The PH Diet: The pHenomenal Dietary System. Bharti Vyas. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Bharti Vyas
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Спорт, фитнес
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007352760
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contains no oxalic acid, which prevents iron absorption

      • contains copper, iron and potassium

      • contains zinc for a healthy skin

      • contains calcium, fluoride and manganese for strong bones and teeth

      • contains magnesium for the nervous system.


      You might be surprised to learn that there is no butter in buttermilk and that it is quite a low-fat product. Old-fashioned, homemade buttermilk is the slightly sour, residual liquid that remains after butter is churned. The flavour of buttermilk is reminiscent of yoghurt, and most people prefer it well chilled. You’ll find it slightly thicker in consistency than regular milk but not as heavy as cream. It takes 4.5 litres (1 gallon) of milk to yield 0.25 litres (half a pint) of true buttermilk. Nowadays, adding lactic acid bacteria culture to pasteurized skimmed milk makes most commercial buttermilk. As far as the pH Diet is concerned, buttermilk is an excellent product and can be substituted for milk in endless recipes. Buttermilk is only slightly acid forming whereas regular milk is very acid forming.

       Cranberry Juice

      Cranberry juice is one of very few fruit juices that have an acidifying effect on the body. For this reason, cranberry juice should be consumed only as a temporary measure, usually because there is a urinary tract infection. Its only purpose is to acidify the body quickly in order to provide symptomatic relief. Cranberry juice contains aromatic acids that are not metabolized by the body. These acids remain intact throughout the entire digestive process, acidifying the urine and bladder as they exit the body.

      Cranberry juice may be helpful while the digestive system is adjusting to the new healthy-eating programme. It contains betaine hydrochloride with enzymes, which may be beneficial to very toxic people. If you have been following a high-protein diet, you may suffer from bladder infections. Cranberry juice will quickly remedy the situation. Cranberries have strong antibiotic properties with unusual abilities to prevent infectious bacteria sticking to cells lining the bladder and urinary tract. Cranberries also have anti-viral activity.

       Why Water Is Vital

      The water you drink is just as important as the food you eat. The majority of us will admit that we do not drink enough fluid, and that when we do drink, we make poor choices, such as alcohol, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and fizzy drinks. Water is of the utmost importance to becoming and remaining healthy, and for the hydration of the body, particularly the skin. Our bodies are 70 per cent water and our blood 94 per cent water. If we exist on polluted water, or too little water, imagine the devastation to our bodies.

      The least desirable water for human consumption is the tap water provided by most cities and towns. Most city water contains chlorine, a powerful oxidizing agent that is not beneficial to the body and may in fact be harmful. Which water you drink is a matter of personal taste. Look at the ingredients list of the bottled water you buy. Many mineral waters have different levels of calcium and magnesium in them. Look for a balance of these minerals, ideally one that has a high ratio of magnesium to calcium as it is magnesium that keeps calcium in the bones. Avoid flavoured water as many have artificial sweeteners added. Artificial sweeteners have been proved to be carcinogenic (cancer forming) in animals. Choose still mineral water as carbonated mineral water may hinder beneficial minerals being absorbed. Become a water connoisseur!

       Do Coffee and Tea Count Towards My Daily Water Intake?

      No, unfortunately. Coffee and tea are diuretics and acid forming, and actually encourage your body to eliminate fluids. Even though they are liquid and contain water, they dehydrate the body rather than effectively providing the cells with the fluid they need.

      The best kind of water for the body is the water contained in fruits and vegetables. When you change your diet to include predominantly fruits and vegetables, you will be surprised at how little additional water you need to keep your body satisfied and hydrated. However, it is still important to drink your daily allowance of water as well.

       How Much Water Should I Drink?

      It is recommended that you drink at least 2 litres (3½ pints) of water daily, spread evenly over the day. This probably sounds like a lot of water, especially if you do not drink much at the moment, but as soon as you start drinking water at regular intervals, you will notice how much better you feel and look. Drinking water not only hydrates the inner body but also the outer body, giving the skin a lovely fresh glow.

      If you are unused to drinking this amount of water, drink a glass on the hour, every hour until it becomes habit. If you do this from 8am until 6pm, you should have had your daily 2 litres (3½ pints). If adding lemon or lime encourages you to drink this amount of water, then please do so – there is no limit to how much lemon you may add. Lemon will improve the taste and make the water alkalizing. You might own one of those watches that bleeps on the hour – now is the time to put it to good use as a reminder to drink your water.

       Level 1 – Reducing the Toxic Load

       Aims of Level 1 – Reduce Toxic Load Reduce Anti-Nutrients and Improve Beverage Choices

       Aims of Level 1 – Reduce Toxic Load Reduce Anti-Nutrients and Improve Beverage Choices

      This level concentrates more on food, particularly foods that increase mineral reserves. These are green leafy vegetables and foods rich in essential fatty acids. During Level 2, you continue to reduce your toxic load by cutting down on wheat, substituting it with alternative types of grain. You are not eliminating wheat at this level, just reducing the amount you consume. In fact, you are not asked to give up any food, and you can continue with your regular diet. Level 2 stresses quality, not quantity, of food.

       Step 1: Continue with Level 1

      Each day, try to improve the drinks you consume and reduce anti-nutrients. Continue to drink water and lemon juice on rising for cleansing and alkalizing the system. Keep drinking 285 millilitres/10 fluid ounces/11/3 cups water every hour, on the hour, until 6pm.

       Step 2: Power Up Your Breakfast

      Every morning, have 1 tablespoon of ‘3&6 Mix’ (see page 22). Continue with your usual breakfast or choose one from the Level 2 breakfast list (see page 22).

       Step 3: Introduce Vegetables and Vegetable Juices to Increase Alkaline Reserves

      Shop-bought vegetable juice is acceptable on Level 2 if you really don’t have time to