7.5 Abe, babe, * McCabe, * astrolabe
’Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves
And the mome raths outgrabe.
7.6 ache, bake, Blake, brake, break, cake, crake, drake, Drake, fake, flake, hake, Jake, lake, make, quake, rake, sake, shake, sheikh, slake, snake, spake, stake, steak, strake, take, wake, * opaque, awake, unmake, forsake, partake, retake, remake, betake, mistake, * clambake, backache, pancake, handbrake, mandrake, handshake, heartache, heartbreak, daybreak, jailbreak, namesake, headache, sheldrake, wordbreak, earthquake, earache, teacake, seedcake, beefcake, cream cake, cheesecake, beefsteak, sweepstake, remake, keepsake, fish cake, intake, windbreak, firebreak, rock cake, hot cake, stocktake, shortcake, cornflake, corncrake, outtake, outbreak, Hoylake, oatcake, snowflake, sunbake, cupcake, uptake, grubstake, muckrake, fruitcake, toothache, moonquake, * rattlesnake, bellyache, griddlecake, give-and-take, kittiwake, wide awake, overtake, stomachache, undertake
7.7 baked, braked, caked, faked, flaked, quaked, raked, slaked, staked, * unbaked, unslaked, half-baked, * sunbaked
7.8 aid, aide, bade, bayed, blade, braid, brayed, clade, fade, flayed, frayed, glade, grade, jade, Jade, lade, laid, made, maid, neighed, paid, played, prayed, preyed, raid, shade, Slade, spade, spayed, splayed, staid, stayed, strayed, suede, swayed, they’d, trade, wade, Wade, weighed, * forbade, unpaid, brocade, pervade, surveyed, conveyed, arrayed, parade, abrade, upbraid, upgrade, afraid, unweighed, persuade, pomade, unmade, cascade, handmade, man-made, arcade, waylaid, well-paid, Belgrade, self-made, well-made, first aid, prepaid, repaid, relaid, replayed, remade, decayed, brigade, evade, invade, delayed, displayed, inlaid, mislaid, degrade, betrayed, dismayed, grenade, Sinead, dissuade, tirade, blockade, cockade, stockade, portrayed, downgrade, obeyed, home-made, new-laid, crusade, * Band Aid, ram raid, lampshade, barmaid, decade, mermaid, nursemaid, Teasmade®, switchblade, milkmaid, Whipsnade, Live Aid, limeade, bridesmaid, eyeshade, nightshade, comrade, Noraid, housemaid, sunshade, * cavalcade, accolade, Adelaide, masquerade, balustrade, cannonade, barricade, marinade, palisade, marmalade, parlourmaid, carbonade, dairymaid, razor blade, make the grade, chambermaid, tailor-made, escapade, escalade, esplanade, serenade, lemonade, Medicaid, renegade, centigrade, ready-made, retrograde, Biggleswade, colonnade, stock-in-trade, orangeade, overpaid, motorcade, overlaid, Rollerblade®, overplayed, underpaid, underlaid, underplayed, unafraid, custom-made, undismayed, Lucozade®, fusillade, * nurserymaid, harlequinade, etc.
A man must serve his time to every trade
Save censure – critics all are ready made.
7.9 aids, AIDS, blades, grades, maids, raids, shades, spades, trades, * mermaids, nursemaids, bridesmaids, comrades, * accolades, barricades, palisades, escapades, Everglades, etc.
7.10 chafe, safe, strafe, waif, * unsafe, vouchsafe
7.11 Craig, Hague, Haig, plague, vague, * The Hague, Mallaig, renege
Don’t be vague, ask for Haig.
