The Complete Works of John Keats: Poems, Plays & Personal Letters. John Keats. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: John Keats
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027230198
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a Sabbath-day it fell;

       Twice holy was the Sabbath-bell,

       That call’d the folk to evening prayer;

       The city streets were clean and fair

       From wholesome drench of April rains;

       And, on the western window panes,

       The chilly sunset faintly told

       Of unmatur’d green valleys cold,

       Of the green thorny bloomless hedge,

       Of rivers new with spring-tide sedge, Of primroses by shelter’d rills,

       And daisies on the aguish hills.

       Twice holy was the Sabbath-bell:

       The silent streets were crowded well

       With staid and pious companies,

       Warm from their fireside orat’ries;

       And moving, with demurest air,

       To evensong, and vesper prayer.

       Each arched porch, and entry low,

       Was fill’d with patient folk and slow, With whispers hush, and shuffling feet,

       While play’d the organ loud and sweet.

      The bells had ceas’d, the prayers begun.

       And Bertha had not yet half done

       A curious volume, patch’d and torn,

       That all day long, from earliest mom,

       Had taken captive her two eyes,

       Among its golden broideries;

       Perplex’d her with a thousand things, -

       The stars of Heaven, and angels’ wings. Martyrs in a fiery blaze,

       Azure saints in silver rays,

       Moses’ breastplate,’ and the seven

       Candlesticks John saw in Heaven.

       The winged Lion”’ of Saint Mark,

       And the Covenantal Ark,

       With its many mysteries,

       Cherubim and golden mice.”

      Bertha was a maiden fair,

       Dwelling in the old Minster Square; From her fireside she could see,

       Sidelong, its rich antiquity,

       Far as the Bishop’s garden wall;

       Where sycamores and elm-trees tall,

       Full-leav’d, the forest had outstript,

       By no sharp north-wind ever nipt,

       So shelter’d by the mighty pile.

       Bertha arose, and read awhile,

       With forehead ‘gainst the windowpane.

       Again she try’d, and then again, Until the dusk eve left her dark

       Upon the legend of St Mark.

       From plaited lawn-frill, fine and thin,

       She lifted up her soft warm chin.

       With aching neck and swimming eyes,

       And daz’d with saintly imageries.

      All was gloom, and silent all,

       And now and then the still footfall

       Of one returning homewards late,

       Past the echoing minstergate.

      The clamorous daws, that all the day

       Above tree-tops and towers play,

       Pair by pair had gone to rest,

       Each in its ancient belfry nest,

       Where asleep they fall betimes,

       To music of the drowsy chimes.

      All was silent, all was gloom,

       Abroad and in the homely room:

       Down she sat, poor cheated soul!

       And struck a lamp from the dismal coal; Lean’d forward, with bright drooping hair

       And slant book, full against the glare.

       Her shadow, in uneasy guise,

       Hover’d about, a giant size,

       On ceiling-beam and old oak chair,

       The parrot’s cage, and panel square;

       And the warm angled winter screen,

       On which were many monsters seen,

       Call’d doves of Siam, Lima mice,

       And legless birds of Paradise, Macaw, and tender Avadavat,

       And silken-furr’d Angora cat.

       Untir’d she read, her shadow still

       Glower’d about, as it would fill

       The room with wildest forms and shades,

       As though some ghostly queen of spades

       Had come to mock behind her back,

       And dance, and ruffle her garments black.

       Untir’d she read the legend page,

       Of holy Mark, from youth to age, On land, on sea, in pagan chains,

       Rejoicing for his many pains.

       Sometimes the learned eremite,

       With golden star, or dagger bright,

       Referr’d to pious poesies

       Written in smallest crow-quill size

       Beneath the text; and thus the rhyme

       Was parcell’d out from time to time:

       - ‘Als writith he of swevenis,

       Men han beforne they wake in bliss, 0 Whanne that hir friendes thinke hem bound

       In crimped shroude farre under grounde;

       And how a litling child mote be

       A saint er its nativitie,

       Gif that the modre (God her blesse!)

       Kepen in solitarinesse,

       And kissen devoute the holy croce.

       Of Goddes love, and Sathan’s force, -

       He writith; and thinges many mo:

       Of swiche thinges I may not show. Bot I must tellen verilie

       Somdeln of Sainte Cicilie,

       And chieflie what he auctorethe

       Of Sainte Markis life and dethe:’

      At length her constant eyelids come

       Upon the fervent martyrdom;

       Then lastly to his holy shrine,

       Exalt amid the tapers’ shine

       At Venice, -

      Dawlish Fair

       Table of Contents

      Over the hill and over the dale,

       And over the bourne to Dawlish,

       Where gingerbread wives have a scanty sale,

       And gingerbread nuts are smallish.

      O Solitude! If I Must With Thee Dwell

       Table of Contents

      O Solitude! if I must with thee dwell,

       Let it not be among the jumbled heap