Jimgrim Series. Talbot Mundy. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Talbot Mundy
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027248568
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the Prophet I swear the words are true.”

      But as he is a Sikh, and therefore believes that the prophet of El-Islam was a liar and impostor, with a beard as fit to be dishonored as his fiery creed, perhaps his perjury was scarcely technical. Anyhow, I am not the recording angel. And Grim said, being a more cautious liar than the rest of us:

      “Therefore, O Lion of Petra, mercy is due to the lady Ayisha, seeing that the end in view was good, although the means were questionable.”

      But Jael Higg looked daggers at her lord. She had made up her mind to reduce that establishment by one at least; and Ali Higg, looking in her eyes, read what all polygamous husbands have had to face ever since the day when Abraham was forced to drive out Hagar into the wilderness. So he pronounced one of those Solomon-like judgments that are the secret of a man’s rule over men in that land, granting to each contender the whole of what he asked, yet having his own way in the bargain.

      “I find she is not worthy of death,” he said, “since she played a trick that brought me comfort. Yet I will not endure a woman’s tricks, nor condone the offense. I divorce her. Before witnesses I say she is divorced.”

      It’s a simple affair in that land, isn’t it?

      But there were matters not so simple to attend to, and Grim saw fit to waste no further time.

      “I said I come as a friend,” he resumed.

      “I heard it!” the Lion answered dryly.

      “Without boasting, I have saved you from destruction, while delivering your purchases from El-Kalil. And I have done your name no harm, but good on the country-side.”

      “Allah! How have you saved me from destruction?”

      “By preventing that unwise raid on El-Maan.”

      “Wallahi! Do you think my men could not have accomplished it?”

      “Maybe. Do you think the British would be fools enough to let that go unpunished? The El-Maan people would surely have appealed to them. Aeroplanes would have been sent to bomb you out of Petra. Can you fight aeroplanes?”

      “The British do not pretend to rule on this side of the Jordan,” the Lion retorted.

      “No. Do you want them to pretend to?”

      “Allah forbid!”

      “Then take a friend’s advice, O Ali Higg, and keep the peace here rather than make war.”

      “That is good advice; but will the British make a treaty with me?”

      “No,” Grim answered, smiling. “By that they would recognize you as a ruler, which they will not do until they surely know you rule.”

      “Mashallah! How shall men know that I am a ruler unless I make war and enforce my will?”

      “Have I made war on you?” asked Grim. “Have I disarmed you, or killed one man? Yet I enforce my will, as you shall see.”

      “By a trick! You played a trick on me, or otherwise—”

      “There is a trick to ruling,” answered Grim.

      “By the beard of the Prophet, that is true! But show me a trick that can defeat eight hundred men. The Sheikh of Abu Lissan plans to come against me. Those El-Mann dogs had heard of it, and so had the Beni Aroun; therefore I planned to crush them first before dealing with Abu Lissan. Show me a trick that can defeat the Abu Lissan men, and surely I will call thee friend!”

      “Suppose we make a bargain, then,” said Grim.

      “Taib. I am ready.”

      “Giving pledges for fulfilment.”

      “You mean I shall give pledges to the British?”

      “Hardly,” Grim answered. “If they took a pledge from you that would be like signing a treaty, wouldn’t it? I have no authority to sign a treaty. This must be a bargain between me and thee.”


      “It is known,” said Grim, “that you have money on deposit with the Bank of Egypt.”

      “A lie! A lie!” snapped Ali Higg. “Who said it?”

      “Fifty thousand pounds in gold was the exact amount, deposited at six percent, and interest to be compounded every half-year,” said Grim. “And because the Koran denounces usury by Moslems, and you are a pious man— and also perhaps because of the risk attached to using your name in the matter—your wife Jael’s name was used. Nevertheless, your seal was used at the time as a check on her. Now, at a word from me the British would impound that money, interest and all.”

      “A murrian on them! But you spoke of being friends?”

      “And of a pledge between you and me. In proof that I speak as a friend, though I had your seal I have returned it.”

      Jael Higg confirmed that by displaying it in the hollow of her hand.

      “You can’t possibly prevent a message from me reaching British territory,” Grim went on. “A letter is written already, and you don’t know which man has it. You are not my prisoner. I intend to leave you free and unharmed. It is possible you might attack me when I go, and kill me and some of my men; but the rest would escape. And then would come aeroplanes, and you would never see that money in the Bank of Egypt.”

      The Lion blinked away steadily, looking so absurdly like Grim in some respects, and so utterly unlike him in character nevertheless, that it looked like plus opposing minus, or a strong man tempted by his baser self.

      “Therefore,” continued Grim, “if you will promise me to raid no more villages I will undertake to deal with the Sheikh of Abu Lissan. But as a pledge, Jael and you must sign and seal a letter to the Bank of Egypt stipulating that the fifty thousand pounds shall not be withdrawn for three years. As long as you keep your promise that money of yours shall be safe, with no questions asked as to how you came by it; for I shall not say a word about it to the British Government, making only a sealed report, which shall be locked away and never opened unless you break the bargain.”

      “And at the end of three years?”

      “Who knows?” Grim answered. “The years are on the lap of Allah. By then we may all be dead, or you may be king, or may be weary of politics—who knows?”

      “And if I refuse?”


      “But how shall I believe you?”

      “Do I not pledge my life?” Grim answered. “I have said that I will go to Abu Lissan.”

      “Allah! Why don’t you send the aeroplanes to Abu Lissan? Blot the dogs out! Destroy them! Why not?”

      “Would it not be easier to send them here?” asked Grim. “This is only part way. You, who found it easier to crush the smaller first, tell me why the aeroplanes should not come first to Petra!”

      “Wallahi! I wish I had aeroplanes!”

      “You talk boldly,” the Lion sneered. “If you think you can take us with you that far then why not to Jerusalem? The words of a boaster are a mask of doubt. Hah! Take us to Jerusalem! Why not?”

      “Because then,” Grim answered, “there would be ten-score cutthroats at large without a leader who can hold them. One Lion can keep a bargain, but ten score jackals