My Favourite Mistake. Chelsea Cameron M.. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Chelsea Cameron M.
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Современные любовные романы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9781472011817
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      “Yeah, he didn’t even look at it,” I said, shrugging. No wonder this place was always getting busted.

      “Lucky you,” she yelled back, sipping on her drink.

      Hunter came back moments later, shouldering his way through the crowd. He had this amazing way of walking, like he had all the time in the world.

      “You look like a rum and Coke kind of girl,” he said, handing me a glass. There was a lime wedge on top that I squeezed into the glass and then stirred it around before I took a sip. Hunter had a Coors Light. Typical.

      I sipped my drink warily. I definitely didn’t trust him.

      “I didn’t drug it, I swear. I wouldn’t need drugs to get you into bed,” he yelled in my ear. His hand brushed down my bare arm, and it took everything in me not to throw the drink in his face.

      “Go ahead, throw it at me. You know you want to,” he said.

      Bodies swarmed on the dance floor, gyrating and bumping together. Some had better moves than others. Some were practically having sex.

      Instead, I took a sip. The Coke fizzed on my tongue and the rum chased it, the taste dark, heady and warm. It was freaking delicious. How did Hunter know I would like it?

      “Is it good? I had him use the spiced rum. I figured you’d like a little spice.” Oh, bite me.

      Darah and Renee sucked down their drinks and chatted with the guys, who were eyeing the dance floor. Mase caught Hunter’s eye.

      “Dude, these guys are amateurs. Want to show them how it’s done?”

      “I’m in. Dev?”

      “It’s on like Donkey Kong,” Dev said, and they all headed toward the crowded floor.

      “What are they up to?” Renee said.

      “I have no idea,” I said.

      “You’ll see,” Sean said, leaning back in his chair.

      Mase went toward the back, where I finally noticed the DJ. They had a word and the song flipped to “Party Rock Anthem” by LMFAO. Dear Christ, what were we in for?

      Hunter and Dev somehow cleared a space, and as soon as the song got going, they started dancing. Not just dancing, they were breaking. Mase joined in, and they rocked it.

      The space around them got bigger, and people started clapping. Mase and Hunter had this routine worked out that was perfectly synchronized, complete with the worm and all these spins and moves that I’d only seen in music videos. Dev was doing the moonwalk in front of them and doing these smooth spins on his heels and toes.

      For a white guy, Hunter could move. Like, really move. If I didn’t loathe him with every fiber of my being, I’d say it was damn sexy. There was nothing like a guy who could dance, in my opinion.

      He did a turn and stopped, looking right at me. I couldn’t tell in the swirling lights, but I swore he winked at me. Douche bag.

      The club was going nuts. Everyone was clapping and egging them on. Then Hunter grabbed Mase’s foot and flipped him backward. The club exploded with cheering and hollering. They finished out the song and everyone applauded. They all high-fived and made their way back to our table, getting clapped on the back the whole way.

      “That. Was. Amazing!” Renee said as the guys grabbed their drinks and gulped. They were all a little winded and had a light sheen of sweat on their skin.

      “What did you think?” Hunter asked me.

      “Meh,” I said, shrugging one shoulder. “I’ve seen better.” I sipped my drink, savoring the rich taste.

      He just grinned at me and lifted his beer to his lips. “Sure you have, baby.”

      Now he was calling me baby? I ignored it and finished my drink.

      “You want to dance?” Renee asked me. The alcohol had started making its way through my system, making my cheeks heat and my head floaty.

      “Sure, why not?” I said, even though I was apprehensive about throwing myself into the chaos of strangers’ bodies.

      Renee grabbed my hand in one of hers and Darah’s in the other, and we headed to the crowded space. I had to tell myself a few times that I was okay, no one was out to get me and I was going to have a good time. The alcohol also helped. I wouldn’t normally have waded into a mosh pit full of strangers, but when in Rome.

      I didn’t have many talents, but dancing was one of them. I let the music take me over and didn’t care who was watching me.

      There was one set of eyes I knew was on me. Hunter’s. At one point, I turned, swiveling my hips and dipping down to the floor and slowly coming back up. It might have been my imagination that he swallowed and his eyes widened a little. I’d classify the brief look that crossed his face as stunned. Take that, asshole. I smiled and grabbed Darah’s arm, twirling her around and then giving her a hip bump. We danced for three more songs before we got too sweaty and had to get some air. I was relieved to get out of the crush of bodies. I’d had a few moments where the panic threatened to attack me, but I’d managed to slam the door in its face and keep dancing.

      The guys followed us outside, probably to protect us from drunken gropers. I’d read last year there were at least several episodes of unwanted sexual touching reported in the campus newspaper. Hunter put his hand on my back, but I let him because it was his hand or a strange guy’s, and I’d take the hand I knew over the hand I didn’t. Not that I knew Hunter. Christ, I’d only met him that morning.

      Outside we stood in a cloud of smoke, but the air felt nice on my heated skin.

      “I’ve seen better,” Hunter said in my ear. His warm breath tickled my neck, and I moved my hair to hide my shiver.

      My phone vibrated in my pocket, and I pulled it out. Mom. She always texted me at the oddest hours.

      How are you, kid? Haven’t talked today :(

      Good. All moved in. Drama city. Out with friends. TTYL?

      Sounds good. Luv u, Kid.


      “Was that your boyfriend? He worried about you being out late with strange men?” Hunter said, trying to read the messages over my shoulder

      “Nope.” I wasn’t going to satisfy his curiosity. I checked my phone. It was nearly midnight, and I was toasted from getting up early and driving from my mom’s house in Waterville all the way to Orono and unpacking my stuff. And dealing with jerks.

      “You guys ready to go? I have to be up early for macro tomorrow,” Darah said, miming shooting herself in the head. She was an accounting major, but hated economics with the burning passion of a thousand suns.

      “You with Wesley in DPC 100?” Mase said.


      “Me, too. Guess I’ll see you there,” he said, stretching his arms over his head. It might have been my imagination, but I thought I saw her smile at the prospect of seeing him again so soon.

      We all walked back to Mase’s car and said good-night to Sean and Dev. Mase said an extra good-night to Darah. Oh, dear, there was definitely something there.

      When we got back into the apartment I realized two things. One, I really needed a shower, and two, Hunter and I were going to be sleeping in the same room.

      Darah and Renee said good-night and shuffled off to their room.

      “Well, here we are,” Hunter said.

      “I’m going to take a shower,” I said and prepared for the comment I knew was coming.

      “You know what they say, conserve water and shower with a friend.”

      I walked past him to gather my pj’s, not answering. I made sure to lock the door before I stripped