Derek Acorah’s Amazing Psychic Stories. Derek Acorah. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Derek Acorah
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007279821
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was feeling very depressed. Life was not being kind to me. Nothing was going right. I had deep financial problems and my emotional life was in a catastrophic state. I felt that I had nothing left to live for. Ending it all and taking myself over to the spirit world seemed a very appealing option.

      As I walked towards the murky waters I thought how easy it would be to just keep on walking and to disappear completely from this earthly plane. ‘What do I have left to live for?’ I asked myself.

      It was at this point that I became aware of a young lady walking along beside me about 10 feet distant from me. As I turned my head to look at her, I recognized her. It was my sister Angela.

      Angela had but a brief visit to the Earth plane. She had passed to the spirit world as a very young baby and I only had a vague recollection of her coming into our family. My last memory of her was lying in a tiny coffin in my grandmother’s front parlour. Throughout my life, however, whenever the going has got tough for me Angela has shown herself and encouraged me to carry on in spite of the difficulties I have been facing at the time. Although only a tiny baby when she passed back to the spirit world, just like me she had grown and matured and was now a lovely young woman who was the image of our own mother when she was in her middle twenties.

      Angela smiled reassuringly at me. I could feel the depth of her love and care washing over me.

      ‘The time’s not right, Degs,’ she said. ‘There’s somebody out there for you. You’ll find love again – somebody who will care for you properly and who’ll value you. You don’t have much longer to wait. When you meet this person, you’ll find every aspect of your life will improve – it’ll take on an even keel and everything will balance.’

      I ceased my heavy trudging through the wet sand towards the water’s edge and looked up towards the dark clouded sky. As I did so, a small chink appeared in the clouds and a beam of watery winter sun shone down upon the waters. I felt a lightening within myself.

      I turned to look once more towards Angela. She smiled reassuringly, raised her hand in salute and slowly faded from my sight.

      My sister Angela! So well named – an angel indeed! And she was right! Although things did not happen overnight, gradually opportunities presented themselves in my life and I was able to sort out the more pressing problems. I weathered my emotional storm and although it would be more than a year before I found true love once again, I was able to start enjoying myself in the company of friends. I also had my work for spirit – the most important thing in my life. I realized that I needed the time without being tied to an emotional relationship in order to dedicate myself my spiritual work.

      The night after my walk on the sands I attended my regular physical circle. Physical circles are meetings of a number of mediums, usually between six and eight, who sit with the sole purpose of assisting one of their numbers to attain physical mediumship. Physical mediumship is the point where a medium goes beyond the gifts of clair-audience, clairvoyance and clairsentience and develops the ability to produce ectoplasm in substantial enough quantities to enable a spirit to be viewed by those who do not have the ability to see clairvoyantly.

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