data stated the cumulative “plastic debt” of Americans
amounting to approximately $950 billion at the beginning
,the rate of nonperforming
card loans increased from 4.61% to 6.82% from
August 2007 to August 2008 which is a growth amounting to a
48% increase. Withdrawals from credit cards during the
period of unemployment be truly of historic proportions. The
existing policy had become impossible as the credit system
with its low lending rate had mad large, that their re-payment
was impossible. The consequences of the US bank games were
made visible for all to see.
This brings to mind the statement that US President Woodrow
Wilson once said: “We have come to be one of the worst ruled,
one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments
in the civilized world – no longer a government by free opinion,
no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the
majority, but a government ruled by the opinion and the
duress of a small group of dominant men”.
His statement is not only meant for the US. The Arabs
traded oil for dollars, the Germans sold machines and
equipment for marks (having eliminated the Euro), the
Chinese manufactured for yuan. Until today no one seems
ready to fight against this system in the United States,
although everyone understands that the FRS is robbing the
world creating virtual money at the expense of our benefit
and instead of legitimate material resources.
Key areas of life
and forms of control
It has become common knowledge that the world’s elite
and the bankers profit and benefit from the crises that befall
ordinary populations around the world.
How else do they implement their control and plans on
populations? This is a product of their control on the world’s
energy reserves, food supplies, health systems, education
and social media. One can even argue that the scientific
establishment colludes with these sponsors as they are the
benefactors for their research.
Energy and oil
The dependence of humankind on oil & gas and coal
corporations ensures massive profits for those at the top of
the financial system. The group of energy companies led by
BP, Chevron, ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell and the
OPEC cartel and national
oil producers control about
88% of the worlds energy
reserves and its production
and sale. Do you think
they want to see the petrol
driven car replaced with the
electric car?
This is one of the
reasons that alternative
energy sources are yet to
become mainstream and replace the destructive use of fossil
fuels. There is a strong incentive for those driven by profit
to continue the dependence on oil for as long as possible
disregarding the effect this has on the environment. Free
energy will put these corporations out of business and
therefore it is a matter of survival for them to fight this
change, even if it puts the survival of our ecosystem in
jeopardy. Petrodollars are at the root of power in today’s
Food products
Derivative of oil are being used in many of the world’s
vital products. In the agriculture sector they are used for
fertilizers and herbicides to control food production.
Agriculture has paid large sums to the Oil and Gas giants
through the purchase of these products. But when you realize
that the same bankers are behind Big Agriculture as well as
Big Oil then the picture becomes clearer. Governments pay
billions of dollars in subsidies to these companies and yet
their promise to end hunger has fallen short, very short.
Toxic chemicals are poisoning people and wildlife polluting
soil and water and producing harmful food that poses a
serious threat to our health.
Monsanto, DuPont, Cargill, ADM, Glencore are the
global agriculture giants. They produce genetically modified
products at the seed level creating all sorts of undefined
complications to the human body. This unnecessary invasion
on the human body is destroying our immune systems and
the rise of cancer rates around the world is a case in point.
We have also seen a rise in infertility which scientists
believe is related to these modified products.
Not only are these corporations ruining our health by
degrading our food supply, they are also destroying the
livelihood of the farmers that would otherwise supply us
with natural organic produce. The farmers cannot compete
with the corporate giants and are forced to purchase the
modified seeds to survive. These seeds can only be planted
once and will not produce more seeds as per the natural
cycle. The seed has been modified and made sterile, so the
farmer returns to buy more from the corporations. This is
how the profit incentive has colonized and exploited our
food supply.
So, two key areas, energy and food, are controlled by
the same elite banking families and the corporations that
represent them. The destruction is obvious today as the
geopolitical wars driven by resource shortages wage on,
and the GMO debacle still continues unabated. But that’s
not all the trouble.
Medicine is also under the control of these international
bankers and their corporations. The health system has been