Classics fantasy – 8. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005011244
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it is hard to find Diana to Brike’s taste» – the Core thought, examining wide a foot and calloused hands of corpses. The majority lying here belonged not to those who go by cars. The core passed from the end in the end. During this time several corpses were identified and carried away, and already dragged new on their places. But also among beginners the Core could not find material, suitable for operation. There were brainless corpses, but either improper build, or the having body wounds or, at last, beginning to decay already. Day was on an outcome. The core felt attacks of hunger and with pleasure imagined chicken cutlets in the smoking peas.

      «Unsuccessful day» – the Core thought, taking out hours. And it went to an exit among the crowd full of a despair, melancholy and horror moving at corpses. Towards to it employees bore a corpse of the brainless woman. The washed young body shone as white marble.

      «Oh, it something suitable» – he thought and went after watchmen. When the corpse was put, the Core fluently examined it and was even more convinced that it found what is necessary. The core already wanted to whisper to employees that they carried away a corpse as suddenly badly dressed old man with long ago not shaven moustaches and a beard approached a corpse.

      – Here it, Marta! – he exclaimed and wiped a hand from a forehead sweat.

      «The devil brought it!» – the Core swore and, having approached the old man, told:

      – You identified a corpse? It brainless.

      The old man showed on a big left shoulder birthmark.

      – Perceptible – he answered.

      The core was surprised that the old man tells so quietly.

      – Who is she was? Your wife or daughter?

      – God is mercy – the garrulous old man answered. – The niece it to me was and nonnative. From my cousin their three remained – the cousin died, and me them on a neck. At me the four. Need. But what you will make, the sir? Not kittens, under a fence you will not throw. And lived. And there was misfortune. We live in the old house, long ago moved us from it, but where you will get to? And here lived. The roof fell off. Other children got off with bruises, and this absolutely cut off the head. I with the old woman of the house was not, we with her fried chestnuts trade. I came home, and Marta to a morgue was already brought. And why in a morgue? They say, for the company, in other apartments suppressed people too, and some of them lonely were, here all of them here. I home came, to fyuit, and it is impossible to enter as if an earthquake.

      «Business suitable» – the Core thought and, having taken the old man aside, told it:

      – What happened, will not correct that. You see I am a doctor, and I need a corpse. I will directly speak. You want to receive hundred francs – and you can go home.

      – You will clean? – The old man disapprovingly shook the head and thought. – To it, of course, all the same to vanish… We are people the poor… And all not someone else’s blood…

      – Two hundred.

      – And the need is high, kids hungry… but after all it is a pity… The good girl was, very good, very kind, and the person as a rose tree not that this stuff … – the Old man scornfully waved on tables with corpses.

      «Well and old man! He, apparently, begins to praise highly the goods» – the Core thought and decided to change tactics.

      – However, as you want – he carelessly told. – There is a lot of corpses, also is your niece is not worse at all. – And the Core departed from the old man.

      – Well as so, let think … – the old man tripped behind it, obviously inclining to the transaction.

      The core already triumphed, but situation unexpectedly changed once again.

      – You already here? – the uneasy aged voice was heard.

      The core turned back and saw quickly approaching tolstenky old woman in a clean white cap. The old man at the sight of it involuntarily grunted.

      – Found? – the old woman asked, wildly looking around and whispering prayers.

      The old man silently showed a hand on a corpse.

      – Pigeon you ours, martyr unfortunate! – the old woman began to wail, approaching the beheaded corpse.

      The core saw that it will be difficult to cope with the old woman.

      – Listen, madam – he told friendly, addressing the old woman. – I talked to your husband here and learned that you very much need.

      – We need or not, we do not ask from others – the old woman cut off not without pride.

      – Yes, but… you see I am a member of charitable funeral society. I can host a funeral of your niece into the account of society and I will undertake all efforts. If you want, you can charge it to me, and go to the affairs, you are waited by your children and orphans.

      – You what here talked a lot of? – the old woman on the husband snatched. And, having turned back to the Core, she told: – I thank you, mister, but I have to execute everything as it is necessary. Somehow we will cope also without your charitable society. What eyes you move? – it passed to usual tone in a conversation with the husband. – Take away the dead woman. Let’s go. I also brought a wheelbarrow.

      All this was told by such resolute tone that the Core chilly bowed and departed.

      «Annoyingly! No, resolutely today unsuccessful day».

      He went to an exit and, having taken the gatekeeper aside, said to it in low tones:

      – So you look if there is something suitable, immediately you call to me by telephone.

      – About the sir, by all means – the gatekeeper who received a good jackpot from the Core began to nod the head.

      The core has densely dinner at restaurant and returned to itself.

      When it came into Brike’s room, she met him by a question usual recently:

      – Found?

      – It found and is unsuccessful, oh, damn! – he answered. – Suffer.

      – But really really nothing suitable was? – Brike was not appeased.

      – There were such bandy-legged cuttlefishes. If you want, then I…

      – Ah not, better I will suffer. I do not want to be a cuttlefish.

      The core decided to go to bed before ordinary a bit earlier to rise and again to go to a morgue. But he did not manage to fall asleep as phone at a bed cracked. The core swore and took the call.

      – Hallo! I listen. Yes, professor Kern. What is? Train wreck at the station? Mass of corpses? Well, of course, immediately. I thank you.

      The core began to put on quickly, Jonah caused and shouted:

      – To Mashin!

      In fifteen minutes it already rushed on night streets, hastily.

      The gatekeeper did not deceive. This night death reaped a big crop. Corpses were dragged continuously. All tables were filled up. It was necessary to put them on a floor soon. The core was delighted. He blessed destiny for the fact that this accident did not happen in the afternoon. The message about it probably did not extend in the city yet. Strangers in a morgue were not yet. The core considered yet not undressed and not washed corpses. All of them were absolutely fresh. Exclusively successful case. One is bad, as this beneficial case not really reckoned with special requirements

      Core. The majority of bodies was crushed or injured in many places. But the Core did not lose hope as corpses everything arrived.

      – Show me this – he addressed the employee bearing the girl’s corpse in a gray suit. The skull was injured from a nape.