Classics fantasy – 10. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011343
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were suddenly some columns of pale fog reminding people in shrouds and slowly slid, waved and thawed… It evaporations in those places where in a continuous carpet of seaweed there were “ice-holes” escaped.

      In one of moonlight nights some half-ruined brig of the Dutch construction close approached the steamship. It was painted in black color with bright gilding. Its mast and a part of bulvarok were demolished, брашпиль is broken.

      With the mixed feeling of curiosity and horror watched Vivian at this dead ship. Perhaps, this their future; time will come – and their steamship will also rush by the sea, not recovered by any human being. And suddenly she screamed:

      – Look, look, Gatling!

      Having leaned against the broken mast, there was a person in a red cap. In beams of the bright moon on dark, almost black face teeth sparkled. He smiled, smiled from ear to ear. At his legs the bottle lay.

      Consciousness that they not one that in this green desert there is one more living human being, excited all. Симпкинс and Gatling loudly shouted and waved hands.

      The person in a red cap, still smiling, waved a hand, but it is somehow strange as if having shown something behind itself. And the hand fell at once as a lash. The moon came for a cloud, and the person already died it is visible. But the brig swam up closer and closer to the steamship.

      At last the brig already almost closely approached a ship board. At this moment the moon ascended and lit a strange and terrible picture.

      The skeleton was tied to a fragment of a mast. Clothes tatters still remained on it. The escaped bones of hands dangled on wind, but the others dropped out of shoulder joints for a long time and rolled on half of the deck. Face skin remained, dried up by the hot sun. On this pergament face the skull smile sparkled. The semi-decayed red cap covered its top.

      One moment, and Gatling jumped on the deck of a brig.

      – What do you do, Gatling? The brig can depart from the steamship. Then you died.

      – Do not worry, Ms., I will be in time. There is something interesting.

      The Gatling ran up to a skeleton, grabbed the sealed bottle and jumped on the deck of the steamship while the brig departed already almost on meter.

      – Madman! – the turned pale Ms. Kingman met Gatlinga, rejoicing to its safe return. – Well, for the sake of what, really, you so risked? – asked Vivian, looking at a bottle. – We have enough this good.

      – And here we will look. – The Gatling beat off a neck of a bottle and took the semi-decayed leaf of bluish paper. The faded, almost red letters could be sorted.

      Obviously, by a goose quill, with a strange stroke and curls, it was written:

      “Whoever you were, a Christian or incorrect into whose hands this bottle will get, I ask and I conjure you to execute my last will. If you find me after my death on a brig, take money that lie in a white leather bag, in a captain’s cabin, 50 000 guldens gold. From them take 10 000 guldens to yourself, and give 40 000 guldens to my wife, Marta Tes-sel, in Amsterdam, Morskaya Street, own house. And if the brig sinks, and one you will find a bottle in the sea, send it, Marta Tessel, my wife, my last greeting. Let will forgive me if upset her in what… All our died… All crew to the sailor… Carat, Gubert… the first… I one am living, so far. Week… without food… I will become attached to a mast… who will notice… Farewell… Gustav Tessel. Brig of ‘March’, 1713 September of the 15th day”.

      When Gatling terminated to read, there came silence.

      – As it is terrible and strange! We received an assignment from the dead person to say hello it to the wife who two hundred years as in a grave … – And, having shuddered, Ms. Kingman added: – How many awful secrets this sea keeps!

      – Fifty thousand guldens – Simpkins thought aloud, seeing off eyes the being removed brig. – How many it will be at the rate on today’s number?.

      Part second

      Chapter 6


      – Earth! Earth! Ms. Kingman! Gatling! Go here rather. We approach some harbor. Tops of masts and a pipe of steamships are visible already. Over there. Look… more to the left there!

      The Gatling looked in the telescope.

      – The harbor opened by you has devilishly strange appearance, Simpkins. This “harbor” extends on many miles: masts and pipes and again masts… But pay attention: any pipe does not smoke, and masts… Their equipment, sails?. Look, Ms. Kingman – and Gatling transferred her the telescope.

      – Yes it rather some cemetery of the ships! – Viviana exclaimed. – Masts and pipes are broken, from sails there were one shreds. And then… where earth? I understand nothing…

      – It is impossible to tell that and for me everything was clear, Ms. – Gatling answered – but I think that the situation is so: in the Sargasso Sea, in this standing swamp, obviously, there are the currents though which are very slowed down by seaweed. Obviously, we got to one of these currents which, alas, and brought us to this “landing place”. You look what “harbor” we enter. Here who meets us – and it gesture showed around.

      The closer the steamship approached the unusual harbor, the sad fragments of the ships met on the way more often. There were broken, crippled, semi-decayed vessels of all countries and the people. Here pie from the whole piece of a tree… And here one skeleton of a fishing bark: the external covering fell off, frames stuck out as naked edges, and a kilevy part resembled a fish spine… Further away more or less remained vessels were seen: barques, schooners, tenders, frigates, galleys… The rusty modern steamship stood side by side with the Portuguese caravel of the sixteenth century. It had beautiful curved ship lines. The low board towered intricate superstructures on a nose and a stern. The core of a wheel passed through all stern, on the middle of boards there were openings for oars. “Santa Maria” – distinctly was seen onboard.

      – Surprisingly! – Gatling exclaimed. – Almost on the same vessel Columbus floated, and one of his caravels was also called “Santa Maria”, two others – “Pint” and Nina. And here you look – and far-sighted Gatling read onboard the linear ship: – “Henry”. Further, you see, the three-deck vessel: “The sovereign of the seas” and “1637” on its board. And between them the wheel steamship of the first half of the nineteenth century – no more than fifty meters of length.

      to the internal mass of the ships which are closely pressed to each other which as if merged to a peculiar island.

      Satellites were silent. All had such feeling as if they were brought alive at the cemetery.

      – If the destiny brought us here, it is necessary to get acquainted with this unusual island. Симпкинс! We go!

      Симпкинс it was obviously not located to be let in an excursion on this gloomy cemetery.

      – What sense? – he tried to evade.

      – Be a man, Simpkins. Who knows that he conceals in himself this island? Perhaps, there are also inhabitants.

      – Ghosts of old Dutch seafarers?

      – We will look at it. In any case, whoever lived here, it is better if we learn the first about them. This island can become our grave, but who knows, perhaps, here we will find also means to rescue. It is necessary to examine vessels; whether it will be some else suitable for swimming?

      – To examine vessels! – Симпкинс remembered “Marta” from her 50 000 guldens gold. It fluctuated.

      – But how we will leave one Ms. Kingman?

      – Do not worry