British Pomology. Robert Hogg. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Robert Hogg
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664606969
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already mentioned, I am particularly indebted for the liberal way in which he has always supplied me with any information I required. To the late Mr. John Ronalds, of Brentford, for the free use of his valuable collection; as also to his excellent and much respected foreman, Mr. William Waring. To Mr. James Lake, nurseryman, of Bridgewater, for specimens of, and communications respecting the fruits of the Somerset, Devon, and West of England orchards. To Mr. William Fairbread, of Green-street, near Sittingbourne, for those of the great orchard districts of Kent. To Mr. Mannington, of Uckfield, and Mr. Henry Barton, of Heathfield, Sussex, for the fruits of these neighbourhoods. To Mr. J. C. Wheeler, of Gloucester, and the late Mr. Hignell, orchardist, of Tewkesbury. To George Jefferies, Esq., of Marlborough Terrace, Kensington, for some of the valuable fruits of Norfolk; and to the Rev. Henry Manton, of Sleaford. To Mr. Roger Hargreave, of Lancaster, for a complete collection from the Lancashire orchards. To Archibald Turnbull, Esq., of Belwood, near Perth, whose choice and extensive collection, was freely placed at my disposal. To Mr. A. Gorrie, of Annat, and Robert Mathew, Esq., of Gourdiehill, in the Carse of Gowrie, for much valuable information, and specimens of the fruits of that great orchard district of the North. To Mr. Evans, superintendent of the Caledonian Horticultural Society’s Garden, Edinburgh, for much valuable assistance derived from a free inspection of the collection of the Society. To my brother, Mr. Thomas Hogg, of Coldstream, for the fruits of the Tweedside orchards, and to numerous nurserymen and private individuals, who have aided me in the prosecution of this work, I now tender my warmest and heartfelt thanks.

      R. H.

      13, Gilston Road, Brompton,

       Dec., 1851.


       Table of Contents

       Aber. Dict.—The Universal Gardener and Botanist; or a General Dictionary of Gardening and Botany, by John Abercrombie, 1 vol. 4to., London, 1778.

       Aber. Gard. Dict.—See Aber. Dict.

       Acc, or acc.—When this abbreviation is prefixed to a citation, it signifies according to, or on the authority of, as acc Hort Soc. Cat, according to, or on the authority of the Horticultural Society’s Catalogue.

       Aldro. Dend.—Ulyssis Aldrovandi, Dendrologiæ naturalis scilicet Arborum Historiæ libri duo. Sylva Glandaria, Acinosumque Pomarium. 1 vol. fol. Bononiæ, 1668.

       Ang. Obs.—Observations sur L’Agriculture, et Le Jardinage, pour servir d’instruction à ceux qui desireront s’y rendre habiles, par Angran de Rueneuve. 2 vols. 12mo., Paris, 1712.

       Aust. Orch.—A Treatise of Fruit Trees, shewing the manner of Grafting, Planting, Pruning, and Ordering of them, in all respects, according to new and easy rules of Experience, &c. &c., by Ralph Austen. 1 vol. 4to., Oxford, 1657.

       Aust. Treat.—See Aust. Orch.

       Bauh. Hist.—Historia Plantarum universalis, Johanno Bauhino. 3 vols. fol. Ebroduni. i and ii. 1650, iii. 1651.

       Baum. Cat.—Catalogue général des Végétaux de pleine terre, disponsibles dans l’etablishment horticole d’Aug. Nap. Baumann à Bolwyller, 1850–51.

       Bon. Jard.—Le Bon Jardinier almanach pour l’année, 1843. Paris.

       Booth Cat.—A Catalogue of Fruit Trees cultivated by G. Booth, Hamburg.

       Brad. Fam. Dict.—Dictionaire Oeconomique; or Family Dictionary, &c. &c., by Richard Bradley. 2 vols. fol. London, 1725.

       Brad. Treat.—A General Treatise of Husbandry and Gardening, by Richard Bradley. 3 vols. 8vo., London, 1721–1722.

       Bret. Ecole.—L’Ecole du Jardin Fruitier, par M. de la Bretonnerie. 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1784.

       Brook. Pom. Brit.—Pomona Britannica; or a collection of the most established fruits at present cultivated in Great Britain, &c., by George Brookshaw. 1 vol. fol. London, 1812.

