Undercover Twin. Heather Woodhaven. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Heather Woodhaven
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современная зарубежная литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781474097383
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the upcoming mission.

      If Audrey went for his idea, she would be in danger, but if she refused, she’d likely be in even more danger. He owed it to Kendra to make the right decision.

      “My understanding is the police are on the way, and they’ll want to talk to you. And my nurse will be in shortly to ask you some more routine questions.”

      Audrey fell silent and the doctor finally exited, leaving them alone on the padded bench. Her light green eyes met his again. He had the oddest sensation that each time she did that she could figure out his thoughts, something he never worried about with his partner.

      She tilted her head. “Is this sort of thing old hat for you? Getting shot at and waiting to see if a colleague survives?” She threw a thumb over her shoulder before he could answer. “And did you notice? The doctor didn’t even ask why someone was shooting at her.”

      “They have their training. Someone is required to report a gunshot to the police—we should be gone before the questions start—but you’re right. These guys are focused on saving lives. There’s no time or place to stop and judge.”

      “It’s pretty amazing when you think about it. Their job, your job, so many people trained to do the right thing automatically without question.” She blushed, a rosy spread across her cheeks.

      His job was nothing worth envying, at least most of the time, but he didn’t want to discourage her impression. If she admired the career then it would make what he was about to propose easier, though.

      She slumped against the back of the bench. “In my career we have to second-guess everything we do. We have to prove ourselves, that our pursuit is worthwhile and has the potential to make a difference every step of the way.” She sighed. “I don’t know why I told you that. I like my job. I do. It’s just... I want to make sense of what happened—is happening—today, and I don’t have even an inkling of how to do that.”

      He wasn’t going to help matters. “Remember when I said agreeing to be an asset would mean you might be called upon sometime?”

      “It was ten minutes ago.” She blinked hard once.

      “I’m not insulting your memory. This drive had more information than I expected.”

      Her eyebrows rose but she remained silent.

      “Adam was successful in referring us to the Masked Network.”

      “That’s great, isn’t it?”

      “Kendra’s photograph was sent to the head of the Masked Network.” He paused, and as he hoped, her eyes widened with understanding. “If she doesn’t come that likely warrants—”

      “Attention.” She gasped. “And Kendra was wearing my name when the shooter took down Adam. Do you even know for sure that Adam was the target?”

      “By all accounts, it seems that was the case. The raid of the drug trafficking group Adam took down accounted for all members. The only one missing was a man scheduled for initiation tonight. Low risk as he’s not on the network yet, but he might’ve seen what went down and pegged Adam as the traitor. My guess is he’ll be the shooter Kendra took down.”

      “You said referrals to the Masked Network could only happen by high-ranking members of criminal enterprises on the network, right? So when you arrested the drug group, what about the phones?”

      Lee grinned. Audrey caught on so fast, he was certain this would be easy. “The FBI used a sonic device so no one could utter those words to erase the phones. They were all confiscated. The arrests aren’t public knowledge, but that’s part of the time crunch. We can’t keep it a secret forever, but if we get evidence and a facial identification of the CEO, those phones can be used as leverage to get them to talk and take the whole network down.”

      “You want me to be a spy, don’t you?” Her words were loud, clipped and, despite being in the consultation room, two heads from opposite directions leaned from their chairs to look at Lee and Audrey.

      Audrey cleared her throat. “Because playing I Spy feels childish, even if it does pass the time.” She stood and paced before she whispered. “Think they bought it?”

      Lee hung his head. “Probably.” She was a quick thinker, albeit a little unbelievable in her delivery. “Though we are actually special agents. Not spies.”

      She shrugged. “Semantics. Look up the synonyms for spy, and I’m sure undercover special agent is somewhere on the list.” She sat down next to him, so close he could smell the vanilla and rose-scented fabric softener from her clothes. “What exactly does taking her place involve?” she asked, this time in hushed tones.

      “We have a very well-developed cover in place. Essentially we turn dirty money into clean—”

      “Laundering money.” She blew out a long breath. “You’re asking me to pretend to be a criminal?”

      “Kendra’s cover is known to be very good at what she does. It’s not as if you would have to do anything. If anyone asks, you want to offer services to some criminal enterprises higher up on the food chain, but staying under the radar requires a little help from Masked. I’m the right-hand man and an excellent lawyer and visionary so I should be able to do all the talking. We go in and shake some hands, get on the network and get out with the evidence. I’ll ensure your safety before the team goes in and takes down the CEO.”

      “A fact-finding mission.” She crossed her legs and leaned back. “So I would play the part of a smart, ambitious criminal with an equally immoral husband?” She placed a finger on her chin and shook her head. “I’m not sure. I once had a nightmare that I made a mistake on my tax deductions. I woke up in a panic and ended up in the hospital.”

      He reared back. “Why? A heart attack?”

      “No. Ulcer.” She sighed. “Well, I thought I had an ulcer. Turned out my bedtime snack of jalapeño poppers coupled with Google searches at three in the morning weren’t a good idea. What I’m saying is that this is going to be a stretch for me. But I’ve also lived my life feeling like there was a giant puzzle piece missing, and finding Kendra...” She clasped her hands together and shook her head. “I’m desperate for the day when we can get to know each other without danger over either of our heads so I’ll do it. But I have conditions.”

      Well, of course she did because nothing was going to be easy today. “Come on. We’ll get a quick blood draw and DNA swab for the Bureau on our way out.”

      “For the Bureau?”

      “They’ll want definitive proof whether you’re twins or not. In my view, it’s extraneous. But that way you and Kendra will have no doubts.”

      If Audrey took Kendra’s place, she’d definitely be in danger, but at least he could be in control of keeping her safe. If she didn’t go through with the mission, he couldn’t foresee the threat ever going away. This was their only chance.


      Audrey had a twin sister, a spy, who was pretend-married to a gorgeous, intelligent and compassionate man. She replayed the thought in her mind, hoping it would help her accept the reality faster. She twisted the tassels hanging from her purse zipper as tight as they could go as she rode the hotel elevator with Lee.

      On a normal day it would be a lot to handle, but the news she needed to take Kendra’s place in an undercover mission rattled her. A few terse sentences, without knowing Kendra was shot, probably didn’t give the most accurate impression of a person. How was Audrey supposed to impersonate a sister she didn’t know, while pretending to be a white-collar criminal?

      The elevators opened and she stiffened. Lee expected her to try on Kendra’s clothes—she hoped they fit—and practice mastering the persona of the cover, but all Audrey wanted to do was to go to bed. At