Collins Rhyming Dictionary. Rosalind Fergusson. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Rosalind Fergusson
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Справочная литература: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007588947
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Santa Ana, caravanner, Indiana, Pollyanna, paperhanger, doppelgänger, * Louisiana, * ipecacuanha, * damn her, outran her, etc.

       It’s awf’lly bad luck on Diana,

       Her ponies have swallowed their bits;

       She fished down their throats with a spanner

       And frightened them all into fits.


      2.14 gasser, NASA, Nasser, Yasser, lapser, Saxa, taxer, waxer, Khalsa, salsa, cancer, Cancer, Hansa, Gazza, Lanza, panzer, stanza, azure, Asher, dasher, flasher, gnasher, Jascha, lasher, masher, pasha, rasher, Sacha, slasher, smasher, thrasher, Hampshire, catcher, dacha, Hatcher, patcher, scratcher, snatcher, stature, thatcher, Thatcher, capture, rapture, fracture, badger, cadger, Alger, ganja, grandeur, * amasser, madrasah, Nyasa, Mombasa, relapser, relaxer, piazza, merganser, romancer, Balthazar, Belshazzar, Braganza, bonanza, organza, Natasha, focaccia, dispatcher, recapture, enrapture, contracture, gastralgia, myalgia, nostalgia, neuralgia, phalanger, * gate-crasher, rat-catcher, backscratcher, flycatcher, spycatcher, cowcatcher, * necromancer, Salmanazar, haberdasher, cradle snatcher, oystercatcher, manufacture, * extravaganza, * antimacassar, * splash her, scratch her, etc.

      2.15 Arab, carob, scarab

      2.16 Braddock, Craddock, haddock, Madoc, paddock, shaddock, mattock, havoc, arrack, barrack, carrack, hammock, bannock, Cannock, Lanark, Rannoch, Zanuck, cassock, hassock, * Caradoc, Portmadoc

       cage me and i d go frantic

       my life is so romantic

       capricious and corybantic


      2.17 aspic, Bacchic, asdic, attic, Attic, batik, static, lactic, tactic, antic, frantic, mantic, drastic, mastic, plastic, spastic, crabstick, chapstick, slapstick, matchstick, * syllabic, iambic, stomachic, sporadic, nomadic, heraldic, Icelandic, aquatic, chromatic, dramatic, fanatic, pragmatic, asthmatic, Carnatic, phlegmatic, spermatic, schematic, thematic, hepatic, ecstatic, emphatic, lymphatic, erratic, stigmatic, prismatic, schismatic, sciatic, climatic, Socratic, quadratic, dogmatic, traumatic, somatic, pneumatic, rheumatic, galactic, syntactic, didactic, climactic, Atlantic, romantic, pedantic, Vedantic, semantic, gigantic, scholastic, monastic, shagtastic, fantastic, sarcastic, aplastic, elastic, dynastic, gymnastic, bombastic, * dissyllabic, trisyllabic, dithyrambic, acrobatic, aromatic, achromatic, pancreatic, Hanseatic, antistatic, astigmatic, charismatic, Adriatic, Asiatic, democratic, emblematic, enigmatic, enzymatic, thermostatic, symptomatic, systematic, cinematic, diplomatic, Hippocratic, hierocratic, operatic, problematic, autocratic, automatic, morganatic, bureaucratic, programmatic, subaquatic, plutocratic, chiropractic, prophylactic, transatlantic, necromantic, sycophantic, Corybantic, unromantic, periphrastic, thermoplastic, inelastic, orgiastic, hudibrastic, * polysyllabic, monosyllabic, aristocratic, meritocratic, undemocratic, semiaquatic, anagrammatic, axiomatic, asymptomatic, melodramatic, telegrammatic, idiomatic, diagrammatic, psychosomatic, undiplomatic, paradigmatic, intergalactic, anaphylactic, anticlimactic, iconoclastic, ecclesiastic, enthusiastic, * semiautomatic, idiosyncratic, unenthusiastic, * overenthusiastic

      2.18 graphic, maffick, traffic, Sapphic, * seraphic, empathic, * tachygraphic, calligraphic, cartographic, reprographic, demographic, stenographic, ethnographic, epigraphic, telegraphic, xerographic, geographic, cryptographic, pictographic, lithographic, biographic, typographic, hydrographic, seismographic, topographic, holographic, homographic, polygraphic, autographic, orthographic, pornographic, photographic, phonographic, psychopathic, telepathic, * hagiographic, radiographic, palaeographic, cardiographic, stereographic, lexicographic, bibliographic, choreographic, naturopathic, osteopathic, homeopathic, sociopathic, * cinematographic, photolithographic

