Code of honor. Storybook. Nicolay Vladimirovich Lakutin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Nicolay Vladimirovich Lakutin
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Короткие любовные романы
Год издания: 2019
isbn: 978-5-532-08724-8
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quiet, but spreads chills Svetka, interrupted the speaker behind his head, as if familiar once voice.

      The girl turned around and was stunned. In front of her, leaning on the sill, stood a Bear.

      "Where have you been, bitch" – through the tears and a smile rushed to hug his light.

      History repeated itself. There was also tea brewed on herbs, and twenty minutes not without benefit spent, and Svetka's story about how she lived these three years and hoped and waited that he will return here that at least once to look into his eyes and to remember one of the most memorable evenings of the life. Sveta became even more beautiful, more relaxed and more desirable. Now there were no obstacles to create a new happy family and the proposal to become a second wife Bears embodied in reality, only now the second wife in life, not on the bed.

      To his mother with his sister, he arrived in the evening and not alone. She asks family liked it, and this sympathy was mutual. What else do you need? The Foundation of the new family was laid for three years, and today the formwork was removed, and the first brick was laid in the long-term construction.

      Lived in the city, the rest went for a weekend in the village Svetkin house. I didn't want to go to the resorts, go to the movies, go somewhere far away together to strengthen the relationship… it was all unnecessary. In the morning Bear with a joyful and happy smile went to work, and in the evening happily hurried home. He dreamed about it long ago, and here came true. Sveta also found an interesting job in the rehabilitation center, gave lectures, and they gave their results.


      Thirty years have passed since then.


      Mikhail Sergeyevich is still happy, lives with Svetlana Viktorovna, who brings up two children a year with age difference in joy and love. The children were already under thirty, they have all evolved quite naturally and calmly, measured.

      And now, in the minds of our heroes, there was only one unsolved problem, a thought that every day more and more tugged at the consciousness. What was that all about? Are there actually people who can change the scenario of fate, are we in your life Directors of their movie, or everything that happens, happens to the smallest details in the written script. After all, remembering the past, you realize that not just for a long time were not born children with their first wife, that is not just so, once it was necessary to be in an unfamiliar village. That's the way it was necessary to get acquainted with his future wife, and it is not immediately, but only after only three years. We had to decide to go to her mother's sister in the Saturday morning, and, accordingly, it was necessary to make the Friday night walk, revealshow childhood memories, when I flew the route two village "gouging", leading our hero is in the village, to the same girl. And, in the end, it was necessary to die to the father a day before I brought a family photo with which all this history began.

      Then it does not fit into the head of how a single mechanism intertwines several destinies, and in fact the fate of all those who participate in our lives, so that the circumstances of our life evolved in a very certain way. Accordingly, our destiny and we regulate a number of destinies of all those whom we meet on our way of life. And if so, then it can not touch friends, acquaintances, acquaintances of our friends, up to random, or then "random" in quotes, passers-by, who in those seconds and minutes when they see how we pass, direct their gaze at us, bypassing what they do not need to see. Mutual fates form the lives of specific people, cities, regions, civilizations. To look at this mechanism at least one eye, but judging by the fact that we do not see it, we should not know about it…

      Strength test

      Late autumn. In the children's boarding school №7 all preparing for the night. Behind the streaks of hastily wiped Windows, one can see falling yellow leaves of trees. There, behind the grocery store has almost disappeared the sun and the nurse, for half an hour trying to put the children to sleep.

      "Vitya, what are you doing here? All gone to bed, your comrades for the second dream, I suppose, you see, and you're here. Go.»

      "I don't want to dream, nanny. Because every time I dream the same dream that never comes true."

      The nurse took my hand and led me to our bedroom. The guys pretended to be asleep, and only when the nurse came out, the room gradually began to open the dreary eyes of the same poor fellows, like me. When in a half-asleep state I turned over on other side and turned the head on a pillow in other party, felt sharp pain from fresh put bruise by the senior children. We didn't share the ball on the Playground, and I got a black eye. But this pain could not be compared with the one that burned my heart every day.

      "Mom, how did it happen that I was here when you pick me up" – I whispered quietly and helplessly.

      And now, being a forty-year-old man who does not have his own home, no family, no sensible work, I still feel this chest pain. But one fact still causes a stingy smile-so there is still something to hurt, there is still something that feels, and therefore not all burned…


      At the city airport I sat on watch for the seventh year. Who not only had to work during the period of his worthless existence. The loader was in a warehouse, the security guard worked Nemer, the janitor, the receiver of glass container, the postman, I very much liked this work, but the drunk company which met me on the way sent me for two months to hospital, with multiple bruises and the crack in a bone which has received as a result of blow by a baseball bat on a foot. But as a child I often fought and accustomed to endure pain, and the wounds will heal and life will go on. Here in the hospital I met an employee of the city airport, who later helped me to get here, and here I am working in this quiet place for six and a half years. The place is good, I am eternally grateful, to the neighbor on chamber that it helped me to settle here, unfortunately, it here worked not long, and here five years I didn't meet it. Airport employees, of course, I know in person and even some know something from history.

      Vaughn Alexander Samuilovich-Director of our airport, passed.


      Here come the dispatcher

      «Good morning»

      Here are the cleaners have already finished the shift, going home…

      "All the best, goodbye…»

      Well, here's day two. And in my spare time I clean two entrances in the neighboring house. Work is not so much, and all, some no penny. Of course more difficult in the winter, the snow laid all the time, but nothing but have something to do.

      People here are nice, always say Hello, and not "for show", but with a soul, a human being. It is a pleasure to work with such people. Girls sometimes second entrance while waiting for the guys, say to me a word, a couple three minutes of precious communication, and then for them come in expensive cars with open Windows, which rumbles music. Girls about thirty, and they all walk, have fun. So funny. A couple of years ago, I had a friend with charming blue eyes. But then she moved to another city, and I stayed here. Were the girls at the youth… but that was long ago it was, and there was not anything interesting.

      "Great, Vitek" -shouted from around the corner. It was two brothers from the third apartment, we sometimes sit with them on a bench in the evenings. -Come here?»

      They went with the" two " beer to our shop. I finished sweeping around the entrance and joined them.

      "You heard, to us here in the sixteenth apartment new residents are occupied. Ignatia grandmother sold the apartment, moved out to the daughter in Stavropol, and we're gonna have new neighbors, let's see what there is for fruit."

      "No, I haven't heard anything about it»

      "And look, "zilok" pulls, just seems they're taking things. Well, what's that, what's that???»

      To the first entrance a car came along, I stood next to ZIL. Out of the car is not a familiar family, the movers jumped off the truck, and began to carry things to the entrance.

      A man, forty-forty-five years old, a woman with him looks pretty well, two daughters, probably them, ran after the movers.

      "Okay, guys, I have an early day tomorrow for a change, well catch you there sometime and get acquainted" – and I went home to