Loving On the Edge 5-Book Collection: Crash Into You, Melt Into You, Fall Into You, Caught Up In You, Need You Tonight. Roni Loren. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Roni Loren
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эротика, Секс
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780008115340
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she had no option to say no. But he’d forgotten that a kiss with Brynn had never been just a kiss. The moment his lips had touched hers, he’d wanted to strip her down and take her in front of all these goddamned people.

      Her superior acting skills weren’t helping matters either. She was kissing him back with the fervor of a sub set on pleasing her master. His cock swelled against his dress pants. Fuck, how was he going to make it through the weekend? Regretfully, he slipped a hand into her hair and tugged gently to separate her from their kiss. He sucked in a haggard breath, trying to reclaim his cool control. She stared at him with question marks in her eyes.

      He had to clear his throat twice before he was able to speak. “Who’s your master?”

      As if snapping out of a daze, she straightened her shoulders. “You are, sir.”

      He tightened his grip on her hair. “Use my name, sub. I don’t want you confused on who you’re supposed to please.”

      She narrowed her eyes, defiance flaring in them. “You are, Master Reid.

      Reid didn’t miss the cocked eyebrow Grant gave him at Brynn’s snarky tone. He palmed the back of Brynn’s skull, drawing her face closer. “You need to drop the smart mouth or you’ll force me to gag you.”

      She didn’t drop her gaze.

      Dammit. Why couldn’t she play by the rules for a change? He couldn’t show weakness in front of this group or Grant. “I think you need to learn some manners, sub. You get off on being defiant, don’t you? Dip your fingers in that tight pussy of yours and show everyone how wet you are.”

      Shock crossed her features, and he could hear her silent plea, but he couldn’t back off. “Don’t make me wait. It displeases me.”

      Her eyes darted toward the crowd, then to the floor. With a shaking hand, she slipped her palm beneath the band of her panties and dipped her fingers inside. The visual alone sent all his blood rushing to his groin, his cock turning to steel. She removed her hand and raised it to him, shame coloring her cheeks.

      The evidence of her arousal glistened along her fingers, the sweet scent of her juices tickling his nose. His zipper pressed into his sensitive skin as his erection flexed against it, begging for relief. Without thinking, he circled her wrist and lifted it to his mouth, sucking the honey from her fingers. He closed his eyes, savoring her flavor and the fact that he could still turn her on even through all that ire.

      His eyelids lifted slowly, and he found Brynn’s attention riveted on his mouth. He lowered her hand. “Who made you so wet, sugar?”

      Her gaze dropped to his feet. “You did, Master Reid.”

      “That’s right. Don’t forget who you belong to.” Reid pulled a strip of leather from his back pocket and slipped the collar around Brynn’s neck. Once it was secured, he grabbed a chain off a nearby supply table and hooked the leash to the loop on the collar. “There, maybe this will remind you of your role. Now let’s go.”

      He led her from the open area to the table Grant was sitting at. Grant gave Brynn a long look, then gave Reid a knowing smile. “I think you’ve found a good pairing.”

      Some of the tension in Reid’s shoulders eased. They’d fooled the most important person—at least for now. “We’ll see. I think she may need some time in my room before I allow her to participate in any club fun, though.”

      Grant nodded. “I think you’re right. Have her sign the waiver then feel free to use your private room however you like. Activities will be going on in the common areas all evening.”

      “Thanks, I’m sure we’ll be around later,” Reid said, and tugged at Brynn’s chain. “Come on, sugar.”

      Reid could see the tight set in her jaw, but he knew Brynn wouldn’t break character now. She ducked her head in deference and played sub, following him through the crowd of onlookers. Even though he knew it was all an act, seeing the beautiful blonde under his command flipped all his erotic switches.

      During his four-year marriage to Vanessa, he’d tried to shut the dominant part of himself off so he could be the man she and his family had wanted him to be. His wife had found the whole idea of D/s abhorrent and hadn’t been open to doing anything but once-a-week vanilla sex. The minute he’d even suggested trying anything kinky she’d thrown his father’s history in his face, knowing exactly how to make him feel like shit. The whole thing had been miserable for them both.

      The only moments of indulgence he had allowed himself was the occasional jerk-off session when he’d let his mind travel back to those few glorious months with Brynn before the bottom had fallen out. Transport himself back to the only time in his life he ever remembered being truly happy.

      And now, here she was, right next to him—wet and ­wanting—a ripe fruit waiting to be plucked. Too bad she despised him. And if she found out he was here to get information from her sister for the appeal and not simply out of chivalry, she’d really be ready to castrate him.

      They exited the main room and entered a wide hallway with chocolate brown walls and soft sconce lighting. All noise except the gentle padding of their feet on the plush carpet ceased. He eyed the red lights of the strategically placed security cameras and drew Brynn next to him.

      “Why the hell did you make me do that?” she demanded in a hoarse whisper.

      “You can’t challenge me as a dom in front of everyone. If I hadn’t punished you, they would’ve gotten suspicious. And I tried to pick something that was as… non-intrusive as possible. I could’ve done anything I wanted to you.”

      Her shoulder sagged against him, the reality of his words settling in. They walked in silence for a few moments before she spoke again, her tone decidedly less hostile this time. “It’s like a tomb in here.”

      “The rooms are soundproof so no one interrupts anyone else’s scene. Although, those things that look like mirrors can actually be lifted if the people inside want to allow people to watch.”

      She shook her head. “Jesus, they’re not messing around here.”

      “Keep your eyes down, sugar. The cameras can’t hear us, but they can see us. Make sure you look like a sub.”

      She followed his instructions, but didn’t stop talking. “Why are you here, Reid?”

      He sighed and guided her around a corner, guilt about his real reason gnawing at him. “Because I knew you were full of shit when you said you were okay submitting to some stranger. And I figured it’d be easier to find your sister if you didn’t have to pretend with someone twenty-four seven. You could’ve gotten a guy who wanted to lock you in his room for the whole weekend, and you wouldn’t have even had a chance to look.”

      She shuddered at the thought. “But why do you care?”

      The muscles in his neck tightened. “Because despite what you may think, I’m not heartless, Brynn. You’ve been through a lot. I don’t want to see you or your sister go through any more tragedy.”

      At least that much was true.

      She glanced up at him, and for a moment, the mask dropped, revealing the stark fear beneath it. The worry in her big green eyes stirred up a fierce protectiveness deep within him. He had the urge to reach out and pull her in for an embrace.

      He peeked over his shoulder and dipped his head next to her ear just in case anyone was listening. “It’s going to be okay, sugar. I was going to wait to tell you until we got to our room, but I’ve already confirmed that Kelsey is here.”

      Her eyes widened, hope filling them. “You’ve seen her?”

      “No, but I flirted with the girl at the front desk earlier. I got her to leave her post for a second and was able to peek at the employee schedules. There’s a Kiki listed in the sub training slot.”

      “Oh, thank God.” The relief was visible in every inch of her stance.
