The Story of Jesus The Christ. Helen Braun Hojt. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Helen Braun Hojt
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Мифы. Легенды. Эпос
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785005006929
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but his disciples baptized more than John

      did. The friends of John did not like to have the crowds leave

      their master to follow this new teacher; they went to John, find¬

      ing fault with Jesus and with the people. But John said: «It

      is just as it should be. I am not the Christ. My work is almost

      done, but his will be greater and greater. You must take him

      for your master, and believe what he tells you. He is the Son

      of God.»

      Some of the Jewish teachers, too, were envious because he

      was winning so many friends. They did not like John very well,

      but they liked Jesus even less. This was because the people who

      had trusted them and come to them to be taught were leaving

      them to listen to these two men. Jesus knew that they did not

      feel kindly toward him, and he thought it best for him to leave

      Judea for a while and to go into Galilee.


      The shortest road between Judea and Galilee lay through the

      province of Samaria. Few Jews ever took that way, for there

      had been a quarrel between the Jews and Samaritans hundreds

      of years before this time, and they had never become friends

      again. They hated each other so much that the Jews were

      unwilling to have anything to do with them, and would much

      rather take a longer journey than to go through their country.

      And the few Jews who did go there were not always treated very

      well by the Samaritans.

      After they decided to go to Galilee Jesus and the five disciples

      who were still with him left Judea early in the morning; for the

      days were so hot that they wanted to travel as far as they could

      before the sun was high. They took the shortest way, the one



      through Samaria. At noontime they came to a well, and Jesus,

      who was hungry, thirsty, and tired, sat down by the well to rest,

      while his disciples went into the city to buy food. The well was

      one which Jacob had built when he lived there hundreds of years

      before, and it was still in use. It was wide and deep, and held

      water enough for all the people and their flocks.

      As Jesus sat there, weary and alone, a woman of Samaria

      came to this well to get some water. Jesus spoke to her and

      asked, “ Will you give

      me a drink? ” It was

      a little favor to ask,

      was it not? Yet the

      woman was so sur¬

      prised to have a Jew

      speak to her that she

      said: “ How does it

      happen that you, who

      are a Jew, are asking

      a drink from me, a

      woman of Samaria?»

      This gave Jesus

      the chance he wanted,

      and he told her about

      the Living Water,

      which was the spirit

      of love and kindness

      which he had himself,

      Jesus and the Samaritan Woman and which lie WOllld

      give to all who would

      ask him for it. The woman asked him to give her some of this

      water; but she did not know what he meant by it. She thought

      that if she could have some of it she would never need to go to



      the well again. Jesus did not explain to her what he meant; he

      began to talk to her about the wicked life she was leading; for

      she was not a good woman. She was very much surprised that

      he should know all about her when he had never seen her before,

      and she was sure he was a prophet. So she asked him one of

      the questions about which Jews and Samaritans had often quar¬

      relled, whether people ought to worship in Jerusalem or in a tem¬

      ple they had built in Samaria. But Jesus told her that neither

      was necessary; that if people prayed to God in their hearts they

      would be heard wherever they were. She was not satisfied, and

      said that when the Christ came he would tell them what was

      right. Jesus said, “ I, who am speaking to you, am he.»

      The woman was so anxious to tell her friends that the Christ

      had come that she forgot her water and went right into the city.

      On the way she met some of her friends, and said to them: u Come

      and see a man who told me all things that ever I did. Is not

      this the Christ?»

      The disciples had come back while Jesus was talking to the

      woman, and had been very much surprised; but they said noth¬

      ing about it. They had learned that their Master had some good

      reason for everything he did, although they could not understand

      it. After she had gone they begged him to eat of the food they

      had brought him. But he was no longer hungry. The chance

      to help somebody to be better was more to him than food, or

      anything else. It was this that made him so lovable.

      Very soon the Samaritans came to see him, and were so

      pleased with him that they asked him to stay with them, instead

      of going to Galilee. He was always glad to stay where he could

      do good, so he went with them and stayed there two days. In

      that time many of the people believed from listening themselves

      to his teaching that he was the Christ, the Saviour of the world.

      At the end of these two days Jesus and his disciples started



      again on their journey. They were together, however, only a

      short time. The disciples went back to their homes, and Jesus

      travelled alone through the towns of Galilee.
