Romantic deal! and Nadejda Shlapina. Svetlana Poltavskaya. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Svetlana Poltavskaya
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Современная русская литература
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005010438
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plus accommodation and return pipes.

      – You don't have to worry about that.

      – In terms of?

      – There's someone here who's willing to pay.

      – And that's it, then from this point on more in detail please! By the way why are you all the time on my phone.When will you start using Skype or video calling?

      And reluctant to bother. Fuck!

      – What happened?

      I dropped a sandwich.

      Make a new one! Okay, so what kind of sponsor is that? What are you doing back there?

      – I'll tell you if you agreed to come with me.

      Okay I think that was right, well, tell me everything.

      Okay, listen.And Sveta began her story about the song, about his crazy friend and the sponsor named Vocab . Which I happen to know, too.

      What a friend, wow, night adventures you have!

      – I'm still in shock to be honest.

      You're having fun. So?

      – What?

      When are we going?That is going to go? How much time do I have to pack?

      – Oh , about that, I'll call you. You still have time.

      – Okay , then that's settled.

      – All right, pack your bags, and I'll take a NAP if I can.

      – Until then. We said in chorus and hung up. I'll go get ready for my voyage.  Every day I hoped that my baby and me NEVER would not know or hear.I'm not ready to meet him yet.Buzzed my mobile with a trill severly,I picked up the phone,Alina called:

      –Svetka!how are you?how did you decide to fly?I'd keep you company!

      I don't need your company she's sick noisy! all the while!I snapped.I pressed the red button.(Stupid lack the nerve to call,I didn't want to light up the damn vocalist )then I have suffered,I covered it with all sorts of words,then stopped and remembered that you need to log in VK at the page.There were two messages,the first set of stickers,I immediately removed some sort of garbage,and the second from Mansaba,he wrote:-hi,well, what?I sent you the flight tickets,pick them up at the Aeroflot ticket office,I think it's called. The bottom was the address and phone number,I decided to check and call,all you really need to pick up,I thanked Mansaba .The next day,I rushed off,taking my passport in an armful,a girl with long, black hair and brightly painted lips,orange lipstick,said:

      –The girl,carefully review the date of departure!

      –Good!thank you! When I jumped out on the street,I looked at the tickets,the time and date were today,(departure date 23:44 arrival in Ichon 07:50)Oh, it's today!I ran home, called Hope, and clarified the situation.:

      –Are you ready?got your clothes?at night come to the clock at 22:00,to me with suitcases. Two hours passed,and Hope came early, at eight o'clock.We drank tea ,coffee and waited for the coveted release.It's time,we ordered a taxi and got to the airport,already on the plane we fell asleep,coffee" Nescafe" effect is not given.I closed my eyes and his face floated in front of me and he beckoned me to him with his index finger,I opened my eyes for a second,then closed them again,again the same picture,I thought(What is it?)I shook my head and fell asleep,sound asleep.

      I woke up to the fact that the sun was blinding my eyes,I rubbed my hand saying to myself(the Sun is a traitor).Passed that we are already in Eachone. We went out,I did not have a big bag,I took things on a mini, but do not say about Nadia,she dragged the whole room.I was wearing sunglasses,although the sun evaporated the clouds hung.In the distance, I saw a man directing us,his hair made itself felt,it was van Sub himself.He came up to us and said:

      Hi!how was it?and take those glasses off! Then Hope woke up and said:

      –So I tell her the sun is not present!He looked at my friend and said,:

      –Introduce me? I gladly accepted the name my friend,we went into his car and drove to the area of Mundane(there still there is a nearby fish market)Then we as tails ,climbed behind him on the roof,ahst,I forgot that many Koreans love to live on the roof.He opened the door and handed me the keys saying:

      –Now you're the mistress of this house on the roof.I thanked him.

      Thanks,Van Sub!

      –Yes, and one more thing,tomorrow,I take you to acquaint with my record company,you want to write a song half in Russian and Korean!and I'll introduce you to the teacher!practice voice of a fairy tale,they say he is special.But all tomorrow and until rest!And he left.I went to look at the room,though they are not large,but cozy, there were only three ,the third we decided to use under Naruhina suitcase room.The next day,van Sub arrived and said,:

      –Light!come on,we still have to write together! you ready?And Trani?

      You know!maybe without a teacher, I'll manage,I'm not a fan of any of the lessons,guess what lesson I hated most?

      –Music!without detracting from the helm said Wang Sub.

      –How did you know?

      –All the fault of female logic!we all came. We went into a small,inconspicuous building,yellow.By writing a small song.he shoved me into a booth saying,:

      –Now,sing that song I want to hear your living voice.Having put on almost the same headphones,only better firm,I heard familiar music and having closed eyes ,I began to sing,then having opened,to me two men seemed to look at me or at me in the eyes to double?When I finished,I saw that van Subwoofer someone stands and applauds me when Fansub moved,I saw Him,my heart ran away in heels,I clutched at his chest.

      –That I don't look good?that you were scared of me! he turned to van Sabu and said::

      "Why didn't you tell me it would be a foreigner?" increased tone of the hon.Here I, too, was not many not in itself and told:

      –Why didn't you tell me it was him!I pointed at Hong Ki .he pushed my hand away and said,:


      –No,you wait here who want to do I will,but not with him!

      –But, not with it,with whom anywhere,but not with it!I'm not!well thank you for the song!Van Sub left us.

      –Cough it is pleasant to meet you,me SAB van was not warned and all!

      –So same and with me,no warnings!Then I heard a familiar trill from them,looked at his phone,he looked at me and treacherously silent.Then Hong Ki looked at me and at his phone,I was not in the habit of looking at someone else's phone,then he showed me his eyes narrowed and said:

      Is that you? I leaned over and looked at his phone and mumbled.:

      –Wow and the Korean version I like more!Then he looked at me again and asked::

      Is that you?

      –Me!So what?

      You my fan? I turned my head.

      It's not!

      –But I see their pictures of the sea and say not a fan? I still refused.-Why don't you ask me to sing?all the fans want it!

      –I'm not,I'm not a fan if I want to listen to your music…but forget it!

      –Well, let's get started,he shoved me into the booth and said:

      –Sing something!I'll listen!

      I can't!


      –You're looking at me!

      So?look at me a lot when I sing!

      –Don't compare me to you, I faltered.

      –I am just close your eyes and pretend I'm not here!

      –Even closing eyes I see you always!

      –Oh!what do you think of me?


      –They are lying!otherwise you wouldn't have seen me.

      –Okay!let's start!I turned it.After singing one of