Classics fantasy – 3. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011855
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such? How not to know!

      – And so, whether your owner and this doggie dragged off?

      – To see did not see, and everything can be. I was chattered, and there the iron will cool down… There is money!.

      – What so it is not enough?

      – The barin speaks, my owner that he in TsIKAPU is written down and has the right for the additional area.

      – What such TsIKAPU? – asked Moles.

      – TsEKUBU! – Zhukov guessed.

      – Let the certificate will present for now still has to pay. And report.

      – All right! – And, outdoing edge of an apron, red-cheeked Fima ran out from the room.

      – It is necessary to report to militia. This madman still will set fire to the house or will bump off whom!

      2. ON «DOG BUSINESS»

      Case on charge of professor Wagner of theft of dogs collected a packed house of public. Acquaintances, meeting each other, asked:

      – You too on «dog business»?. According to the agenda?

      – No, out of curiosity!. Professor – and suddenly steals dogs!. What he, eats them?.

      – And I according to the agenda. Witness. And my Jolly-boat was gone! Good dog. I think to make the civil suit…

      – I ask to get up!.

      Judges enter the hall.

      – Case on charge of the citizen Ivan Stepanovich Wagner of theft is heard…

      Professor Wagner approached a table. By sight it could give no more than forty years.

      In his nutbrown hair, in a broad fair-haired beard and the hung moustaches it was possible to notice only a few silvery hairs. Fresh complexion, rosy cheeks and shining eyes breathed by force and health.

      «And about this person said that he does not sleep at all!» – the judge thought, bewildered inspecting the defendant. He expected to meet the emaciated old man. And already with a keen interest the judge began to ask formal questions.

      – Your name, middle name, surname?

      – Ivan Stepanovich Wagner.

      – Age?

      – Fifty three years…

      In public with astonishment exchanged glances.

      – Occupation?

      – Professor of the Moscow university.

      – In labor union you consist?

      – I consist. Workers of education.

      – Party?

      – Non-party. Under trial did not consist.

      – Citizen of the USSR?

      – Yes.

      – He is married?

      – Widower.

      – You plead guilty?

      Professor Wagner vaguely shrugged shoulders.

      – No, I do not recognize.

      – But you abducted dogs?

      – Allow to offer an explanation after interrogation of witnesses.

      – Well. Write down – the judge addressed the secretary. – «The defendant did not plead guilty». Call the witness, the militiaman in the beat Sitnikov! What can you show on business?

      – Applications from citizens of Bondarny Lane about loss of dogs came to our police station. At the citizen Polyakov very expensive setter, at Yushkevich – a pug, and at Deryuginykh – even the Persian cat was gone. Dogs disappeared completely. Their corpses were not found. Obviously, someone stole dogs.

      – You made search?

      – The dog – business not big was gone. To admit, we had no time in each case search to do. But when complaints of the citizen Shmeman to the citizen Wagner and the statement of board of housing association arrived, we began to inquire. Almost all victims pointed to professor Wagner. It in general strange some. They say, at night does not sleep. Or works at home, or on streets is unsteady. The janitor of their house saw several times as Wagner came back home with a doggie on a lasso at night. In the room of his dog bark, squeal. Proofs were serious.

      Therefore, owing to the arrived statements, we decided to execute a search and dredging of its papers at professor Wagner. A search was executed by me in the presence of the chairman of the board of housing association, the janitor and the citizen Shmeman.

      Nothing reprehensible was found in the first room of the defendant, except various tools and cars of an unknown origin. In the second room we found six dogs of various breed, gender and age. All of them were tied to a wall on short thongs. At some of them the heads hanged down, as if died or were tired very much. And on a table the white doggie, lokhmatenky, with the hole punched in a skull so brains were visible lay. The citizen Shmeman identified the doggie in a corpse, cried and fainted…

      In the courtroom reserved sobbings Shmeman were heard.

      – Dez, Dezi!. – she whispered, sobbing.

      – The taken-away papers are brought by me into court – the militiaman finished.

      – Undersign. Witness Zhukov!

      Zhukov, the chairman of the board of housing association, confirmed testimonies of the militiaman.

      – To execute a search – he added – we were forced still by that circumstance that professor Wagner is very unclear resident. Residents think that they it the mad, and are even afraid to let out children. In order to avoid panic and disorganization of the population I would ask to subject Wagner to psychiatric examination.

      Perhaps, it is dangerous – having for some reason been confused, Zhukov added – and he should be moved.

      Professor Wagner smiled.

      – What is it dangerous by? – the judge asked.

      – As in general abnormal! And neighbors complain: something hisses at it in the room, buzzes, and that explosions suddenly… Still the house will blow up!. And dogs howl the whole night… Inconvenient resident, in a word.

      – Citizen Shmeman!

      – Mister judge! – she began with the shivering voice, wiping a tear scarf, and immediately recovered: – Citizen judge!. He is a murderer! – She pointed a finger at Wagner with two wedding rings. – I am a widow… I have nobody… It killed my best friend… My Dezi!. – And Shmeman began to cry again.

      – You make the civil suit?

      – What claim? For what?

      – For a doggie… You about it ask in your application…

      – Nothing will reward me for loss!. – tragicly she said. – I do not know what there is written…

      Other witnesses did not bring something new. The janitor in detail told how dogs on their yard vanished as also the «ostatny» doggie of Dezi was gone as he saw Wagner bringing into the house of dogs…

      One of witnesses identified the dog among «victims» of professor Wagner. The dog was live, but she looked extraordinary tired and, brought home, overslept three days deeply.

      – Among papers – the judge when interrogation of witnesses was finished told – from professor Wagner magazines with various records, obviously, about the experiments conducted by it over animals were taken in search time. I will announce some of them.

      Here – there began the judge – records of professor Wagner about experiences:
