Classics of a fantasy. A. Belyaev. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: A. Belyaev
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Научная фантастика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005008831
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      about care, responsibility. We, scientists, have to have one

      responsibility – before the truth. Care and courage – it is eternal

      the conflicting sisters. But they are reconciled by strict mother – need. Not

      whether professor Kinbruk believes that modern climate of Earth very much

      promotes health and longevity of the ladies who gathered here and

      gentlemen? Whether it finds that the terrestrial atmosphere now

      is more favorable, than the atmosphere of Venus? Where the respectable society which gathered

      at this table, risks to choke rather? As you can see, when will come

      need, care forces to be courageous, forces to go

      on risk.

      But whether this risk is so high? Professor Kinbruk very much exaggerated. I

      I do not dare to polemize with lord bishop. It, of course, is right that

      to the Lord many efforts would increase if also other worlds were

      are manned. But we and have enough efforts, and we will speak so far

      only about them.

      Stormer breathed a sigh of relief.

      – Yes, I claim that Mr. Kinbruk exaggerated and sinned

      against the truth. My respectable colleague missed one very important

      circumstance – atmosphere density on planets. Our atmosphere

      reflects more than a half of sunbeams in heavenly space. Mars

      almost everything reflects them. Therefore temperature of Mars is much lower terrestrial,

      what is confirmed by the last measurements and a certain size

      polar ices of Mars. The atmosphere on Venus almost all beams of the Sun

      rejects in heavenly space. Therefore temperature of Venus only

      is a little higher, than on Earth. On Mars it is cold. But also on Earth is

      cold places. Remember at least as saved once Byrd on Youzhny

      pole. Saving groups made the way on catarpillars in ices

      Antarctic at a frost in seventy one degrees. It is more, than in

      to stratosphere. And anything. Were not afraid of a frost – saved lives. Oxygen on

      Mars it is not enough. Without habit will breathe more difficult. But professor Kinbruk

      did not tell about one – as losses of an organism will be considerably there

      it is less. Because bodies weigh almost three times less there, than on Earth.

      Mr. Pinch will easily lift one hand of the boss, respectable there

      Mr. Stormer. You will feel extraordinary ease in the

      body. During the walking, a raising of weights muscle work will be facilitated three times. And

      means, and the need for oxygen will be less. For me is not subject

      to doubt that on Mars there is vegetation. Means, can be and

      animals and people, though, perhaps, and not similar to terrestrial.

      – What they can be? – Amelie became interested.

      – Hypothetically, proceeding from a planet environment, I can take on

      courage to represent to you the Martian. As living beings

      test on Mars “burden of Earth” three times smaller, it is possible that they

      have also growth three times bigger. For the same reason and their muscles can

      to be considerable smaller. Their legs and hands are thinner. Lack of oxygen

      has to cause increase in volume of a thorax. Even at us on Earth,

      as showed measurements, at inhabitants of high mountains the thorax is wider, than at

      inhabitants of valleys. Mars is more ancient than Earth. Inhabitants of Mars therefore have to possess

      more developed brain, and consequently, and the large volume of the head.

      The lack of light has to cause increase in organs of vision. And at us

      some deep-water fishes possess huge eyes. A sound in

      the rarefied air extended worse. This circumstance

      causes development of auditory organs.

      – High, thin, with a barrel-shaped breast, the big head, huge

      eyes and ears… Фи! – Amelie exclaimed.

      – Everything in the world is conditional, Ms.! – Dzhilber answered. – Believe, as you,

      even you, – it gallantly added, – it is probable, will not cause delight at

      Martian Apollo. Yes! There is one more advantage of life on Mars,

      which will be estimated especially by women. Year is almost twice longer there, than on

      To the earth. And, having lived forty terrestrial years on the Martian account, you can on

      to tell conscience that to you only twenty.

      – And I will look twenty-year-old or forty-year-old?

      – Here I find it difficult to tell it to you. I am afraid to upset, but I think that

      forty-year-old. Though, maybe, and vital processes will proceed there

      in a slowed-up way.

      – I believe that on Mars it is not so bad. A little coldishly…

      – But it is possible to live.

      – Ellen! You laid a fur coat? – lady Hinton interrupted.

      – And Martians will not kill us? – again asked Amelie. Lady Hinton already

      glanced at it with displeasure.

      – Will not kill. The biggest – will be put in the museum as rare

      copies, – with a smile Dzhilber answered.

      – As for Venus, – it continued, – I already told that: there not

      such conditions, as on Earth. But climate, perhaps, not really pleasant. Not

      I know whether fall by the Martian Adam, but on Venus was made

      people, likely, strongly made angry god.

      – Why you so think? – the bishop became interested.

      – John Milton assures of the poem “The Lost and Returned Paradise”

      lips of an angel that the axis of our Earth before Adam’s fall stood

      perpendicularly to the plane of a terrestrial ecliptic and on Earth was all the year round

      identical spring climate. The terrestrial axis was inclined in punishment for

      fall of the first person, and climate of Earth worsened. And as

      inclination of an axis of Venus bigger, than a terrestrial axis, it is necessary to make

      conclusion that venerianets even more made angry god, than our primogenitors.

      Venerable professor Kinbruk claims that on Venus it is perfect

      there is no oxygen, and approves it on the ground that spectral

      the analysis of traces of oxygen it is not revealed. It is incorrect. Physicist

      The Michigan university by Artur Adel it was established that
