. DeLisle.

      "I've met DeLisle," smiled Bob Eden. "He tried to sell me a corner lot on the desert."

      "Yeah," said Mr. DeLisle. "And some day, when the United Cigar Stores and Woolworth are fighting for that stuff, you'll kick yourself up and down every hill in Frisco. However, that's your funeral."

      "I brought Mr. DeLisle along," explained Holley, "because I want you to hear the story he's just told me. About last Wednesday night."

      "Mr. DeLisle understands that this is confidential—" began Eden.

      "Oh, sure," said the young man. "Will's explained all that. You needn't worry. Madden and I ain't exactly pals—not after the way he talked to me."

      "You saw him last Wednesday night?" Eden suggested.

      "No, not that night. It was somebody else I saw then. I was out here at the development until after dark, waiting for a prospect—he never showed up, the lowlife. Anyhow, along about seven o'clock, just as I was closing up the office, a big sedan stopped out in front. I went out. There was a little guy driving and another man in the back seat. 'Good evening,' said the little fellow. 'Can you tell me, please, if we're on the road to Madden's ranch?' I said sure, to keep right on straight. The man in the back spoke up. 'How far is it?' he wants to know. 'Shut up, Jerry,' says the little guy. 'I'll attend to this.' He shifted the gears, and then he got kind of literary. 'And an highway shall be there and a way,' he says. 'Not any too clearly defined, Isaiah.' And he drove off. Now why do you suppose he called me Isaiah?"

      Eden smiled. "Did you get a good look at him?"

      "Pretty good, considering the dark. A thin pale man with sort of grayish lips—no color in them at all. Talked kind of slow and precise—awful neat English, like he was a professor or something."

      "And the man in the back seat?"

      "Couldn't see him very well."

      "Ah, yes. And when did you meet Madden?"

      "I'll come to that. After I got home I began to think—Madden was out at the ranch, it seemed. And I got a big idea. Things ain't been going so well here lately—Florida's been nabbing all the easy—all the good prospects—and I said to myself, how about Madden? There's big money. Why not try and interest Madden in Date City? Get him behind it. Worth a shot anyhow. So bright and early Thursday morning, I came out to the ranch."

      "About what time?"

      "Oh, it must have been a little after eight. I'm full of pep at that hour of the day, and I knew I'd need it. I knocked at the front door, but nobody answered. I tried it—it was locked. I came around to the back and the place was deserted. Not a soul in sight."

      "Nobody here," repeated Eden, wonderingly.

      "Not a living thing but the chickens and the turkeys. And the Chinese parrot, Tony. He was sitting on his perch. 'Hello, Tony,' I said. 'You're a damn crook,' he answers. Now I ask you, is that any way to greet a hardworking, honest real-estate man? Wait a minute—don't try to be funny."

      "I won't," Eden laughed. "But Madden—"

      "Well, just then Madden drove into the yard with that secretary of his. I knew the old man right away from his pictures. He looked tired and ugly, and he needed a shave. 'What are you doing here?' he wanted to know. 'Mr. Madden,' I said, 'have you ever stopped to consider the possibilities of this land round here?' And I waltzed right into my selling talk. But I didn't get far. He stopped me, and then he started. Say—the things he called me. I'm not used to that sort of thing—abuse by an expert, and that's what it was. I saw his psychology was all wrong, so I walked out on him. That's the best way—when the old psychology ain't working."

      "And that's all?" Eden inquired.

      "That's my story, and I'll stick to it," replied Mr. DeLisle.

      "I'm very much obliged," Eden said. "Of course, this is all between ourselves. And I may add that if I ever do decide to buy a lot on the desert—"

      "You'll consider my stuff, won't you?"

      "I certainly will. Just at present, the desert doesn't look very good to me."

      Mr. DeLisle leaned close. "Whisper it not in Eldorado," he said. "I sometimes wish I was back in good old Chi myself. If I ever hit the Loop again, I'm going to nail myself down there."

      "If you'll wait outside a few minutes, DeLisle—" Holley began.

      "I get you. I'll just mosey down to the development and see if the fountain's working. You can pick me up there."

      The young man went out. Chan came quickly from behind a near-by door.

      "Get all that Charlie?" Eden inquired.

      "Yes, indeed. Most interesting."

      "We move right on," said Holley. "Jerry