Classics fantasy – 6. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005013897
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do you assume? – asked confusedly Li.

      – I assume, my dear, but short-sighted friend – Ale answered – that our American spy is well.

      – But it could not escape in this accident?! Or his bones are stronger than duralumin, and the body and on fire does not burn? – already a little sensitively Li told.

      – And who told you that there was an accident? – objected El. – Everything could occur very simply. Mr. spy safely fell on the device, got out, then blew up it.

      – But how it then will return back home?

      – It or they could arrive on two aircrafts and offer one to cover up tracks.

      – And other ship?

      – Another can be in other place. However we will continue our survey.

      We went on traces, attentively examining them. Traces went on the sandy plain aside and vanished in several meters. On this place in sand there was a small deepening.

      – Vanished into thin air? – smiling, I asked.

      – On the contrary, rose from the earth on wings. Situation becomes complicated! Locals better us know vicinities. It is necessary to warn them – told Ale.

      – I in Mecca have a friend the chess player, to call him? – offered Li.

      – Perfectly – Ale answered.

      We had put wings behind the back. We turned levers at a belt, wings trembled, and the earth began to crumble under our feet.

      – Here once there was a fruitless valley – pointed Ale down to the outspread continuous gardens cut with direct silver lines of channels. Among gardens white roofs of the houses standing far apart were seen. – If you expect to see the Arab city, with its markets, benches, coffee houses, camels and dirt, you will be disappointed. There is no city long ago. I already said to you that we have no cities.

      – And here also Vadi, my friend flies, I called him – Li told, pointing to the approaching person with wings.

      It was with us soon. We with curiosity examined Each other. And, of course, Vadi was more surprised with my exterior, than I am him. It almost differed in nothing from my satellites, only his clothes were from white fabric yes the person a little more swarty. I, in the heavy suit from Moskvoshvey, with points on a nose and wings behind the back probably had very comical appearance. To me was extraordinary hot, the collar of a shirt became crumpled, hair were disheveled.

      – The person from the past, I recommend – told Ale.

      – You know about arrival of the American spies?

      – Li spoke to me.

      – They fell nearby from here and, apparently, departed. It is necessary to find for them by all means.

      Radium nodded.

      – Report on radio across all Arabia. Look for everywhere. Mobilize youth – children have a sharp eye. Search each fold of mountains, each bush.

      Radium once again nodded, looking into the sky. Suddenly he grabbed Ale by a hand.

      – You look, Ale, this air ship is not pleasant to me.

      All turned eyes towards the sky.

      – Yes, it is not our design. Give an alarm signal – told Ale.

      The unknown air ship, having drawn a semicircle in the sky, was behind the horizon. Vadi told something in a fist, and in a minute risen as the scared flock of birds, from the earth airplanes departed after the departed air ship.

      – More likely, to our “Gun”! – El shouted.

      Being dripping with sweat in burning beams of the Arabian sun, I flew behind my satellites to the seashore.

      Chapter 6


      That evening the American air boat managed to escape prosecution, using quickly come darkness.

      – Well, it is necessary to postpone searches. Our Arab companions will watch the enemy. And we fly on the North, to Radiopolis. – And, having looked at the watch, Ale continued: – I have to give a lecture on radio. However you should be arranged on a constant residence – he addressed me.

      – We fly to me – offered Li. – I live 56-30-28 on 45-6-2.

      – It that, such long name of the street?

      – Absolutely not, so we call briefly degrees, minutes and seconds of geographical longitude and width. We have no cities therefore we should give such addresses.

      – Where it will be?

      – Approximately in those places where there was your Nizhny Novgorod, on Volga. The good place – Ale told.

      We flew on our wings to public hangars and took there the small air boat by which rose in an air height.

      The dark southern night sky was ispolosovano the shining roads noting a way of air superhighways.

      Huge vessels continuously slid on air waves of these shining rivers.

      – Where these air giants and where terminal points of their routes move?

      – They move on ring lines as celestial bodies, and do not stop anywhere. Each of these air dreadnoughts has the line. It is necessary to us here on that – pointed Li to the second of the crossed lines.

      – The more flight ring, the higher it air-line. You see how it is convenient – in air the whole arbor from the crossing air ways!

      We dexterously moored to the ship which a little slowed down the movement. Instead of usual (two thousand kilometers per hour) its speed decreased to five hundred in an hour while we caught up with it.

      Our boat together with us was entered in the cigar-shaped ship. As if the shark of the atmosphere swallowed a small small fish.

      On arrival into place our boat was dumped down. By this boat we reached airfield, left it there, and on “own” wings behind a back flew to Li’s house.

      Ale and Ea said goodbye to us and departed to other party.

      – You had to fly with changes. This inconvenience should be stood only at long distances. I fly to Radiopolis zhe on the aerobil.

      – Collisions do not happen?

      – Any opportunity is excluded. At a meeting our aircrafts automatically deviate under the influence of a radio wave aside.

      – Here we and houses – Li told, falling by the platform at a white lodge with a continuous window wall on the South.

      As soon as Li stepped into the platform, over it the non-transparent light bulb lit up. In the house light also appeared.

      – Wait for you?

      – No, light is switched on automatically as soon as I fall by the earth. We need to wash and change clothes after the journey. I will lead you at first to a bathroom.

      Having bypassed the house, Li opened a door.

      – I ask you.

      I entered very small room box in which there were no more than four square meters. Naked walls, any situation, only a small case in a corner.

      “It is impossible to tell that this lobby was cozy” – I thought.

      Li very densely closed behind himself a door, approached a case and took out two antigas masks from there. Giving one of them to me, he told:

      – In order to avoid emergence of epidemics – though at us about them it is not heard – each of us, having returned from a long trip, considers a duty to undergo disinfection. Alas,