Classics fantasy – 4. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005009838
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which there were Harichkin and Larichkin grew extremely quickly. It also turned into real “planet”. Its sizes disappeared behind the horizon. Sometimes this planet approached another so that it was possible to jump from it on other planet, was sometimes carried away far. Planets fell, rose, wandered on the sky in all directions. Distance between them everything increased. The planet on which there were Harichkin and Larichkin grew, and all others as if would decrease – were removed in interplanetary space. Soon they already seemed far dark masses.

      – We are on a caesium molecule now – Larichkin told. – It is good that it is not a molecule of gas. On it we would feel original Brownian motion of particles – dance of molecules – and, probably, would have seasickness.

      – Till certain time – Harichkin objected. – When we would become immeasurably smaller, than a molecule, we would not notice this dance as we do not notice the movement of Earth.

      – Dexterously Filinov played a trick on us!

      – And to what sizes we will decrease? What is the time passed since we left the usual world?

      – We have time now. On hours of Filinov passed, possibly, some seconds, and in this world they equal to millions of years. How many “geological revolutions” were already made before our eyes! However I will try to count.

      Larichkin took out the notebook which to it seemed not less usual size at all from a pocket, and, having sat down on a ledge, began to calculate. The scared voice of Harichkin interrupted his studies.

      – I move away from you! – Harichkin shouted, sitting on the asteroid.

      Larichkin, having dropped the notebook, made a huge jump and managed to catch a jacket tail of the friend.

      – We should keep together. Is not enough still that we scattered in different directions – he told.

      And before their eyes catastrophically bystry changes were made. Distances increased all the time, volumes of bodies increased – all bodies, except Harichkin and Larichkin’s bodies. With “planet” on which they “landed”, made surprising changes. It also began to break up to a large number of the isolated bodies and little bodies, and all of them were in the movement. Harichkin and Larichkin came to be on a small sphere which rushed with extraordinary speed. In the center of this sphere at huge distance the great planet, or sun around which our travelers rushed endlessly around was seen. Except their planet, around central “star” darkness of others just the same a planetok flew. Solar systems with the central star and “satellites” were seen everywhere. All space where you will throw a look, turned into a fancy pattern flying around a planetok. It was a show extraordinary. Everywhere there are rings intertwining one with another… Speed of satellites was such that their orbits seemed dark continuous rings – like a ring of Saturn.

      Diameter of these circles constantly grew, distances between “solar systems” increased. The planet on which Harichkin and Larichkin flew grew too. It already got the sizes of such sphere that Larichkin and Harichkin could travel around her surface. Central sun and other solar systems were far. Centripetal force acted on the same planet, as well as on Earth. Harichkin and Larichkin were not threatened by danger to fall from the planet and to lose each other. And they dared to disperse. One became on “northern”, the second – on “southern” poles. They could have something in common, but did not see each other because of curvature of a surface. And soon ceased and to hear as the planet even more inflated and the distance between poles was extended. They met on “equator” again.

      – Well what you on it will tell? – Harichkin asked.

      – The fact that we got to the world of atoms. Our molecule was scattered on atoms of which it consisted. We stay on an electron – “satellite” of our central sun – a proton. We are surrounded by the “star world” of other solar systems, other atoms. And everything together they make ours “galactic system”. Further immeasurable open spaces of “interstellar deserts” last, and the new congestion of “stars” – other “galaxy” representing a congestion of atoms of other molecule looms over there. Set makes them “metagalaxy” – it is atoms of all our plate. It is possible to determine by number of satellites electrons that it is caesium atoms.

      – And what further? – Harichkin asked. – Behind “metagalaxy”?

      – Further, probably, end of “world of caesium” and beginning of other infinite worlds…

      Harichkin sat down on the earth and struck an electron with a hand.

      – Pay attention – he told Larichkin – my hand passes through a surface, as through gas. And if we did not fail in the center, then, so, we are held by some superficial tension. All this is not pleasant to me. I adhere to a scientific hypothesis that electrons at all not particles, but only a wave of an electric origin.

      – Well probably we were lucky to see, so to speak, in a projection “clot” of this wave – Larichkin who did not want to begin a scientific dispute in such extraordinary situation at all soothingly answered.

      However Harichkin did not give up:

      – That is as so: wave clot projection? It vaguely and not scientifically.

      Altercation was ready to break out, however the attention of travelers was abstract new event. Through their “atmosphere” the body of almost same size, as well as their planet unexpectedly rushed.

      – And it that it? – scaredly Harichkin asked.

      – The free electron, most likely – answered Larichkin.

      There is a lot of such free electrons. They crossed space between solar systems in all directions, sometimes crossing orbits of “satellites”, sometimes facing them. In this case the satellite came off an orbit and flew aside, itself turning into a free electron.

      Harichkin made one more interesting observation. “Free” electrons were not absolutely free in the flight: they were not carried away out of borders of this extraordinary world.

      – They just fly within a caesium plate.

      – And one more – Larichkin added. – Pay attention to flight of our “planets” and “comets” – free electrons. We are at top of our hypergalaxy and we see how celestial bodies rise up and arc flight come back to a system subsoil. Above a certain border they do not fly up. What does it mean? That free and not free electrons fly up over a surface of a caesium plate.

      – However as after all the wave theory … – Harichkin did not calm down.

      The world of atoms as if reached the border and did not increase any more. But suddenly – a new awful event. Travelers saw how from “sky” to their world the shining masses flies. They in a flash overcame “heavenly” spaces and fell upon “solar system” the real rain of fire. And each “droplet” reminded the flaring sun. Travelers got a fright. What if one of such sun falls them on the heads and will absolutely incinerate them?

      – I understood what is it! – Harichkin exclaimed.

      – I too! – Larichkin picked up. – It is just a ray of light. Yes, Filinov lit a caesium plate with a strong ray of light, and we see “light quanta” – light streams which are continuously flying to our world.

      – Not absolutely continuously – Harichkin corrected. – We see the separate heated kernels which punch our world in the same direction. Continuous the fiery stream seems only owing to the bystry movement light quantum.

      – Look! One of sun faced “planet”, and it departed to space.

      – We see – Harichkin told, raising a finger – so-called photoeffect. Under the influence of light electrons get an additional stock of energy and fly with such speed that are at all carried away from our caesium world.

      – In other