Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Научная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005008831
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diving. Zander worked over these suits much. It was necessary

      to create special laboratory for test of various materials which

      would provide, on the one hand, almost absolute not heat conductivity, and with

      another – sufficient durability.

      – And it is impossible to freeze in such suits, being in world

      space? – Hans asked.

      – Coloring of clothes and action of sunshine can give from minus

      two hundred to plus hundred and more degrees Celsius, – the laboratory assistant answered. —

      Therefore fears of cold of interplanetary spaces are exaggerated.

      – And it that for tanks? – Hans asked.

      – Test of a surface of the rocket for reflection and absorption of beams, —

      the laboratory assistant answered. – Let’s enter in this cylinder. – They entered. – Now

      here it is dark and quite cool. The cylinder is turned to the sun by the

      the shining, polished surface which reflects sunshine.

      Let’s turn the cylinder a black opaque surface now. – The laboratory assistant turned

      the lever, the cylinder began to rotate on a longitudinal axis so that to Hans and it

      the satellite had “to go on one place” until the cylinder stopped.

      Did not pass also two minutes as Hans felt, what became much warmer.

      – You feel how the Sun heats? And on the Earth’s surface

      a half of sunbeams is reflected the atmosphere. Now you look.

      The laboratory assistant rummaged around in the dark and again turned the lever. Above opened

      window through which the sunlight rushed. Temperature began quickly

      to raise.

      – The ray of sunlight is collected by a concave mirror and directed to a back wall

      rockets. Turning the rocket a black or brilliant surface, we can

      to change temperature in it from twenty nine to seventy seven degrees

      Celsius. Applying mirrors, it is possible to melt metals. But it is possible “to fill” and

      world cold. Having such wide temperature scale in the hands,

      Zander designed in principle Tsiolkovsky the solar engine. Two

      reported the cylinder in turn address on solar, on

      shady side. In the Sun liquid in the cylinder evaporates,

      which presses on the piston, in a shadow – liquid and steam are cooled.

      – You needed to examine laboratories where models were tested

      rocket engines, the placed in an oak frame, six laboratories on

      to domestic service of passengers of the rocket.

      – Whole six!

      – Yes, – the laboratory assistant answered. – A question here at all not in conveniences, and in

      need. We have to neglect nothing and all are obliged

      to provide. In usual conditions we do not notice much, about much

      simply we do not think, and about such “trifles” without which it is possible to be gone

      in “sky”, or, on the contrary, which can do huge harm if them

      not to eliminate.

      Chapter 8


      – Zander arrived! We go to it! – Vinkler told. Hans raised the head

      over the book. He was excited. Hans worked with Zander not one month. But

      for the first time the engineer-inventor invited him to himself.

      – What for?

      – Probably, wants to get acquainted with you closer. Perhaps, to charge

      some work, – Vinkler answered, and his eyes cheerfully smiled.

      – Well, we go.

      In Stormer-city Zander lived in a separate lodge with an attic. On a call

      Vinklera was heard at first desperate bark of a sheep-dog; the door was opened, and

      the old servant severely muttered:

      – There is no house! – but, having recognized Vinkler, smiled as to the old acquaintance, and


      – Ah, it you! You enter. Wait, I will only take away a dog.

      Finger guessed how there lives Zander. The office which is filled up seemed to Hans

      drawings, models and all other accessories of the inventor. But it

      was mistaken. The small office of Zander where it accepted visitors, was

      it is arranged more than simply. A desk, two chairs before it, near

      table – the small rotating shelf with books, and only. Only thing

      the big portrait under glass in dark oak was decoration of the room

      to frame, hanging on a wall behind the owner. On a portrait it was represented

      bearded old man unknown to Hans wearing spectacles. Under a portrait – book

      shelf from the same oak where several tens of books stood in a row in

      covers with a gold stamping. Sharp eyes of Hans were read on backs

      covers of “Ziolkowsky”. On a table – the desk set, a lamp, a blotting pad – and

      anything else. Finger was a little disappointed. Vinkler subsequently

      explained to him that Zander usually works in an attic where at it

      the library and small laboratory are located. But in this sanctuary it

      lets nobody, and Vinkler managed to look only once

      the room and that in absence of the owner.

      The owner met them friendly, seated in chairs and, having had a talk about that,

      about this, suddenly asked Hans an unexpected question:

      – Whether you will tell me that such bipolar equation of a hyperbole?

      Finger studied mathematics and somehow answered. Zander nodded and

      asked a new question which nonplused Hans. Followed it

      others – from the field of chemistry, astronomy, biology. It was real

      examination. Hans was confused – he expected it least of all and therefore as to it

      it seemed, not always answered truly and it is sensible even on well familiar

      questions. Really it will fail at this examination? But Zander was,

      apparently, it is satisfied. He nodded meaning that test

      it is over, and told:

      – You know more, than I assumed. But you should know immeasurably

      it is more than what you know if you want to become my same assistant

      as Vinkler.

      Would he like to become! Hans was ready to work day and night that

      to seize all necessary knowledge.

      – You