Notes and Queries, Number 212, November 19, 1853. Various. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Various
Издательство: Public Domain
Жанр произведения: Журналы
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dominance of the Roman Church in the Second James's reign: however, William's accession, and his becoming a nonjuror, crossed his design. In 1689, Tillotson, Burnet, and a number of William's "Latitudinarian" clergy made a bold push for it. A Comprehension Bill actually passed the House of Lords, but was thrown out by the Commons and Convocation. From William's time toleration and encouragement were extended to all save "Popish Recusants;" so that there were a large number in the Church of England ready to assist their comrades outside in breaking down her fences. The High Churchmen, however, as may be guessed, would not sit tamely by, and see the leading idea of the Anglican Church thrown to the winds, her via media profaned, her park made a common, and her distinctive doctrines and fences levelled to the ground. What their feelings were, may be gathered from this indignant invective:

      "The most of the inconveniences we labour under to this day, owe their original to the weakness of some and to the cowardice of others of the clergy. For had they stood stiff and inflexible at first against the encroachments and intrigues of a Puritanical faction, like a threefold cord, we could not have been so easily shattered and broken. The dissenters, as well skilled in the art of war, have besieged the Church in form: and at all periods and seasons have raised their batteries, and carried on their saps and counter-scarps against her. They have left no means unessayed or practised, to weaken her. And when open violence has been baffled, and useless, stratagem and contrivance have supplied what force could never effect. Hence it is, that under the cant of conscience and scruple, they have feigned a compliance of embracing her communion; if such and such ceremonies and rules that then stood in force could be omitted, or connived at: and having once broke ground on her discipline, they have continued to carry on their trenches, and had almost brought the Great Comprehension-Horse within our walls; whilst the complying, or the moderate clergy (as they are called), like the infatuated Trojans, helped forward the unwieldy machine; nor were they aware of the danger and destruction that might have issued out of him."—The Entertainer, London, 1718, p. 153.5

      I shall but add a postscript to my former Note. In "N. & Q." (Vol. viii., p. 156.), a number of pamphlets on High Church and Low Church are referred to. A masterly sketch of the two theories is given at pp. 87, 88. of Mr. Kingsley's Yeast, London, 1851.



      The following extract from an article on "Angling in North Wales," which appeared in The Field newspaper of October 22nd, contains a specimen of an entirely original kind of testimonial, which seems to me worthy of preservation in "N. & Q.'s" museum of curiosities:

      "Beguiled by the treacherous representations of a certain Mr. Williams, and the high character of his donkeys, I undertook the ascent of Dunas Bran, and poked about among the ruins of Crow Castle on its summit, where I found nothing of any consequence, except an appetite for my dinner. The printed paper which Mr. Williams hands about, deploring the loss of his 'character,' and testifying to the wonderful superiority of all his animals, is rather amusing. Mr. Williams evidently never had a donkey 'what wouldn't go.' This paper commences with an affidavit from certain of the householders and literati of Llangollen, that he 'had received numerous testimonials, all of which we are sorry to say has been lost.' Those preserved, however, and immortalised in print, suffice to establish Mr. Williams' reputation:

      "Mr. W. and his son and daughter bear testimony to the civility and attention of Mr. Williams and his donkeys.

      "S. P., Esquire, attended at the Haud Hotel, 24th June, 1851, and engaged four of Mr. Williams' donkeys for the use of a party of ladies, who expressed themselves highly gratified. The animals were remarkably tractable, and void of stupidity.

      "Mrs. D. A. B. visited Valle Crucis Abbey on the back of Mr. Williams' ass, and is well satisfied.

      "Sept. 4. 1852.

      This is to certify that


      Is to Donkeys very partial,

      And no postilion in a car, shall

      Ever more her drive

      O'er all the stones;

      On 'Jenny Jones'

      She'll ride while she's alive!"

      Those who have visited Malvern will remember the vast quantity of donkeys who rejoice in the cognomen of "The Royal Moses." Their history is as follows:—When the late Queen Dowager was at Malvern, she frequently ascended the hills on donkey-back; and on all such occasions patronised a poor old woman, whose stud had been reduced, by a succession of misfortunes, to a solitary donkey, who answered to the name of "Moses." At the close of her visit, her majesty, with that kindness of heart which was such a distinguishing trait in her character, not only liberally rewarded the poor old woman, but asked her if there was anything that she could do for her which would be likely to bring back her former prosperity. The old woman turned the matter over in her mind, and then said, "Please your majesty to give a name to my donkey." This her Majesty did. "Moses" became "the Royal Moses;" every body wanted to ride him; the old woman's custom increased, and when the favoured animal died (for he is dead) he left behind him a numerous family, all of whom called after their father, "the Royal Moses."

