Tom’s Daily Goals: Never Feel Hungry or Tired Again. Tom Daley. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Tom Daley
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Кулинария
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008281380
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      image Sumo Squat Touches

      1 Place your feet significantly wider than hip distance apart. Turn your toes out by 45 degrees and hold your hands in front of you.

      2 Lower yourself by bending your hips and knees. Keep your core tight and your back straight and do not let your knees move over your toes. Push up through your heels to standing and repeat. This is great for hip mobility.


      image Gorilla Complex

      Start in a standing position (1), then go into a forward fold (bend your knees slightly if necessary). Walk your hands out (2) to a press-up position, keeping your arms extended. From there bring your left leg outside your left hand (3), letting the opposite knee drop down towards the floor. Now take your left hand and reach it up towards the sky, opening up your chest, back and hips at the same time (4). Replace your hand on the floor, shift back to the press-up position (5) and repeat the movement, this time bringing your right leg forward and stretching your right arm up. Shift back to a press-up position, walk your hands back and move into a squat position (6) . Extend one arm up straight (7), then the other arm, then stand up straight (8). Repeat.


      image Thread the Needle

      1 Begin on your hands and knees in a neutral position. Slide your right arm underneath your left arm with your palm facing upwards.

      2 Let your right shoulder come all the way down to the mat and rest your right ear and cheek on the mat, looking towards the left. Broaden your upper back and relax. To release, press through your left hand and gently slide your arm out. For added mobility, rotate your torso and reach the arm to the sky. Repeat on the opposite side.


      image Iron Cross

      Lie on your back with arms out to the side in a T-Position. Lift one leg, raise your hips slightly and reach your leg upwards and across your body towards to the opposite hand. Try to keep your leg straight if you are flexible enough; if not, don’t worry about a small bend. Keep your shoulders pressed down to the floor. Repeat on the opposite side.


      image Scorpion Stretch

      This is similar to the Iron Cross but is done on your front. Lie down on your front with your feet together and your arms out to the side. Lift your leg off the floor bending your knee. Rotate your hip, bringing the raised leg over until the toes touch the floor close to your hand on the other side. Return to the starting position and repeat the movement with the other leg. Keep your core engaged throughout the exercise.


      image T Press-ups

      Do a normal press-up and at the top of the exercise, lift one arm from the floor and raise it to the sky while twisting your torso to the side. Roll on to the sides of your feet and keep your body straight at all times. Return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.


      image Bird Dog

      Go to four-point kneeling position with your shoulders and feet hip width apart. Then lift your leg and opposite arm off the ground at the same time and extend them out until they are parallel to the floor, without any rotation in the hip. Reach as far apart from each other as possible to elongate your spine. You are going to need balance for this one! Gently lower yourself back to your starting position and repeat with the opposite limbs.


      image Squat Circles

      1 Squat down normally with your feet hip distance apart (1), shift your weight to one side (2), stand up with straight legs with your weight shifted to that side (3), go back to the centre (4) and then repeat on the other side.

      2 Then do the movement in reverse: start in a standing position, push your weight to one side with straight legs, then squat down, keeping your weight on that side. Centralise at the bottom and then stand up.


      image Dead Bug Toe Taps

      1 This exercise is similar to Bird Dog but this time you’re lying on your back with your arms held up in front of you, pointing to the ceiling. Then bring your legs up so your knees are bent at 90-degree angles.

      2 Slowly lower one leg and your opposite arm behind and away from you and straighten them, while keeping your lower back flat against the floor. If you feel your lower back lift, stop and don’t go any further, that is your end range. Extend one leg and tap one toe to the floor. Repeat with the opposite leg.


      image Dead Bug Leg Extensions

      With your knees at 90 degrees, extend one leg and stretch it away from you, down towards the floor, touching your calf and heel on the floor. Keep your back straight. Repeat with the opposite leg.


      image Hip Bridges

      Start by lying flat on your back with your knees bent and your arms by your hips. Tilt your pelvis upwards and push through your heels to slowly lift your hips while squeezing your glutes. It should feel like you are rolling your spine off the ground, one vertebra at a time. Try to create a diagonal line from your shoulders to your knees.


      image Straight Leg Hip Bridges

      At the top of the Hip Bridge, extend one leg out straight while keeping your hips level and engaging your core. Gently bring the leg back down and repeat on the other side.


      image Clams

      1 Lie on your side with your knees bent at 90 degrees and your legs stacked on top of each other. Adjust your hips