God’s Little Book of Peace. Richard Daly. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Richard Daly
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Личностный рост
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007357055
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Angel delight

       Inspire yourself

       Questions, questions

       Accept the best

       Reach for the sky

       Medicine for life

       Get over it!

       Respect yourself, respect others

       Stay calm

       Appreciate yourself

       First things first

       Keep your friends

       The best medicine

       Pray for daily bread

       Keep your mind clean

       Help someone

       A hug a day

       Think positive



       Watch out!

       Cast your cares

       Showers of blessing

       Be made whole

       Be an overcomer

       Be a peacemaker

       It’s God’s way, not yours

       Peace in crisis

       Freely accept


       Live God’s will

       Love your neighbour

       Look for the good in others

       Be an intercessor

       Admit your faults

       Pray without ceasing

       Turn stones to steps

       Be teachable

       Also by the Author


       About the Publisher


      In a world where distress and anxiety have become the norms, how can we truly experience peace in a peaceless world?

      Harmony amongst nations and between people struck by terror and disaster is hard to come by. Yet in the midst of turmoil, peace can still be achieved. It is possible to live in a world without peace, and yet still be in peace. Such an experience comes only from knowing God.

      This little volume is designed to provide you with insightful words to help you discover true peace for yourself.

      Open this book at any page and be inspired.

       Richard Daly

       Know God, know peace … no God, no peace

      One of the many titles given to God is ‘Jehovah-Shalom’ which means ‘the God of Peace’. Our first step in finding true peace is getting to know God.

      For Further Reflection

       Judges 6:24

       Wish peace

      The Jewish word for peace is ‘shalom’. Its meaning signifies a deep inner wellbeing that is often wished upon someone in greeting. Greet someone today in this way and wish peace into their life.

      For Further Reflection

       Daniel 4:1

       Get connected

      The greatest quest in life has always been the search for peace. Many have travelled far and wide, yet the path to peace is a direct line between God and man … the oneness of divinity and humanity.

      For Further Reflection

       Jeremiah 29:13

       Think tranquillity

      Tranquillity – what a peaceful word. Picture yourself in a tranquil scene – by a calm flowing river, a serene sunset, a quiet meadow. This in itself aids peace of mind.

      For Further Reflection

       Philippians 4:7

       Seek a peaceful remedy

      It’s not work that wears us out, but worry, anxiety, stress, fear and everything else that perplexes our minds. Inner peace is the only antidote that banishes these negative emotions.

      For Further Reflection

       Colossians 3:15

       Pursue peace

      Worry is something you permit; peace is something you pursue. That means you can learn to control what goes on in your mind.

      For Further Reflection

       John 14:7

       Think peaceful thoughts

      Agitation! Frustration! Complication! Just the thought of these gives a sense of unrest. Calm, tranquillity, serenity … now doesn’t that just feel better?

      For Further Reflection

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