A Killing Frost. Margaret Haffner. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Margaret Haffner
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Зарубежные детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008252717
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Ed Royce is innocent.’ She gathered dirty dishes on to a tray with an authoritative clatter. ‘The man deserves a break.’

      Barry grabbed his sister’s arm and the tray tilted perilously. ‘If you’re nice to Ed, people will think you believe he’s innocent.’

      ‘I do!’

      ‘Well if he’s innocent, then who’s guilty?’ Barry’s face turned even redder. ‘I was a suspect too, remember.’ His fingers dug into her arm. ‘Would you rather believe your own brother did it?’

      ‘Of course not.’ Mavis pulled away and the dishes clattered to the other side of the tray. ‘Neither of you killed poor Tracy.’ She turned towards the kitchen, but Barry blocked her way.

      ‘No sister of mine is going chasing after that man and making a laughing stock of me.’ The bell at the front door tinkled and three customers made their way to a table near the quarrelling couple. ‘Stay away from Ed Royce,’ Barry hissed, and then turned an oily smile on the newcomers. ‘Lovely morning, isn’t it?’

      Catherine drove homeward in a daze. How had she landed back in the middle of another murder? She struck the steering wheel with her fist. ‘It isn’t fair,’ she wailed. ‘How can this be happening to me?’ She stamped on the accelerator and as her old Datsun shuddered to its top speed, Catherine didn’t know whether to cry or swear.

      She was still undecided when she screeched to a halt in the driveway. When she got out, she patted the car. ‘Sorry, old thing. I shouldn’t take my frustrations out on you.’

      Catherine found her daughter in the living-room, her nose buried in a book. She sat down on the chesterfield opposite. ‘Morgan …’


      ‘There are a few things you should know.’

      Her daughter uncurled her legs and sat straighter. ‘About what?’ she asked warily.

      ‘Atawan … this house.’ She paused. ‘Jason Royce.’ She leaned forward and regarded her daughter earnestly. ‘I don’t know how to tell you this …’

      That a woman was murdered in this house?’ Morgan broke in. ‘And that Jason’s dad was accused?’

      Astonishment pushed Catherine’s eyebrows to her hairline. ‘How do you know? When did you find out?’

      Morgan’s expression was bitter. ‘You don’t suppose anyone can keep that kind of gossip to themselves for long. Especially when “the new girl in town” moved into the very house.’ She laced and unlaced her fingers. ‘I found out about the house my second day at school.’

      ‘And about Jason’s father?’

      Morgan flushed. ‘I didn’t realize who they were talking about until a few days ago.’

      ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

      ‘I didn’t want you to worry … or blame yourself for moving us here.’

      ‘Oh, Morgan.’ Catherine flew across the room and hugged her daughter. ‘We’ve both been keeping quiet to shield each other,’ she murmured into her hair. ‘And I am so sorry.’

      ‘You couldn’t know,’ the girl said gruffly.

      Her mother sighed and flopped back on to the couch. ‘Thank heavens you didn’t go to the dance with Jason.’

      ‘What do you mean?’ There was a sharp note in Morgan’s voice.

      ‘With his father a murderer …’

      Morgan sprang up, hands on her hips, and confronted her mother. ‘He was found “not guilty”. Remember?’

      Catherine stared at her daughter. ‘Even so …’

      The girl stamped her foot. ‘How can you say that? Just because he was accused, doesn’t mean he’s guilty. Police make mistakes. Things, people, aren’t always what they seem.’ She laughed without humour. ‘You should know that better than most.’

      Catherine’s gaze never left her daughter’s face. She hardly recognized this impassioned figure. Could this be her timid, insecure daughter? ‘Honey …’ She stretched out her hand but it was ignored.

      ‘Mom, we left Kingsport because we were being hounded for something we didn’t do.’ She dashed an angry tear from her eye. ‘Guilt by association – that’s what you called it.’ She blew her nose vigorously into a crumpled tissue. ‘Now you want me to cut Jason for something his father didn’t do?’

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