       Caled. Hort. Soc. Mem.—Memoirs of the Caledonian Horticultural Society, 8vo. Edinburgh, vol. I. 1819, et seq.

       Cal. Traité. —Traité complet sur les Pépiniers &c., par Etienne Calvel. ed. 2, 3 vols. 12mo., Paris. N. D.

       Chart. Cat.—Catalogue des Arbres à Fruits les plus excellent, les plus rares, et les plus estimés, qui se cultivent dans les pépiniers des Révérendes Peres Chartreux de Paris. 1 vol. 12mo., Paris, 1775.

       Christ Gartenb.—Allgemein-practisches Gartenbuch für Bürger und Landmann über den Küchen-und Obstgarten, von Dr. Joh. Ludw. Christ. 1 vol. 8vo. Heilbronn, 1814.

       Christ Handb.—Handbuch uber die Obstbaumzucht und Obstlehre, &c., von Joh. Ludw. Christ. 1 vol. 8vo., Frankfurt a M., ed. 1, 1794; ed. 2, 1797; ed. 3, 1804; ed 4, 1817.

       Christ Handworter.—Pomologisches Theoretisch-practisches Handworterbuch, &c. von Joh. Ludw. Christ. 1 vol 4to. Leipzig, 1802.

       Christ Vollst. Pom.—Vollständige Pomologie &c. &c. von Joh. Ludw. Christ. 2 vols. 8vo., Frankfurt, 1809.

       Coles Adam in Eden.—Adam in Eden, or Nature’s Paradise. The History of Plants, Fruits, and Flowers, by William Coles. 1 vol. fol., London, 1657.

       Cord. Hist.—Valerii Cordi Historiæ Stirpium Libri iv. 1 vol. fol., Argentorati, 1561.

       Cours Comp. d.Agric.—Nouveau Cours complet d’Agriculture, par M. M. Thouin, Parmentier, Bosc, Chaptal, &c. &c., 16 vols. 8vo., Paris, 1823.

       Coxe View.—A View of the cultivation of Fruit Trees in the United States, and of the management of Orchards and Cyder, by William Coxe, 1 vol. 8vo., Philadelphia, 1817.

       Coxe Cult.—See Coxe View.

       Curtius Hort.—Hortorum Libri xxx, auctore Benedicto Curtio. 1 vol. fol., Lugduni 1560.

       Dahuron Traité.—Traité de la taille des Arbres Fruitiers, et de la maniere de les bien elever, par Renè Dahuron. 1 vol. 12mo., Cell, 1699.

       Dec. Prod.—Prodromus Systematis Naturalis Regni Vegetablis. Aug. Pyr. Decandolle, 8vo., Paris, vol. 1, 1824, et seq.

       Diel Kernobst.—Versuch einer systematischen Beschreibung in Deutschland vorhandener Kernobstsorten, von Dr. Aug. Fried. Adr. Diel. 21 Hfte 8vo., Frankfurt a M., 1799–1819. 6 Bdchn, Stuttgart, 1821.-1832.

       Ditt. Handb.—Systematisches Handbuch der Obstkunde, von J. G. Dittrich. 3 vols. 8vo., Jena, 1839–1841.

       Doch. Centralobst.—Die Allgemeine Centralobstbaumschule, irhe Zwecke und Einrichtung von F. J. Dochnahl. 1 vol. 8vo., Jena, 1848.

       Down. Fr. Amer.—The Fruit and Fruit Trees of America; or the culture and management in the garden and orchard of Fruit Trees generally, by A. J. Downing. 1 vol. 8vo., New York, 1845.

       Duh. Arb. Fruit.—Traité des Arbres Fruitiers; contenant leur figure, leur description, leur culture &c., par Henri Louis Duhamel du Monceau. 2 vols. 4to Paris, 1768.

       Ellis Mod. Husb.—The Modern Husbandman, or the Practice of Farming, by William Ellis. 8 vols. 8vo., London, 1744–1747.

       Evelyn Fr. Gard.—The French Gardiner; instructing how to cultivate all sorts of Fruit Trees and Herbs for the garden, &c., by John Evelyn, Esq. Ed. 3, 1 vol. 12mo., London, 1672.

       Evelyn Pom.—Pomona: or an appendix