British Pomology. Robert Hogg. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert Hogg
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664606969
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of Contents

       Synonyme.—Fall Pippin, Coxe. View, 109, Down. Fr. Amer. 84.

      Fruit, large, three inches and a quarter wide, and two inches and three quarters high; roundish, ribbed on the sides, and almost the same width at the apex as the base. Skin, yellow tinged with green, and strewed with brown dots on the shaded side; but with a tinge of brown, and numerous embedded pearly specks on the side next the sun. Eye, large and open, with broad, flat segments, set in a wide, deep, and rather angular basin. Stalk, three quarters of an inch long, inserted in a rather shallow cavity, which is slightly marked with russet. Flesh, yellowish, slightly tinged with green at the margin, tender, juicy, sugary, slightly perfumed, and pleasantly flavoured.

      Unlike the majority of American Apples, this comes to great perfection in this country, and is a valuable and first-rate culinary apple. It is ripe in October and will last till Christmas.


      This is the true Fall Pippin of the American orchards, and a very different variety from the Fall Pippin of this country, which is known by the names of Cobbett’s Fall Pippin, and Reinette Blanche d’Espagne.


       Table of Contents

       Identification.—Ken. Amer. Or. 1. Hort Soc. Cat. ed. 3. Down. Fr. Amer. 70.

       Synonyme.—Early Summer Pearmain, Coxe. View, 104.

      Fruit, medium sized; oblong, regularly and handsomely shaped. Skin, yellow, covered with patches and streaks of light red, on the shaded side; and streaked with fine bright red, interspersed with markings of yellow on the side next the sun. Eye, set in a wide and deep basin. Stalk, slender, inserted in a round and deep cavity. Flesh, yellow, very tender, rich, and pleasantly flavored.

      An excellent early apple, either for dessert or kitchen use. It is ripe in the end of August, and will keep till the end of September.

      The tree is a healthy grower, a prolific bearer, and succeeds well on light soils.

      6. API.—Duh.

       Table of Contents

       Identification.—Duh. Arb. Fr. I. 309. Quint. Traité, 1, 202.

       Synonymes.—Lady Apple, Coxe. View, 117. Down. Fr. Amer. 115. Pomme d’Apict, Inst. Arb. Fr. 154. Pomme Appease, Worl. Vin. 165. L’Api, Bret. Ecole. II. 478. Pomme d’Apis, Knoop. Pom. 68, t. xii. Api Rouge, Poit. Pom. Franç. t. 113. Pomme d’Api, Fors. Treat. 121. Petit Api Rouge, Nois. Jard. Fr. ed. 2, pl. 105. Api Petit, Hort. Soc. Cat. ed. 3, n. 11. Pomme Rose, Acc. Hort. Soc. Cat.erroneously. Pomme Dieu and Long Bois, in some provinces of France. Kleine Api Apfel, Christ. Handb. ed. 2, n. 145. Der Jungfernapfel, Christ Handworter, 17. Der Einfache, der Welsche Api, Ibid. Bollen oder Traubenapfel, Ibid. Api Roesje, Ibid. Appius Claudius, Evelyn. Fr. Gard. 124. Malus Apiosa, Hort. Par.

       Figures.—Duh. Arb. Fr. I. pl. ix. Brook. Pom. Brit. pl. lxxxvii. f. 1. Jard. fruit, ed. 2, pl. 105. Ron. Pyr. Mal. pl. xxxii. f. 1.

      Fruit, small; oblate. Skin, thick, smooth, and shining, yellowish green in the shade, changing to pale yellow as it attains maturity; and deep glossy red, approaching to crimson, on the side next the sun. Eye, small, set in a rather deep and plaited basin. Stalk, short, and deeply inserted. Flesh, white, crisp, tender, sweet, very juicy, and slightly perfumed.

      A beautiful little dessert apple in use from October to April.

      It should be eaten with the skin on, as it is there that the perfume is contained. The skin is very sensitive of shade, and any device may be formed upon it, by causing pieces of paper, in the form of the design required, to adhere on the side exposed to the sun, before it has attained its deep red color.


      The tree is of a pyramidal habit of growth, healthy, and an abundant bearer. It succeeds well in almost any situation, provided the soil is rich, loamy, and not too light or dry; and may be grown with equal success either on the doucin, or crab stock. When worked on the French paradise it is well adapted for pot culture. The fruit is firmly attached to the spurs and forcibly resists the effects of high winds.