THE PANIC ROOM: 30+ Ghost Tales by Sheridan Le Fanu. Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Издательство: Bookwire
Жанр произведения: Языкознание
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9788027221349
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colonels under excitement sometimes indulge in now-a-days, with a stamp or two of his big foot, and a waving of his clenched fist in the air. He commanded the footman to overtake the old gentleman in the white wig, to offer him his protection on his way home, and in no case to show his face again without having ascertained where he lodged, and who he was, and all about him.

      “By — — sirrah! if you fail me in this, you doff my livery to-night!”

      Forth bounced the stalwart footman, with his heavy cane under his arm, and skipped down the steps, and looked up and down the street after the singular figure, so easy to recognize.

      What were his adventures I shall not tell you just now.

      The old man, in the conference to which he had been admitted in that stately panelled room, had just told the Judge a very strange story. He might be himself a conspirator; he might possibly be crazed; or possibly his whole story was straight and true.

      The aged gentleman in the bottle-green coat, in finding himself alone with Mr. Justice Harbottle, had become agitated. He said,

      “There is, perhaps you are not aware, my lord, a prisoner in Shrewsbury jail, charged with having forged a bill of exchange for a hundred and twenty pounds, and his name is Lewis Pyneweck, a grocer of that town.”

      “Is there?” says the Judge, who knew well that there was.

      “Yes, my lord,” says the old man.

      “Then you had better say nothing to affect this case. If you do, by — — I’ll commit you! for I’m to try it,” says the judge, with his terrible look and tone.

      “I am not going to do anything of the kind, my lord; of him or his case I know nothing, and care nothing. But a fact has come to my knowledge which it behoves you to well consider.”

      “And what may that fact be?” inquired the Judge; “I’m in haste, sir, and beg you will use dispatch.”

      “It has come to my knowledge, my lord, that a secret tribunal is in process of formation, the object of which is to take cognisance of the conduct of the judges; and first, of your conduct, my lord; it is a wicked conspiracy.”

      “Who are of it?” demands the Judge.

      “I know not a single name as yet. I know but the fact, my lord; it is most certainly true.”

      “I’ll have you before the Privy Council, sir,” says the Judge.

      “That is what I most desire; but not for a day or two, my lord.”

      “And why so?”

      “I have not as yet a single name, as I told your lordship; but I expect to have a list of the most forward men in it, and some other papers connected with the plot, in two or three days.”

      “You said one or two just now.”

      “About that time, my lord.”

      “Is this a Jacobite plot?”

      “In the main I think it is, my lord.”

      “Why, then, it is political. I have tried no State prisoners, nor am like to try any such. How, then, doth it concern me?”

      “From what I can gather, my lord, there are those in it who desire private revenges upon certain judges.”

      “What do they call their cabal?”

      “The High Court of Appeal, my lord.”

      “Who are you, sir? What is your name?”

      “Hugh Peters, my lord.”

      “That should be a Whig name?”

      “It is, my lord.” “Where do you lodge, Mr. Peters?”

      “In Thames Street, my lord, over against the sign of the ‘Three Kings.’”

      “‘Three Kings?’ Take care one be not too many for you, Mr. Peters! How come you, an honest Whig, as you say, to be privy to a Jacobite plot? Answer me that.”

      “My lord, a person in whom I take an interest has been seduced to take a part in it; and being frightened at the unexpected wickedness of their plans, he is resolved to become an informer for the Crown.”

      “He resolves like a wise man, sir. What does he say of the persons? Who are in the plot? Doth he know them?”

      “Only two, my lord; but he will be introduced to the club in a few days, and he will then have a list, and more exact information of their plans, and above all of their oaths, and their hours and places of meeting, with which he wishes to be acquainted before they can have any suspicions of his intentions. And being so informed, to whom, think you, my lord, had he best go then?”

      “To the king’s attorney-general straight. But you say this concerns me, sir, in particular? How about this prisoner, Lewis Pyneweck? Is he one of them?”

      “I can’t tell, my lord; but for some reason, it is thought your lordship will be well advised if you try him not. For if you do, it is feared ’twill shorten your days.”

      “So far as I can learn, Mr. Peters, this business smells pretty strong of blood and treason. The king’s attorney-general will know how to deal with it. When shall I see you again, sir?”

      “If you give me leave, my lord, either before your lordship’s court sits, or after it rises, tomorrow. I should like to come and tell your lordship what has passed.”

      “Do so, Mr. Peters, at nine o’clock tomorrow morning. And see you play me no trick, sir, in this matter; if you do, by — — sir, I’ll lay you by the heels!”

      “You need fear no trick from me, my lord; had I not wished to serve you, and acquit my own conscience, I never would have come all this way to talk with your lordship.”

      “I’m willing to believe you, Mr. Peters; I’m willing to believe you, sir.”

      And upon this they parted.

      “He has either painted his face, or he is consumedly sick,” thought the old Judge.

      The light had shown more effectually upon his features as he turned to leave the room with a low bow, and they looked, he fancied, unnaturally chalky.

      “D—— him!” said the Judge ungraciously, as he began to scale the stairs: “he has half-spoiled my supper.”

      But if he had, no one but the Judge himself perceived it, and the evidence was all, as any one might perceive, the other way.

      Chapter III.

      Lewis Pyneweck

       Table of Contents

      In the meantime the footman dispatched in pursuit of Mr. Peters speedily overtook that feeble gentleman. The old man stopped when he heard the sound of pursuing steps, but any alarms that may have crossed his mind seemed to disappear on his recognizing the livery. He very gratefully accepted the proffered assistance, and placed his tremulous arm within the servant’s for support. They had not gone far, however, when the old man stopped suddenly, saying,

      “Dear me! as I live, I have dropped it. You heard it fall. My eyes, I fear, won’t serve me, and I’m unable to stoop low enough; but if you will look, you shall have half the find. It is a guinea; I carried it in my glove.”

      The street was silent and deserted. The footman had hardly descended to what he termed his “hunkers,” and begun to search the pavement about the spot which the old man indicated, when Mr. Peters, who seemed very much exhausted, and breathed with difficulty, struck him a violent blow, from above, over the back of the head with a heavy instrument, and then another; and leaving him bleeding and senseless in the gutter, ran like a lamplighter down a lane to the right, and was gone.

      When an hour later, the