Classics fantasy – 11. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011404
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      “Taiga” went even quicker and at last left the fenny place. A backing it moved still some time, then turned and began to bypass the rotten lowland.

      On the same day coils declared that they terminated products.

      – We go to lower “Snake” – Dudin offered Ignat. They passed on a stern. Dudin switched off the current going on a cable from “Dragon” and began to reel up this thin steel cable on the electric winch. “Dragon” went down below and below and grew in the eyes. Ignat distinctly saw platforms of Testov and Grinev standing at a handrail. They waved to it a hand and something shouted. The tail of “Dragon” touched the earth. Still in a few minutes the huge construction smoothly fell and became on sliding props. Ignat quickly ran away on a ladder and went to “Dragon”. Coils met halfway already to it.

      – Well, show your celestial dwelling – he told.

      – And show me – Jim responded behind his back.

      “Dragon” stood on the earth and easily rocked. It was necessary to Vzlezat on a rope ladder.

      – Here below still warmly – told Tests. It was in a fur coat, valenoks, a cap, as well as his companion.

      – And at you at height? – Ignat asked.

      – Furious, cold wind.

      In the middle of the fenced platform there was a small lodge, otoplyaemy and lit by electricity. Cold wind turned the generator to the public and into heat. A case for products, a little table, two chairs and one trailing bed in which coils in turn fell down. Electric heaters, tiles, radio receiver, small radio station, TV. On a table a box with books and another is, less – pharmaceutical. On the open area meteorological tools, the anemometer, a barograph, the thermometer.

      – The side planes, spaces under a floor and over a ceiling are filled with hydrogen – Grinev explained. – Gas considerably facilitates, almost counterbalances the weight of “Dragon”. Rise rather to start “Snake”, requires wind measuring five-six points. Rise is facilitated by so-called effect of Magnus: at a side pressure of wind on the rotating rotor the difference of air pressure turns out – below more, at the top of a rotor it is less – and “Dragon” goes up.

      – And I can rise on “Snake”? – Ignat asked.

      – And me too – Jim did not lag behind. Coils exchanged glances.

      – Perhaps, it is possible for one of you. But only it for about three days, will not come to an end a stock of products yet. Which of you is more familiar with electrical equipment?

      – I am electrical engineer as you know – Ignat told.

      He put on more warmly and with impatience expected rise. To drag the prepared box with products it was short. But five-point wind had to be expected several hours. At last it blew. “Taiga” moved, the cable stretched, “Dragon” stood several seconds as if in thought, and began to separate from the earth. Above, above. Ice wind burned Ignat’s cheeks. Bugaev pulled a cap with ear-flaps over a forehead more densely.

      11. Night on “Snake”

      – Not so here it is pleasant how you expected? – asked with a smile of Tests. – And it is just flowers.

      – Trifles – Ignat answered. – What I, did not see wind?

      The above they rose, the wind became stronger and colder.

      Having put on fur mittens, Ignat armed with the sea field-glass, but left it soon: fog laid down, drew distances a veil. Low rushing clouds shrouded in times “Snake”, and then even the side planes on “Dragon” were seen only dark, indistinct stains. On “Taiga” fires flashed. A bright sheaf of light, punching fog, lit a way of the all-terrain vehicle. It lit a searchlight on a nose, over the captain’s cabin.

      – On “Taiga” all sit in a warm saloon now and have hot tea – Ignat almost with envy told. His hands stiffened, despite fur gloves.

      – Well that, and we can drink – answered Tests. They entered a lodge.

      – As if on rafts – Ignat told.

      Tests lit a lamp and turned on the electric furnace. Temperature of quick start to rise. Then, having examined a dynamo, Tests connected the drive to the rotating part of the wind-driven generator. Wind began to make the electric power.

      – Now we can switch off accumulators – he told.

      There was an electric kettle, and in it water quickly began to boil.

      – Let’s have tea with music – continued Tests as the hospitable owner. Having tinkered with earphones about radio sets, Tests chose number become cheerful. Ignat saw a scene on the TV screen. In the Leningrad theater there was an opera. Music and singing filled the lodge flying at the height of 500 meters.

      – What it is necessary to you? And warmly, both light-, and tea is, and music plays – told Tests. Some time they sat silently and had tea. Ignat liked to drink, but Tests every time when that poured a new cup glanced at him askance. At last did not bear and told: – At us here, the brother, a ration. Watch that there was enough water for three days.

      – You and told. I drink the fourth.

      Ignat removed from himself a cup and wiped sweat from a forehead.

      After tea music stopped, the screen went out. Tests explained to Ignat what he has to do what to watch in the watch.

      Bugaev approached a library box and looked at backs of books.

      – Second-hand articles. Read everything. You lagged behind here – he told with a type of the capital inhabitant.

      – Well, take the book from telelibrary – answered Tests.

      – You here and have a telelibrary? – Ignat was surprised.

      – Well still! Here, you see? Ignat caused on radio Lenin library in Moscow, chose the book and took seat at a table, having put before himself the metal snow-white leaf similar to the Bristol cardboard pulled the hinge on which the black box with a lens below was strengthened from a wall, and turned on the device, having extinguished a lamp. The cover of the last magazine accurately affected the white field in a little increased look. The thin wire terminating in the button went down from a box on a table. From time to time Ignat pressed the button, and pages of the magazine were turned.

      The motor hooted. Wind. In a suspended bed already whistled a nose of Tests. Ignat read till midnight, at last pressed the button three times in a row. The light book disappeared. He yawned and stretched. Put the red head on a table and took a nap, but immediately woke up. It is impossible to sleep: it on watch! He wanted to freshen up. Quietly put on, came to the platform. Wind and prickly snow needles burned a face. “Ege – Ignat thought – it seems, the blizzard is played. The winter comes”.

      Window fires on “Taiga” were not visible. Even strong light of a searchlight as though grew dull, spread. “Tomorrow ‘Taiga’ will become on skis and will go quicker…”

      Ignat returned to a lodge. The wind gust from the opened door reached Testov, that grumbled and was closed by the blanket which moved down from shoulders. Not to disturb him, Ignat put on earphones and began to soar on air. He visited Moscow, Tbilisi, Tashkent, Paris, New York, Madrid, Oslo. Listened to music, saw performances, boxing competitions, a gallop of camels, the half-naked people flying on the TV screen, standing on a board, on high waves of a surf under hot beams of the tropical sun… And there is a wish to sleep after all. He removed earphones and again hung the head on a table…

      – Watchman! Fell asleep? – he heard Testov’s voice.

      – Also did not think – Ignat answered, blinking red eyelashes. – Only took a nap a bit – he burst out laughing.

      – That,