7.12 age, cage, gage, gauge, mage, page, Paige, phage, rage, sage, stage, swage, wage, * front page, upstage, assuage, rampage, backstage, restage, encage, engage, enrage, presage, offstage, downstage, Osage, * rampage, rain gauge, space age, birdcage, greengage, teenage, ribcage, tyre gauge, Bronze Age, outrage, road rage, Stone Age, school-age, * macrophage, saxifrage, disengage, Iron Age, overage, underage, multistage
7.13 aged, caged, gauged, paged, raged, staged, * uncaged, unwaged, assuaged, engaged, enraged, * teenaged, school-aged, etc.
7.14 beige, greige, * manège, Liège, cortege
7.15 ail, ale, bail, bale, Braille, dale, Dale, fail, flail, frail, Gael, Gail, gale, Grail, hail, hale, Hale, jail, kale, mail, male, nail, pail, pale, quail, Quayle, rail, sail, sale, Sale, scale, shale, snail, stale, Swale, tail, tale, they’ll, Thrale, trail, vale, veil, wail, wale, whale, Yale, * percale, McPhail, avail, unveil, assail, exhale, curtail, descale, regale, impale, entail, prevail, inhale, derail, bewail, full-scale, * wagtail, travail, fantail, rat’s-tail, handrail, taffrail, blackmail, hangnail, abseil, gaffsail, Arndale, guardrail, Airedale, airmail, Swaledale, snail mail, facemail, staysail, mainsail, telltale, checkrail, bedrail, headrail, headsail, shirt-tail, sperm whale, seakale, Bleasdale, Ruisdael, detail, e-tail, retail, e-mail, female, treenail, greenmail, resale, Windscale, pigtail, ringtail, fishtail, spritsail, timescale, Drysdale, Clydesdale, hightail, Mondale, Rochdale, Lonsdale, bobtail, cocktail, foxtail, oxtail, hobnail, topsail, horsetail, doornail, foresail, mousetail, toenail, wholesale, dovetail, junk mail, thumbnail, * tattletale, Passchendaele, Abigail, galingale, martingale, farthingale, Armidale, fairy tale, Maida Vale, Skelmersdale, Wensleydale, Ebbw Vale, Richter scale, Chippendale, ginger ale, fingernail, bristletail, disentail, nightingale, Nightingale, cottontail, nonpareil, monorail, swallowtail, Calderdale, countervail, ponytail, Holy Grail, tooth and nail, * Fort Lauderdale
7.16 ailed, bailed, failed, flailed, hailed, jailed, mailed, nailed, quailed, railed, sailed, scaled, tailed, veiled, wailed, * unveiled, assailed, curtailed, entailed, prevailed, derailed, bewailed, * draggletailed, etc.
7.17 ails, ales, Dales, fails, Gaels, Gail’s, gales, nails, rails, sails, scales, sales, tales, veils, Wales, * entrails, details, pigtails, cocktails, toenails, * telesales, fingernails, Bloomingdale’s, New South Wales, * cat-o’-nine-tails, etc.
7.18 aim, blame, came, claim, dame, Dame, fame, flame, frame, game, hame, lame, maim, name, same, shame, tame, Thame, * acclaim, proclaim, aflame, reframe, rename, became, defame, declaim, reclaim, disclaim, exclaim, inflame, old flame, * mainframe, surname, first name, quitclaim, nickname, endgame, selfsame, filename, doorframe, forename, * maiden name, Christian name, window frame, what’s-her-name, what’s-his-name, counterclaim, overcame
For when the One Great Scorer comes to mark against your name,
He writes – not that you won or lost – but how you played the game.
7.19 aimed, blamed, claimed, framed, maimed, named, shamed, * untamed, acclaimed, proclaimed, unclaimed, unnamed, ashamed, renamed, reclaimed, exclaimed, inflamed, * unashamed, etc.
7.20 aims, claims, flames, games, James, names, * Jesse James, Christian names, * Olympic Games, etc.
7.21 bane, brain, Braine, Cain, cane, chain, crane, Dane, deign, drain, Duane, fain, feign, Frayn, gain, grain, Jain, Jane, lain, lane, main, Maine, mane, pain, Paine, pane, Payne,