The Complete Poems of John Keats. John Keats. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Keats
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027230068
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Book I

       Hyperion Book II

       Hyperion Book III


       Spenserian Stanza

       Spenserian Stanzas on Charles Armitage Brown

       Stanzas to Miss Wylie

       Robin Hood

       The Eve of St. Agnes

       Modern Love

       On First Looking into Chapman’s Homer

       Imitation of Spenser

       The Gadfly

       Ben Nevis - a Dialogue

       Fill for me a brimming bowl

       On Leaving Some Friends at an Early Hour

       To My Brothers

       La Belle Dame Sans Merci

       Bright star! would I were steadfast as thou art


       To George Felton Mathew

       Faery Songs


       Folly’s Song

       The Devon Maid

       Song: Hush, hush! tread softly! hush, hush my dear!

       Lines On Seeing a Lock of Milton’s Hair

       Addressed to Haydon

       On Death

       Epistle to John Hamilton Reynolds


       Sleep and Poetry

       To G. A. W.

       To a Friend Who Sent Me Some Roses

       An Extempore

       To a Young Lady who Sent Me a Laurel Crown

       What the Thrush Said

       Song: The stranger lighted from his steed

       Song: I had a dove and the sweet dove died

       Written on the Day That Mr. Leigh Hunt Left Prison

       On Receiving a Laurel Crown from Leigh Hunt

       A Song of Opposites

       The Castle Builder - Fragments of a Dialogue


       The Fall of Hyperion

       To Some Ladies


       To Kosciusko

       Happy is England! I Could Be Content

       Lines Written in the Highlands after a Visit to Burns’s Country

       To Charles Cowden Clarke

       A Party of Lovers

       How Many Bards Gild the Lapses of Time!

       Apollo and the Graces

       Daisy’s Song

       Sharing Eve’s Apple


       On the Grasshopper and Cricket

       The Poet - A Fragment

       Oh, I am frighten’d with most hateful thoughts!