Cuthbert Bede, B.A.


      A cursory conversation with a lady in her eighty-fifth year, now living at Skelton in Cleveland, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, when she deprecated the notion that she was one of the old inhabitants, led me to inquire more particularly into the duration of life in that township. The minister, the Rev. W. Close, who has been the incumbent since the year 1813, and who has had the duties to perform, and the registers to keep, therefore, from about the period of the act which required the age to be stated, now forty years ago, was most willing to give me aid and extracts from the burial register, from the commencement of 1813 to August, 1852, during which period 799 persons were buried. The extracts show these extraordinary facts.

      Out of the 799 persons buried in that period, no less than 263, or nearly one-third, attained the age of 70. Of these two, viz. Mary Postgate, who died in 1816, and Ann Stonehouse, who died in 1823, attained respectively the ages of 101. Nineteen others were 90 years of age and upwards, viz. one was 97, one was 96, one was 95, four were 94, one was 93, five were 92, three were 91, and three were 90. Between the ages of 80 and 90 there died 109, of whom thirty-nine were 85 and upwards, and seventy were under 85; and between the ages of 70 and 80 there died 133, of whom sixty-five were 75 years and upwards, and sixty-eight were between 70 and 75. In one page of the register containing eight names, six were above 80, and in another five were above 70.

      In this parish of Skelton there is now living a man named Moon, 104 years old, who is blind now, but managed a small farm till nearly or quite 100; and a blacksmith named Robinson Cook, aged 98, who worked at his trade till May last.

      In the chapelry of Brotton, which adjoins Skelton township, and has been also under the spiritual charge of Mr. Close, the longevity is even more remarkable. Out of 346 persons buried since the new register came into force in 1813, down to 1st October, 1853, no less than 121, or more than one-third, attained the age of 70. One Betty Thompson, who died in 1834, was 101; nineteen were more than 90, of whom one was 98, two were 97, three were 95, one was 93, four were 92, five were 91, and three were 90; there were forty-four who died between 80 and 90 years old, of whom nineteen were 85 and upwards, and twenty-five were between 80 and 85; and there were fifty-seven who died between the ages of 70 and 80, of whom no less than thirty-one were 75 and upwards. The average of the chapelry is increased from the circumstance that sixteen bodies of persons drowned in the sea in wrecks, and whose ages were not of course very great, are included in the whole number of 346 burials. That celibacy did not lessen the chance of life, was proved by a bachelor named Simpson, who died at 92, and his maiden sister at 91.

      I am told that the neighbouring parish of Upleatham has also a high character for longevity, but I had not the same opportunity of examining the register as was afforded me by Mr. Close.

      And now for a Query. What other, if any district in


Let any one interested in the history of Comprehension refer to the proceedings relative to the formation of the "Evangelical Alliance." Jeremy Collier gives a curious parallel:—"Lord Burleigh, upon some complaint against the Liturgy, bade the Dissenters draw up another, and contrive the offices in such a form as might give general satisfaction to their brethren. Upon this overture the first classis struck out their lines, and drew mostly by the portrait of Geneva. This draught was referred to the consideration of a second classis, who made no less than six hundred exceptions to it. The third classis quarrelled with the corrections of the second, and declared for a new model. The fourth refined no less upon the third. The treasurer advised all these reviews, and different committees, on purpose to break their measures and silence their clamours against the Church. However, since they could not come to any agreement in a form for divine service, he had a handsome opportunity for a release: for now they could not decently importune him any farther. To part smoothly with them, he assured their agents that, when they came to any unanimous resolve upon the matter before them, they might expect his friendship, and that he should be ready to bring their scheme to a settlement." Collier's Hist., vol. viii. p. 16. See Cardwell's Hist. of the Conference connected with the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer, London, 1849, 8vo. See also Quarterly Review, vol. 1. pp. 508-561., No. C. Jan. 1834. The present American Prayer Book is formed on the Comprehension scheme. Last year Pickering published a Book of Common Prayer of the Church of England, adapted for General Use in other Protestant Churches, which is well worth referring to.

Those who wished to "comprehend" at the Roman side of the via media were very few. Elizabeth and Laud are the most prominent instances. Charles I., and afterwards the Nonjurors, had schemes of communion with the Greek Church. A History of Comprehension would involve a historical notice of the Thirty-nine Articles, and the plan of Comprehension maintained by some to be the intention of their framers. It should include also distinctive sketches of the classes formerly denominated Church Papists and Church Puritans.