The Complete Works: Poetry, Plays, Letters and Extensive Biographies. John Keats. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Keats
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788026839675
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my fill of these I popped my Head out just as it began to Dawn – N.B. this Tuesday Morn saw the Sun rise – of which I shall say nothing at present. I felt rather lonely this Morning at Breakfast so I went and unbox’d a Shakspeare— “There’s my Comfort.” I went immediately after Breakfast to Southampton Water where I enquired for the Boat to the Isle of Wight as I intend seeing that place before I settle – it will go at 3, so shall I after having taken a Chop. I know nothing of this place but that it is long – tolerably broad – has bye streets – two or three Churches – a very respectable old Gate with two Lions to guard it. The Men and Women do not materially differ from those I have been in the Habit of seeing. I forgot to say that from dawn till half-past six I went through a most delightful Country – some open Down but for the most part thickly wooded. What surprised me most was an immense quantity of blooming Furze on each side the road cutting a most rural dash. The Southampton water when I saw it just now was no better than a low Water Water which did no more than answer my expectations – it will have mended its Manners by 3. From the Wharf are seen the shores on each side stretching to the Isle of Wight. You, Haydon, Reynolds, etc. have been pushing each other out of my Brain by turns. I have conned over every Head in Haydon’s Picture – you must warn them not to be afraid should my Ghost visit them on Wednesday – tell Haydon to Kiss his Hand at Betty over the Way for me yea and to spy at her for me. I hope one of you will be competent to take part in a Trio while I am away – you need only aggravate your voices a little and mind not to speak Cues and all – when you have said Rum-ti-ti – you must not be rum any more or else another will take up the ti-ti alone and then he might be taken God shield us for little better than a Titmouse. By the by talking of Titmouse Remember me particularly to all my Friends – give my Love to the Miss Reynoldses and to Fanny who I hope you will soon see. Write to me soon about them all – and you George particularly how you get on with Wilkinson’s plan. What could I have done without my Plaid? I don’t feel inclined to write any more at present for I feel rather muzzy – you must be content with this fac simile of the rough plan of Aunt Dinah’s Counterpane.

Your most affectionate BrotherJohn Keats.

      Reynolds shall hear from me soon.

      To John Hamilton Reynolds

Carisbrooke, April 17th .

      My dear Reynolds – Ever since I wrote to my Brothers from Southampton I have been in a taking – and at this moment I am about to become settled – for I have unpacked my books, put them into a snug corner, pinned up Haydon, Mary Queen of Scots, and Milton with his daughters in a row. In the passage I found a head of Shakspeare which I had not before seen. It is most likely the same that George spoke so well of, for I like it extremely. Well – this head I have hung over my Books, just above the three in a row, having first discarded a French Ambassador – now this alone is a good morning’s work. Yesterday I went to Shanklin, which occasioned a great debate in my mind whether I should live there or at Carisbrooke. Shanklin is a most beautiful place – Sloping wood and meadow ground reach round the Chine, which is a cleft between the Cliffs of the depth of nearly 300 feet at least. This cleft is filled with trees and bushes in the narrow part, and as it widens becomes bare, if it were not for primroses on one side, which spread to the very verge of the Sea, and some fishermen’s huts on the other, perched midway in the Balustrades of beautiful green Hedges along their steps down to the sands. But the sea, Jack, the sea – the little waterfall – then the white cliff – then St. Catherine’s Hill— “the sheep in the meadows, the cows in the corn.” Then, why are you at Carisbrooke? say you. Because, in the first place, I should be at twice the Expense, and three times the inconvenience – next that from here I can see your continent – from a little hill close by the whole north Angle of the Isle of Wight, with the water between us. In the 3rd place, I see Carisbrooke Castle from my window, and have found several delightful wood-alleys, and copses, and quick freshes. As for primroses – the Island ought to be called Primrose Island – that is, if the nation of Cowslips agree thereto, of which there are divers Clans just beginning to lift up their heads. Another reason of my fixing is, that I am more in reach of the places around me. I intend to walk over the Island east – West – North – South. I have not seen many specimens of Ruins – I don’t think however I shall ever see one to surpass Carisbrooke Castle. The trench is overgrown with the smoothest turf, and the Walls with ivy. The Keep within side is one Bower of ivy – a colony of Jackdaws have been there for many years. I dare say I have seen many a descendant of some old cawer who peeped through the Bars at Charles the first, when he was there in Confinement. On the road from Cowes to Newport I saw some extensive Barracks, which disgusted me extremely with the Government for placing such a Nest of Debauchery in so beautiful a place. I asked a man on the Coach about this – and he said that the people had been spoiled. In the room where I slept at Newport, I found this on the Window— “O Isle spoilt by the milatary!…”

      The wind is in a sulky fit, and I feel that it would be no bad thing to be the favourite of some Fairy, who would give one the power of seeing how our Friends got on at a Distance. I should like, of all Loves, a sketch of you and Tom and George in ink which Haydon will do if you tell him how I want them. From want of regular rest I have been rather narvus – and the passage in Lear– “Do you not hear the sea?” – has haunted me intensely.


      It keeps eternal whisperings around

      Desolate shores, and with its mighty swell

      Gluts twice ten thousand Caverns, till the spell

      Of Hecate leaves them their old shadowy sound.

      Often ’tis in such gentle temper found,

      That scarcely will the very smallest shell

      Be mov’d for days from where it sometime fell,

      When last the winds of Heaven were unbound.

      O ye! who have your eyeballs vex’d and tir’d,

      Feast them upon the wideness of the Sea;

      O ye! whose Ears are dinn’d with uproar rude,

      Or fed too much with cloying melody —

      Sit ye near some old Cavern’s Mouth, and brood

      Until ye start as if the sea Nymphs quired —

      April 18th.

      Will you have the goodness to do this? Borrow a Botanical Dictionary – turn to the words Laurel and Prunus, show the explanations to your sisters and Mrs. Dilke and without more ado let them send me the Cups Basket and Books they trifled and put off and off while I was in town. Ask them what they can say for themselves – ask Mrs. Dilke wherefore she does so distress me – let me know how Jane has her health – the Weather is unfavourable for her. Tell George and Tom to write. I’ll tell you what – on the 23d was Shakspeare born. Now if I should receive a letter from you and another from my Brothers on that day ’twould be a parlous good thing. Whenever you write say a word or two on some Passage in Shakspeare that may have come rather new to you, which must be continually happening, notwithstanding that we read the same Play forty times – for instance, the following from the Tempest never struck me so forcibly as at present,


      Shall, for the vast of night that they may work,

      All exercise on thee—”

      How can I help bringing to your mind the line —

      In the dark backward and abysm of time —

      I find I cannot exist without Poetry – without eternal Poetry – half the day will not do – the whole of it – I began with a little, but habit has made me a Leviathan. I had become all in a Tremble from not having written anything of late – the Sonnet overleaf did me good. I slept the better last night for it – this Morning, however, I am nearly as bad again. Just now I opened Spenser, and the first Lines I saw were these —

      “The noble heart that harbours virtuous thought,

      And is with child of glorious great intent,

      Can never rest until it forth have brought
