Wild Animals at Home. Ernest Thompson Seton. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Ernest Thompson Seton
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 4057664639301
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href="#ulink_6059c8fc-3e00-5655-b978-0819a2a66ebd">Table of Contents

      My travels in search of light on the "Animals at Home" have taken me up and down the Rocky Mountains for nearly thirty years. In the canyons from British Columbia to Mexico, I have lighted my campfire, far beyond the bounds of law and order, at times, and yet I have found no place more rewarding than the Yellowstone Park, the great mountain haven of wild life.

      Whenever travellers penetrate into remote regions where human hunters are unknown, they find the wild things half tame, little afraid of man, and inclined to stare curiously from a distance of a few paces. But very soon they learn that man is their most dangerous enemy, and fly from him as soon as he is seen. It takes a long time and much restraint to win back their confidence.

      In the early days of the West, when game abounded and when fifty yards was the extreme deadly range of the hunter's weapons, wild creatures were comparatively tame. The advent of the rifle and of the lawless skin hunter soon turned all big game into fugitives of excessive shyness and wariness. One glimpse of a man half a mile off, or a whiff of him on the breeze, was enough to make a Mountain Ram or a Wolf run for miles, though formerly these creatures would have gazed serenely from a point but a hundred yards removed.

      The establishment of the Yellowstone Park in 1872 was the beginning of a new era of protection for wild life; and, by slow degrees, a different attitude in these animals toward us. In this Reservation, and nowhere else at present in the northwest, the wild things are not only abundant, but they have resumed their traditional Garden-of-Eden attitude toward man.

      They come out in the daylight, they are harmless, and they are not afraid at one's approach. Truly this is ideal, a paradise for the naturalist and the camera hunter.

      The region first won fame for its Canyon, its Cataracts and its Geysers, but I think its animal life has attracted more travellers than even the landscape beauties. I know it was solely the joy of being among the animals that led me to spend all one summer and part of another season in the Wonderland of the West.

      My adventures in making these studies among the fourfoots have been very small adventures indeed; the thrillers are few and far between. Any one can go and have the same or better experiences to-day. But I give them as they happened, and if they furnish no ground for hair-lifting emotions, they will at least show what I was after and how I went.

      I have aimed to show something of the little aspects of the creatures' lives, which are those that the ordinary traveller will see; I go with him indeed, pointing out my friends as they chance to pass, adding a few comments that should make for a better acquaintance on all sides. And I have offered glimpses, wherever possible, of the wild thing in its home, embodying in these chapters the substance of many lectures given under the same title as this book.

      The cover design is by my wife, Grace Gallatin Seton. She was with me in most of the experiences narrated and had a larger share in every part of the work than might be inferred from the mere text.

      Ernest Thompson Seton.

       Table of Contents

       A Prairie-dog town Frontispiece


       Chink's adventures with the Coyote and the Picket-pin 8

       (a) The Whistler watching me from the rocks (b) A young Whistler 9

       Red Fox 32

       Foxes quarrelling 33

       Beaver 48

       Mule-deer 49

       Blacktail Family 60

       Blacktail mother with her twins 61

       A young investigator among the Deer at Fort Yellowstone 64

       Elk in Wyoming 65

       Elk on the Yellowstone in Winter 68

       The first shots at the Hoodoo Cow 69

       The last shots at the Hoodoo Cow 76

       Elk on the Yellowstone 77

       Moose—The Widow 80

       Buffalo groups 81

       Near Yellowstone Gate 84

       Mountain Sheep on Mt. Evarts 85

       Track record of Bobcat's adventure with a Skunk 98

       The six chapters of the Bobcat's adventure 102

       My tame Skunks 103

       Red-squirrel storing mushrooms for winter use 134

       Chink stalking the Picket-pin 135

       The Snowshoe Hare is a cross between a Rabbit and a Snowdrift 150

       The Cottontail freezing 151

       The Baby Cottontail that rode twenty miles in my hat 162

       Snowshoe Rabbits dancing in the light of the lantern 163

       Snowshoe Rabbits fascinated by the lantern 170

       The Ghost Rabbit 171

       The Coney or Calling Hare 178

       The Coney barns full of hay stored for winter use 179

       (a) Tracks of Deer escaping and (b) Tracks of Mountain Lion in pursuit 186

       The Mountain Lion sneaking around us as we sleep 187

       Sketch of the Bear Family as made on the spot 198

       Two pages from my journal in the garbage heap 199

       While I sketched the Bears, a brother camera-hunter was stalking me without my knowledge 206

       One meets the Bears at nearly every turn in the woods 207

       The shyer ones take to a tree, if one comes too near 210

       Clifford B. Harmon feeding a Bear 211

       The Bears at feeding time 218

       (a) Tom Newcomb pointing out the bear's mark, (b) E. T. Seton feeding a Bear 219

       Johnnie Bear: his sins and his troubles 222

       Johnnie happy at last 223

       The Cute Coyote

       Table of Contents

       The Cute Coyote

       Table of Contents
