My city 3: records Emmanuel. Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Dmitry Guéorguiévitch Borrony
Издательство: ЛитРес: Самиздат
Жанр произведения: Медицина
Год издания: 2019
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seeing that Zhora cannot still understand what she wants to ask him about, it is burdened having sighed, said:

      – What all of you men are dull. – it having made a pause, having grinned asked. – Why you decided to help us? Because we are women or because of what still?

      Zhora immediately steamed:

      – You were pleasant to me at once – then he added. – Emmanuel.

      Women exchanged glances. Both of them knew, and Luda in particular that Zhora approached them not accidentally, and not casually helped them. And the fact that he sat and waited for them on a bench at an entrance, spoke about much. Now women knew precisely that it was pleasant to Zhora Emmanuel. He did not even hide it when he talked to Luda, and Emmanuel kept aloof. Having learned that it to be pleasant to Zhora, to Emmanuel out of purely human and purely female curiosity asked:

      – And what you found interesting in me?

      Luda immediately asked as if foretelling quite difficult answer to it. Each person, and in particular women want to learn, than they are pleasant to men, continuation of their relations, or in this case their conversation depends on their answer.

      – Yes, that?

      Zhora looked at both women who waited for the answer. However, on their look it was possible to understand that they do not wait for the answer, and demand it from Zhora.

      Zhora having looked at Emmanuel, having estimated her beauty and shortcomings, and having analysed everything together, told one word which the man in this situation, or its analogs has to tell.

      – I do not know. – it having made an ambiguous pause, added. – You are pleasant to me, that's all.

      Women exchanged glances the friend with an arch. They understood that Zhora did not want to speak about beauty and if they were about shortcomings Emmanuel. It was simply what is indecent on the attitude not only towards Emmanuel, but also in relation to Luda and all women on this planet. Each woman be she a beauty or the ugly creature, with all the shortcomings, will not wish to listen from the man for what it was pleasant to him. Women are attractive to men in itself as well as to the man's women. Nobody wants to know for what we fell in love with other person. It is simple to us to be pleasant it. As sexopathologists speak: "we are attracted in each other by fluids". Can they and are right. For us remains a riddle why to be pleasant to one one type of people, and another another. And how many scientists struggled with this riddle, all the same they will be able unambiguously to tell what is "APPEAL". How does it work in our brain? As we find those with whom we want to live all the life. We will never answer this question if we are attracted by the partner or the partner. Fluids are ours desire to be pleasant to our second half and if these fluids are identical with that person to whom we are pleasant, and it to be pleasant to us, it also is – love.

      Luda immediately steamed:

      – How it? Do not you know? – it having made a pause, asked. – But something in it is pleasant to you?

      Zhora having gloomy looked at Luda, asked:

      – Tell if I tell that I like you, you would cease to ask me about why it was pleasant to me Emmanuel?

      Luda frowned. Maybe Zhora was right. Luda the same, as well as Emmanuel was pleasant to Zhora Zhora. Now, looking at Zhora, Luda about herself thought: "why it? Why I? I what, Emmanuel is worse? I am not worse than it at all, and on the contrary, it is better than it. better it in everything. Well Zhora found in it? Of course it is in own way beautiful – as well as all women, but nevertheless, than it is better than me?.". Arguing on this subject, Luda was angry. Was angry purely in a feminine way for the fact that it was pleasant to Zhora it, and Emmanuel. She wanted to understand what in Emmanuel is it that is not present at it. She wanted to find out it, and asking Zhora a question which sounded on extremely measure provocatively: "yes, that?". She wanted to receive definite answer from Zhora: "by what is Emmanuel more attractive than it?". "What is in it it that it does not have?". Women will agree with me that the female envy – is fraught. Now, when Zhora asked Luda this question: "tell if I tell that I like you, you would cease to ask me about why it was pleasant to me Emmanuel?", Luda wanted to lie. It of course liked Zhora, but to deep disappointment and a regret Luda it was pleasant to him Emmanuel.

      – Well. – Zhora kind of continued emphasizing the correctness. – I am right?

      Luda having looked at Zhora sad and at the same time a look of a full regret and chagrin, Luda admitted:

      – Just for me as the woman it is a pity what you chose me, and her.

      Emmanuel put the hand on her palm and as if consoling her she told:

      – Let's forget all that now occurred. – it having made a pause, told. – look at the street – a decline. As he is beautiful – a decline.

      Luda having looked at Emmanuel, told:

      – What you good. – it having slightly smiled, self-critically added. – All of us are women – bitches. As we will see more or less normal man, and he is already busy. Well here to tell, bitches, bitches also are.

      All three sat at a table. Outside the window grew dark. The sun already hid behind gloomy mountains of houses, the last beam leaving the sun peacefully lulled the town houses of Moscow standing in a row. Everything abated. Moscow prepared for sleeping.




      Outside the window grew dark. The sun already hid behind gloomy mountains of houses, the last beam leaving the sun peacefully lulled the town houses of Moscow standing in a row. Everything abated. Moscow prepared for sleeping.

      Emmanuel got up because of a table, and approached a window. Looking at a window at this magnificence of paints leaving the sun, Emmanuel told:

      – I saw many declines in Europe, each of them was unlike another. – then she addressed Luda sitting at a table. – Lyudmila. – she told it is courteous. – I for the first time in this city, show me it.

      – Well. – Luda answered. – I will show it to you. – then she added. – I promised you.

      Zhora having looked at women, told:

      – Night Moscow – is beautiful! – then he added. – You will not regret if you see it in its gloss of night stages. – then he asked. – To me to go home or how?

      Luda hurried hinted:

      – We would like that we were accompanied by the man.

      Zhora immediately steamed:

      – I assure you that you will find your defender in my person.

      Soon after a dinner all three went outside, to the yard. Emmanuel had high spirits. She wanted to fly, flit in the sky as if a butterfly. Having got into the car on forward sitting Emmanuel asked the satellites:

      – Where will we eat?

      Luda having got into the car, told:

      – We will show you at first the center.

      Zhora having got into the car on back sitting, told:

      – The Moscow center, probably the most remarkable place in the city. Moscow also began with it once. – then he took an interest. – Emmanuel? And you know when Moscow was founded?

      Emmanuel shrugged shoulders:

      – About two hundred fifty years ago? – she told it is not sure. Then it added. – It was constructed, apparently, by Dolgorukiy?

      Zhora understood what Emmanuel badly knows when and under what circumstances Moscow was constructed. At schools speak about it a little. Only what pupils from the school program, and only have to know.

      Zhora decided to correct this error. He told:

      – What? Of course you are foreigners you can not know when Moscow was founded. – he made a long pause, and then continued. – Moscow! – he told beginning