The Complete Works: Poetry, Plays, Letters and Extensive Biographies. John Keats. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Keats
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788026839675
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      Second Captain.

      The Empress greets-


      What of the King?

      First Captain.

      He sole and lone maintains

      A hopeless bustle mid our swarming arms,

      And with a nimble savageness attacks,

      Escapes, makes fiercer onset, then anew

      Eludes death, giving death to most that dare

      Trespass within the circuit of his sword!

      He must by this have fallen. Baldwin is taken;

      And for the Duke of Bretagne, like a stag

      He flies, for the Welsh beagles to hunt down.

      God save the Empress!


      Now our dreaded Queen:

      What message from her Highness?

      Second Captain.

      Royal Maud

      From the throng’d towers of Lincoln hath look’d down,

      Like Pallas from the walls of Ilion,

      And seen her enemies havock’d at her feet.

      She greets most noble Glocester from her heart,

      Intreating him, his captains, and brave knights,

      To grace a banquet. The high city gates

      Are envious which shall see your triumph pass;

      The streets are full of music. -

      Enter Second Knight. -


      Whence come you?

      Second Knight.

      From Stephen, my good Prince,– Stephen!



      Why do you make such echoing of his name?

      Second Knight.

      Because I think, my lord, he is no man,

      But a fierce demon, ‘nointed safe from wounds,

      And misbaptized with a Christian name.


      A mighty soldier!– Does he still hold out?

      Second Knight.

      He shames our victory. His valour still

      Keeps elbow-room amid our eager swords,

      And holds our bladed falchions all aloof-

      His gleaming battle-axe being slaughter-sick,

      Smote on the morion of a Flemish knight,

      Broke short in his hand; upon the which he flung

      The heft away with such a vengeful force,

      It paunch’d the Earl of Chester’s horse, who then

      Spleen-hearted came in full career at him.


      Did no one take him at a vantage then?

      Second Knight.

      Three then with tiger leap upon him flew,

      Whom, with his sword swift-drawn and nimbly held,

      He stung away again, and stood to breathe,

      Smiling. Anon upon him rush’d once more

      A throng of foes, and in this renew’d strife,

      My sword met his and snapp’d off at the hilts.


      Come, lead me to this Mars-and let us move

      In silence, not insulting his sad doom

      With clamorous trumpets. To the Empress bear

      My salutation as befits the time.

      [Exeunt Glocester and Forces.

      Scene III

      The Field of Battle. Enter Stephen unarmed. -


      Another sword! And what if I could seize

      One from Bellona’s gleaming armoury,

      Or choose the fairest of her sheaved spears!

      Where are my enemies? Here, close at hand,

      Here come the testy brood. O for a sword!

      I’m faint-a biting sword! A noble sword!

      A hedge-stake- or a ponderous stone to hurl

      With brawny vengeance, like the labourer Cain.

      Come on! Farewell my kingdom, and all hail

      Thou superb, plumb’d, and helmeted renown,

      All hail-I would not truck this brilliant day

      To rule in Pylos with a Nestor’s beard-

      Come on! -

      Enter De Kaims and Knights, &c. -

      De Kaims.

      Is’t madness, or a hunger after death,

      That makes thee thus unarm’d throw taunts at us?

      Yield, Stephen, or my sword’s point dip in

      The gloomy current of a traitor’s heart.


      Do it, De Kaims, I will not budge an inch.

      De Kaims.

      Yes, of thy madness thou shalt take the meed.


      Darest thou?

      De Kaims.

      How dare, against a man disarm’d?


      What weapons has the lion but himself?

      Come not near me, De Kaims, for by the price

      Of all the glory I have won this day,

      Being a king, I will not yield alive

      To any but the second man of the realm,

      Robert of Glocester.

      De Kaims.

      Thou shalt vail to me.


      Shall I, when I have sworn against it, sir?

      Thou think’st it brave to take a breathing king,

      That, on a court-day bow’d to haughty Maud

      The awed presence-chamber may be bold

      To whisper, there’s the man who took alive

      Stephen-me- prisoner. Certes, De Kaims,

      The ambition is a noble one.

      De Kaims.

      ’Tis true,