      2.19 Alec, Gaelic, Gallic, phallic, baric, Garrick, Tariq, fabric, cambric, Patrick, hat trick, gastric, Chadwick, Gatwick, * smart aleck, italic, metallic, cephalic, oxalic, vocalic, Uralic, Amharic, barbaric, tartaric, Pindaric, Kirkpatrick, theatric, Fitzpatrick, Downpatrick, * bimetallic, nonmetallic, Balearic, geriatric, paediatric, psychiatric, nasogastric

      2.20 Alnwick, manic, panic, stannic, tannic, * Islamic, ceramic, dynamic, balsamic, ophthalmic, phantasmic, miasmic, orgasmic, botanic, satanic, tetanic, galvanic, Germanic, tympanic, Hispanic, mechanic, Britannic, titanic, Titanic, volcanic, organic, Koranic, * panoramic, dioramic, ectoplasmic, cytoplasmic, protoplasmic, Magellanic, talismanic, messianic, inorganic, oceanic, * aerodynamic, thermodynamic, transoceanic

      2.21 classic, Grassic, dabchick, magic, tragic, * boracic, Jurassic, thoracic, Triassic, pelagic, myalgic, nostalgic, neuralgic, * apparatchik, haemorrhagic

      2.22 Maddox, paddocks, hallux, barracks, hammocks, bannocks, cassocks, Hassocks, * Appomattox, etc.

      2.23 attics, tactics, antics, plastics, matchsticks, affix, graphics, Alec’s, Alex, fabrics, Patrick’s, classics, * aquatics, dramatics, pneumatics, rheumatics, semantics, gymnastics, theatrics, ceramics, dynamics, mechanics, * acrobatics, aerobatics, mathematics, informatics, numismatics, demographics, geriatrics, paediatrics, * aerodynamics, thermodynamics, etc.

      2.24 crabbed, rabid, rapid, vapid, jagged, ragged, caddied, bandied, candid, candied, avid, gravid, dallied, pallid, rallied, tallied, valid, arid, carried, married, tarried, acrid, Astrid, Alfred, languid, hackneyed, acid, flaccid, placid, fancied, rancid, * invalid, unmarried, remarried, miscarried, Mohammed, arachnid, antacid, * caryatid, dilly-dallied, shillyshallied, semiarid, intermarried, etc.

       When the lamp is shattered

       The light in the dust lies dead –

       When the cloud is scattered

       The rainbow’s glory is shed.


      2.25 jabbered, scabbard, tabard, halberd, knackered, lacquered, hankered, tankard, blackguard, haggard, Haggard, laggard, staggered, swaggered, angered, added, laddered, padded, branded, landed, standard, stranded, battered, dratted, fatted, matted, plaited, scattered, shattered, tattered, Apted, acted, bastard, dastard, Stafford, Strafford, Trafford, Bradford, Radford, Blandford, Catford, Ashford, ballad, salad, farad, Garrard, Harrod, backward, landward, galliard, halyard, lanyard, Spaniard, clamoured, Talmud, mannered, hazard, Hazzard, captured, fractured, * substandard, unbranded, backhanded, cack-handed, crash-landed, barehanded, red-handed, left-handed, disbanded, expanded, philandered, high-handed, right-handed, nonstandard, offhanded, forehanded, short-handed, two-handed, adapted, compacted, protracted, abstracted, reacted, impacted, distracted, extracted, decanted, Angharad, Muhammad, enamoured, unmannered, haphazard, * empty-handed, heavy-handed, even-handed, single-handed, underhanded, unadapted, subcontracted, etc.

      2.26 scabbards, tankards, blackguards, bastards, ballads, salads, Harrods, backwards, landwards, Spaniards, hazards, etc.

      2.27 Babbage, cabbage, package, baggage, adage, bandage, lavage, ravage, savage, Savage, salvage, carriage, garage, Harwich, marriage, sandwich, Sandwich, language, damage, manage, passage, * repackage, disparage, miscarriage, mismanage, stage-manage, * intermarriage, undercarriage

       For you dream you are crossing the Channel, and tossing about in a steamer from Harwich –

       Which is something between a large bathing machine and a very small second-class carriage.

      W. S. GILBERT

      2.28 babble, dabble, Drabble, gabble, rabble, scrabble, Scrabble®, amble, bramble, Campbell, gamble, gambol, ramble, scramble, shamble, apple, chapel, Chappell, dapple, grapple, scrapple, scalpel, ample, trample, Aspel, cackle, crackle, grackle, hackle, jackal, mackle, shackle, tackle, ankle, rankle, Wankel, Gaskell, paschal, gaggle, haggle, straggle, waggle, algal, angle, bangle, dangle,