Classics fantasy – 5. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011732
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it a lunch in a cabin. But he refused – he could not eat our dishes. Came to an end in the fact that I had to give it, as well as in mountains, crude meat and water. Besides he suffered from a heat and therefore often howled, than caused complaints of passengers. It was very difficult to come with it to the deck. It always gathered around itself (himself) crowd of gapers. All this very much constrained me.

      Difficult and long to describe all events of this travel. Adam passed for fear to surprise all the time. Trains, cars frightened him. Our clothes, at home, electric lighting was struck literally to tetanus. Some trifle to which we do not pay the slightest attention – the spinning illuminated signs, sounds of brass band or pack of the making a din kids newsdealers – so absorbed it that I needed to pull several times it a hand to get moving forward.

      But anyway, my tortures came to an end. Adam in Paris.

      December 14. Adam makes progress. He does not lick to me hands any more. Got used to wear a suit, very much loves bright ties, learned to eat our dishes with a knife and a fork. Knows several everyday French words. But I do not decide to be shown with it on the street yet. And it was necessary to air it. Adam began to miss – because probably that sits in the room all the time, though at an open window, despite severe winter. At night, in particular when in a window the moon shines, he sits at a window and howls. I forbid it to howl, but he after all howls, quietly, hushfully, plaintively… In the middle of the night this howl the person very much irritates, but, I see, he not in forces not to howl.

      To entertain him, I bring him books with color pictures. To my astonishment, he very well understands them and rejoices as the child. But especially my last gift pleased him: puppy mongrel. Adam does not leave him for a minute, even sleeps together with Dzhipsi – he says «Zhips» – and the dog pays it in reciprocal love, understands it on one gesture. Not therefore whether what their psychology is close?

      December 26. However Adam «was not absolutely civilized» yet. Today to me the old companion came and friendly tapped of me on the shoulder. Adam, possibly thinking that I am beaten, with growl rushed on the guest, and after it and Dzhipsi, and me not without effort was succeeded to calm all three. My old friend, the nervous and irritable person, was very scared and angry this trick.

      – I on your place would keep it in a cage – he told, leaving».

      * * *

      Further in the diary there was a description of events already known to Clothilda: Adam’s adventures on streets of Paris. But she read everything up to the end.

      – It is solved, I have to be engaged in his education! – she exclaimed, having thrown the manuscript on a table, and immediately sent to professor the telegram, inviting Likorn to come to it together with Adam.


      With some nervousness professor Likorn approached a familiar entrance of the house of de Troyes under a hand with Adam.

      Adam with an unseparable doggie, in a black hat and a fashionable coat looked absolutely decently. Likorn called.

      – Look, Adam, be a clear head. Behave decently. Do not shout, do not jump…

      – Yes…

      The door opened, and they entered a lobby.

      The door-keeper, having recognized Likorn, respectfully passed him. The footman ran up to take off a coat.

      Suddenly Adam with a wild roar rushed on the bear effigy standing in a corner with open paws squeezed a bear for a throat and was pushed with it to the floor. Dzhips began a bark. The amazed footman dropped a coat on a floor and stood with an open mouth.

      – Adam, back! – Likorn shouted.

      But Adam himself also understood the mistake when his iron fingers broke through a skin of a bear and took tow shreds from there.

      – Poor Adam, you were mistaken. Bear not real.

      – A bird not real, at-at not real… In total not real – Adam perplexed muttered, rising from a floor.

      – We go, Adam.

      Adam trudged for the master, heaving from consciousness of the fault a deep sigh.

      – I will be … – he grievously spoke.

      In Adam’s language it meant «I will not be». Likorn involuntarily smiled.

      The servant brought them into Clotilda de Troyes room.

      When Likorn with Adam appeared in the doorway, Clothilda, hospitably smiling, met requirements of them, giving to Adam a hand. But her hand remained to be groundless.

      Adam’s attention was suddenly attracted with a porcelain Chinese bobblehead with slanting eyes which stood on a marble fireplace and swung the head. Then he took a knickknack in hand, it crackled, and on a floor splinters fell down.

      – Adam, sit down – professor strictly told, having taken him for a shoulder and seating in a chair. – Sidi. Do not move. You see that you did.

      – I will be – it is deplorable Adam said, sorrowfully considering splinters on a floor.

      – I warn you, madam – Likorn told, greeting at last the hostess – that this visit can deliver you and me many troubles. Adam is brought not so up to happen in society. And I would prefer to take away Adam, with your permission, now.

      – I will be – Adam responded, having heard the name.

      – Trifles – Clothilda answered. – Please, do not worry. It as the child that from it to ask…

      By the end of an appointment between professor Likorn and Clotilda de Troyes the agreement that Adam will lodge from now on in her mansion took place and it will continue his «education» under control of the professor.


      Adam moved and at once turned upside down de Troyes house. The host felt like the most unfortunate.

      – You can imagine what means to live in one house with a tiger – Bernard de Troyes said to the partner on trade – I try to avoid this savage, but, judge whether it is possible to avoid meetings, living under the same roof. Who knows that at it on mind? He can kill, break a fireproof case, set fire to the house… I have not dinner now at home, I come back through the side course directly to an office, I close a door on two locks and I do not sleep all night long.

      – But really it is impossible to get off this resident?

      De Troyes hopelessly waved a hand:

      – So far at the wife there will not pass this whim – in any way.

      Adam was engaged with Clothilda in reading and the letter in the mornings, and in the evenings arrived on «training» to her brother Pierre.

      Society of the young cheerful officer was pleasant to it more, than occupations with Clothilda. Adam willingly was engaged with Pierre and surprised the teacher with extraordinary bystry progress. For some month Adam was perfectly learned to driving the bicycle, driving, rowing, boxing, soccer.

      However, its mad driving on the car came to an end in numerous penalties, but for Pierre it did not matter while «and the sister’s hands» as he spoke, «there was a key from Bernard de Troyes cash desk».

      In boxing and soccer Adam crippled people the crushing blows much. The soccerball which is started up by his leg struck from legs as a bomb. However success it was recognized by the best athletes. It became a celebrity in a sport field.

      On Adam’s misfortune, Pierre educated him not only in the field of sport.

      Quite often in the evenings the young officer changed clothes in a civilian dress, took with himself Adam and went somewhere to Montmartre to be unsteady on vegetable