English Synonyms and Antonyms. James Champlin Fernald. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: James Champlin Fernald
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664653567
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accessory, addition, appurtenance, concomitant,
accompaniment, adjunct, attachment, extension,
addendum, appendix, auxiliary, supplement.

      An adjunct (something joined to) constitutes no real part of the thing or system to which it is joined, tho perhaps a valuable addition; an appendage is commonly a real, tho not an essential or necessary part of that with which it is connected; an appurtenance belongs subordinately to something by which it is employed, especially as an instrument to accomplish some purpose. A horse's tail is at once an ornamental appendage and a useful appurtenance; we could not call it an adjunct, tho we might use that word of his iron shoes. An attachment in machinery is some mechanism that can be brought into optional connection with the principal movement; a hemmer is a valuable attachment of a sewing-machine. An extension, as of a railroad or of a franchise, carries out further something already existing. We add an appendix to a book, to contain names, dates, lists, etc., which would encumber the text; we add a supplement to supply omissions, as, for instance, to bring it up to date. An appendix may be called an addendum; but addendum may be used of a brief note, which would not be dignified by the name of appendix; such notes are often grouped as addenda. An addition might be matter interwoven in the body of the work, an index, plates, editorial notes, etc., which might be valuable additions, but not[54] within the meaning of appendix or supplement. Compare ACCESSORY; AUXILIARY.


main body, original, total, whole.


      That which is thought of as added we call an appendage to; that which is looked upon as an integral part is called an appendage of.

       Table of Contents


appetency, impulse, lust, propensity,
craving, inclination, passion, relish,
desire, liking, proclivity, thirst,
disposition, longing, proneness, zest.

      Appetite is used only of the demands of the physical system, unless otherwise expressly stated, as when we say an appetite for knowledge; passion includes all excitable impulses of our nature, as anger, fear, love, hatred, etc. Appetite is thus more animal than passion; and when we speak of passions and appetites as conjoined or contrasted, we think of the appetites as wholly physical and of the passions as, in part at least, mental or spiritual. We say an appetite for food, a passion for fame. Compare DESIRE.


antipathy, detestation, dislike, distaste, indifference, repugnance,
aversion, disgust, disrelish, hatred, loathing, repulsion.

      Compare ANTIPATHY.


      He had an insatiable appetite for the marvellous.

       Table of Contents


allot, appropriate, deal, distribute, grant,
appoint, assign, dispense, divide, share.

      To allot or assign may be to make an arbitrary division; the same is true of distribute or divide. That which is apportioned is given by some fixed rule, which is meant to be uniform and fair; as, representatives are apportioned among the States according to population. To dispense is to give out freely; as, the sun dispenses light and heat. A thing is appropriated to or for a specific purpose (to which it thus becomes proper, in the original sense of being its own); money appropriated by Congress for one purpose can not be expended for any other. One may apportion what he only holds in trust; he shares what is his own. Compare ALLOT.[55]


cling to, consolidate, gather together, receive,
collect, divide arbitrarily, keep together, retain.


      Apportion to each a fair amount; apportion the property among the heirs, between two claimants; apportion according to numbers, etc.

       Table of Contents



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