The Infinite Energy of Mind. Charles Fillmore. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Charles Fillmore
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Сделай Сам
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4064066051488
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him, that he who loveth God love his brother also.

      Love Demonstrated

       (To be used in connection with Lesson Twelve)

      1. "God is love; and he that abideth in love abideth in God."

      2. I dwell consciously in the very presence of infinite


      3. God is love, and everyone that loves is born of God.

      4. I am born of love.

      5. "Love . . . is the fulfillment of the law."

      6. I love everybody and everything.

      7. Faith works by love.

      8. I have faith in the supreme power of love.

      9. God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

      10. I am fearless, powerful, and wise in God's love.

      11. "Behold what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called children of God."

      12. I love the Lord my God with all my heart, and with all my mind, and with all my soul, and with all my strength.

      13. "But now abideth faith, hope, love, these three; and the greatest of these is love."

      Study Helps and Questions

       Table of Contents

      These study helps and questions have been arranged for the convenience of students, whether they are working in class or in the privacy of their own homes. A careful comparison of the students' answers with the text will show how far they have progressed in their study.

      Lesson I--The True Character Of Being

      1. Is there anything scientific about Spirit? Give reasons for your answer.

      2. Is it necessary for man's spiritual consciousness to be awake in the beginning of his study of spiritual science? In what attitude should one study?

      3. What attitude precedes inspiration of spiritual consciousness? May a certain amount of intellectual study


      4. What is the starting point in spiritual attainment? What is the Almighty? How does man understand the Almighty?

      5. What is one of the most important things that a student of spiritual science can learn? Why?

      6. What is the way out of confusion? How does it differ from "blind belief"?

      7. How does one get at the very heart of Being?

      8. Where is the abode of the Father?

      9. Explain God as immanent in the universe. How does this understanding differ from the old idea of God?

      10. Does the Power that creates and sustains the universe include man? What is the key to the whole situation?

      11. Define Spirit, and explain how it dwells in us.

      12. What do we mean by studying "Mind back of nature"?

      13. What is man's inheritance, and how can he perpetually draw upon it?

      14. What is life in Being?

      15. What is the real of the universe? What is practical Christianity?

      16. Where should the student start his investigations? Why?

      17. What is the point of contact between man and the perfect Mind?

      18. What does the parable of the prodigal son typify?

      19. Why should the student never be discouraged?

      20. Can Truth be imparted? Why?

      21. Sum up, in a concise manner, the vital points of this chapter.

      Lesson II--Being's Perfect Idea

      1. What is spiritual Truth? How does the one Mind create? What is the Logos?

      2. What is the law of divine creation?

      3. Do the supplications of man change the law of God? Explain.

      4. What is the key to our understanding of Divine Mind? Can man come to understand himself or the universe in any other way?

      5. Is it important to understand mind and its laws? Why?

      6. What is man from the viewpoint of Being?

      7. Explain the Trinity and man's place in it.

      8. What is the demand of the present age regarding spiritual ideals?

      9. What are the three essentials to perfect manhood? What determines the degree to which any one or all of these phases may be expressd?

      10. What position does man occupy in relation to God? Is it imperative that man understand this relationship?

      11. Is the same faculty required to discern the Christ today that was required in the time of Jesus? If so, what is it?

      12. Is it possible for man today to be divinely guided? How is divine guidance brought about?

      13. Explain the law of attraction, as applied to mind and ideas.

      14. What authority does man require for thinking or speaking beyond prescribed standards?

      15. Through what phase of mind do we commune with God?

      16. Explain the difference between perceiving and demonstrating one's spiritual sonship. What is the first birth?

      17. Explain the first birth; the second birth.

      18. What is it to be "born from above"?

      19. Explain Jesus' relationship to the Father, and how it was developed.

      20. Why does man invent mechanical devices? How will he attain the satisfaction that he seeks in these things?

      21. How is the Christ Mind brought into manifestation in the individual?

      Lesson III-Manifestation

      1. What characterizes Christianity as a science?

      2. What will bridge the gulf between spiritual and material science?

      3. Should the Scriptures be considered allegorical?

      4. When read in the light of Spirit, what does the 1st chapter of Genesis portray? What is meant by the words, "and God . . . rested from all his work"?

      5. How is the apparent contradiction between the 1st and 2d chapters of Genesis explained?

      6. What do the six days of creation mean? How shall we attain the Truth that Jesus said would make us free?

      7. How does all creation become harmonious and orderly to man?

      8. Describe the difference between the I AM man and the I will man. How was man driven out of Eden?

      9. What is the physical body, and how is it formed?

      10. What will a right idea of the character and origin of the body do for one?

      11. Where does the resurrection begin, and what takes place?

      12. How shall we get back to the "Father's house"?

      13. Where do our dreams, visions, and spiritual experiences come from?

      14. How shall we enter into the dominion of the "kingdom" within us?

      15. Explain man's true identity?
