FRANK & DICK MERRIWELL – Ultimate Crime & Mystery Collection: 20+ Books in One Volume (Illustrated). Gilbert Patten. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Gilbert Patten
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788075831675
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We want you to come, and all the fellows are saying it is not like you to win a few dollars and then stay away. I have told them over and over that I do not believe you are staying away because you are afraid I will win the money back. You're not that kind of a fellow."

      At that moment Snell seemed very sincere, and Frank said:

      "Thank you. I am glad to know you do not believe such a thing possible of me. Still, I shall not come."

      "Oh, yes you will!" laughed Wat. "It can't be that you're afraid of being caught. If anybody says so, I'll swear I know better. You have nerve enough not to care for that. Come around to-night. We'll look for you."

      Snell hurried away, knowing full well that he had said things which must worry Merriwell, if they did not drive him into coming to the midnight card parties.

      Wat was right. Frank was worried not a little, for he could not bear to fancy that some of the boys thought him mean in staying away. Hodge saw Merriwell was troubled, but the dark-haired boy remained silent.

      In the meantime, finding Hodge would do nothing to bring Merriwell round. Gage and Snell tried their best to make friends with Hans Dunnerwust and Barney Mulloy, as these boys were particular friends of Merriwell's, and might be induced to use some influence over him.

      Barney, however, was wary. He did not fancy either Gage or Snell, and he repulsed their advances.

      To Hans, the temptation of a midnight supper on cakes and pies was too much to resist, and he was added to the circle that gathered in the room of the suicide.

      Hans could play poker, and the game being made small enough to suit him, he came in and won about two dollars, which made him swell up like a toad, and declared:

      "Uf you poys know some games vot I can play petter as dot boker, shust you name him, und I vill do you at dot. Oh, I vose a dandy on trucks, ain'd it? Shust keep your eye on me, und I vill learn some tricks vot you don'd know alretty yet."

      Snell did his best to make Hans believe he was a great favorite, and then he told him how Frank had won the only time he had appeared in the game, and had never come around since.

      "Some of the fellows seem to think he is afraid I will win the money back," said Wat; "but I don't take any stock in that, for Merriwell's not that kind of a fellow. Still, I don't like to have such ideas concerning him get into circulation."

      "Dot vos vere I vos righdt," nodded Hans. "He don't peen dot kindt uf a feller ad all, you pet me my shirt! Dot Vrankie Merrivell vos a taisy, undt he don'd peen afrait a show to gif anypody. You vait till I tell him vot dose fellers say. I pet me your life he vill gome aroundt bretty kuveek righdt avay."

      "Oh, don't say anything about it!" exclaimed Snell, as if he really wished Hans to keep silent. "Merriwell knows his business. His friends will stand up for him, no matter what others may say."

      "Vell, I vos going to toldt him dot shust der same. Uf he don'd peen aroundt here der next dime, I don'd know der kindt uv a feller vot he vos peen yet avile."

      "Well, don't mention that I said anything. He might fancy I thought him afraid to come round."

      "I don'd call your name at all, don'd you let me vorry apout dot."

      Snell knew the Dutch boy would lose little time in communicating with Frank, and he was right. Hans did not see that Frank was little like his usual jovial self, and he did not know in what a turbulent state of mind the unfortunate plebe was left.

      Bart was not a little worried over Frank, for he saw how the lad had changed in a short time, but he hoped that Merriwell would come round in time, and be his old jolly self.

      That evening, a short while before taps, Frank asked:

      "I suppose it is another card party to-night?"

      "Yes," replied Bart, "a few of us are going to get together."

      "Will Snell be there?"

      "I presume so."

      No more was said. Bart rose and slipped out of the room at the usual time, thinking Frank was asleep.

      But Frank was not asleep, and Hodge was scarcely gone when he, too, arose and began to arrange a dummy in his bed.



       Table of Contents

      The little party of card players was expectantly awaiting the appearance of Bartley Hodge.

      There was to be no feast this night—nothing but cigarettes and draw poker.

      Hodge appeared at last, and he brought a disappointment to at least two of the party, for Frank Merriwell was not with him.

      Leslie Gage and Wat Snell exchanged glances that were full of meaning.

      Sam Winslow was on guard outside, it being his turn to fill that unenviable position.

      "Hello, Hodge," saluted Harvey Dare. "Now we are ready to proceed to business."

      "Dot vas righdt," nodded Hans Dunnerwust, who was on hand. "I vos goin' to smoke cigarreds to-nighd dill I vos sick, und haf a pully dime."

      "Why doesn't Merriwell ever show up again?" asked Leslie Gage.

      "That's it," joined in Wat Snell, "why doesn't he come round and give a fellow a show to win back some of that money he won off us? Is he afraid?"

      "You know well enough that Frank Merriwell is not afraid," said Bart, quickly.

      "Well, it looks that way," declared Leslie.

      "Yes, it looks that way," echoed Wat.

      "Possibly he has too much sense to spend his nights here," said Hodge. "If I had known that much, I wouldn't have gone back a class. Merriwell is in the first section, and he is making right along."

      "Well, he is a different fellow than I thought he was," asserted Snell. "Until lately, he has seemed quite a fellow for sport, but he is degenerating into a drone."

      "Such drones are the fellows who get along well in school and in the world."

      "Bah! Give me a fellow with blood in him!" came contemptuously from Gage.

      Leslie had grown desperate, having come to the conclusion that Frank was not to be cajoled into playing poker any more. He now determined, of a sudden, that he would take another tack, and see if he could not anger Merriwell into coming.

      Hodge remembered that Gage had tried to injure Frank in the past, and the dark-eyed plebe was ready to blaze forth in an instant. Although he did not know it, Gage was treading on the very thin crust that covered a smoldering volcano.

      Leslie was not warned by the fire that gleamed in Bart's eyes, for he continued:

      "If Merriwell persists in staying away—if he does not show up and give Snell a chance to get square, he is——"

      A knock at the door!

      It was the regular signal for admittance, and so, after the first start of alarm, George Harris said:

      "Open up quickly. It must be Sam, and, if so, there's something wrong in the wind."

      Wat Snell opened the door, and, to their amazement, into the room stepped Frank Merriwell!

      It was with difficulty that the boys suppressed a shout of welcome.

      Snell quickly closed the door, and then the boys rushed at Frank and shook his hand delightedly.

      "You're a sight for sore eyes!" exclaimed Wat Snell, joyously.

      "Dot vos so!" agreed Hans. "You vould peen a sighd for a plind man!"

      "I will take back anything I said, and swallow what I was going to say," came from Leslie Gage. "I didn't think it could be possible you wouldn't come round again, old man."