Public Speaking: Principles and Practice. Irvah Lester Winter. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Irvah Lester Winter
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664604248
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taken from the excellent fifteen volume collection, "Modern Eloquence," by an arrangement with Geo. L. Shuman and Company, Chicago, publishers. In the first three volumes of this collection will be found many other attractive after-dinner speeches.



       Table of Contents

      PART ONE



       Establishing the Tone

       Vocal Flexibility

       The Formation of Words

       Making the Point

       Indicating Values and Relations

       Expressing the Feeling

       Showing the Picture

       Expression by Action


       The Formal Address

       The Public Lecture

       The Informal Discussion

       Argumentative Speech

       The After-Dinner Speech

       The Occasional Poem

       The Making of the Speech

      PART TWO



       O Scotia!…………………….. Robert Burns O Rome! My Country!……………. Lord Byron Ring Out, Wild Bells!………….. Alfred Lord Tennyson Roll On, Thou Deep!……………. Lord Byron Thou Too, Sail On!…………….. Henry W. Longfellow O Tiber, Father Tiber!…………. Lord Macaulay Marullus to the Roman Citizens….. William Shakespeare The Recessional……………….. Rudyard Kipling The Cradle of Liberty………….. Daniel Webster The Impeachment of Warren Hastings. Edmund Burke Bunker Hill…………………… Daniel Webster The Gettysburg Address…………. Abraham Lincoln


       Cćsar, the Fighter…………….. Henry W. Longfellow Official Duty…………………. Theodore Roosevelt Look Well to your Speech……….. George Herbert Palmer Hamlet to the Players………….. William Shakespeare Bellario's Letter……………… William Shakespeare Casca, Speaking of Cćsar……….. William Shakespeare Squandering of the Voice……….. Henry Ward Beecher The Training of the Gentleman…… William J. Tucker


       Brutus to the Roman Citizens……. William Shakespeare The Precepts of Polonius……….. William Shakespeare The High Standard……………… Lord Rosebery On Taxing the Colonies…………. Edmund Burke Justifying the President……….. John C. Spooner Britain and America……………. John Bright


       King Robert of Sicily………….. Henry W. Longfellow Laying the Atlantic Cable………. James T. Fields O'Connell, the Orator………….. Wendell Phillips Justification for Impeachment…… Edmund Burke Wendell Phillips, the Orator……. George William Curtis On the Disposal of Public Lands…. Robert Y. Hayne The Declaration of Independence…. Abraham Lincoln


       Northern Greeting to Southern Veterans.

       …………………………….. Henry Cabot Lodge Matches and Overmatches………… Daniel Webster The Coalition…………………. Daniel Webster In His Own Defense…………….. Robert Emmet On Resistance to Great Britain….. Patrick Henry Invective against Louis Bonaparte.. Victor Hugo


       Mount, the Doge of Venice!……… Mary Russell Mitford The Revenge…………………… Alfred Lord Tennyson A Vision of War……………….. Robert G. Ingersoll Sunset Near Jerusalem………….. Corwin Knapp Linson A Return in Triumph……………. T. De Witt Talmage A Return in Defeat…………….. Henry W. Grady


       In Our Forefathers' Day………… T. De Witt Talmage Cassius against Cćsar………….. William Shakespeare The Spirit of the South………… Henry W. Grady Something Rankling Here………… Daniel Webster Faith in the People……………. John Bright The French against Hayti……….. Wendell Phillips The Necessity of Force…………. John M. Thurston Against War with Mexico………… Thomas Corwin The Murder of Lovejoy………….. Wendell Phillips


       A Tale of the Plains…………… Theodore Roosevelt Gunga Din…………………….. Rudyard Kipling Address of Sergeant Buzfuz……… Charles Dickens A Natural Philosopher………….. Maccabe Response to a Toast……………. Litchfield Moseley Partridge at the Play………….. Henry Fielding A Man's a Man for a That……….. Robert Burns Artemus Ward's Lecture…………. Charles Farrar Brown Jim Bludso, of the Prairie Belle… John Hay The Trial of Abner Barrow………. Richard Harding Davis




       The Benefits of a College Education Abbott Lawrence Lowell What the College Gives…………. Le Baron Russell Briggs Memorial Day Address…………… John D. Long William McKinley………………. John Hay Robert E. Lee…………………. John W. Daniel Farewell Address to the United States Senate. ………………………………Henry Clay The Death of Garfield………….. James G. Blaine The Second Inaugural Address……. Abraham Lincoln The Death of Prince Albert……… Benjamin Disraeli An Appreciation of Mr. Gladstone… Arthur J. Balfour William E. Gladstone…………… Lord Rosebery The Soldier's Creed……………. Horace Porter Competition in College…………. Abbott Lawrence Lowell


       A Master of the Situation………. James T. Fields Wit and Humor…………………. Minot J. Savage A Message to Garcia……………. Elbert Hubbard Shakespeare's "Mark Antony"…….. Anonymous André and Hale………………… Chauncey M. Depew The Battle of Lexington………… Theodore Parker The Homes of the People………… Henry W. Grady General Ulysses S. Grant……….. Canon G. W. Farrar American Courage………………. Sherman Hoar The Minutemen of the Revolution…. George William Curtis Paul Revere's Ride…………….. George William Curtis The Arts of the Ancients……….. Wendell Phillips A Man without a Country………… Edward Everett Hale The Execution of Rodriguez……… Richard Harding Davis


       The Flood of Books……………..