Best of British Crime 3 E-Book Bundle. Paul Finch. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Paul Finch
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Полицейские детективы
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007532414
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What are the chances of that, do you reckon?’

      ‘It’s just a little chat,’ Loxton said, opening the Bentley’s rear off-side door.

      Asquith had advanced until he was very close and now stood there like a rock, his big arms folded across his barrel chest. Heck knew he had no option. Not that he fancied it. Even ‘little chats’ with Bobby Ballamara had a habit of turning nasty.

      He climbed in and Loxton closed the door behind him. The car’s interior was plush, all fragrant leather and varnished woodwork. Ballamara, as always, immaculate in a pinstriped suit with a shirt and tie of pink silk and a pink handkerchief peeking from his breast pocket, was engrossed in a copy of The Times. He was an elderly man, maybe sixty, rat-faced, with close-cropped white hair and a white, pencil-thin moustache. To all intents and purposes he looked like an ordinary businessman, until you saw his eyes; they were dead, flat, ice-grey in colour.

      ‘Ah,’ he said, in his only slightly noticeable Cockney accent. ‘Heck.’

      ‘My friends call me “Heck”. To you it’s “Detective Sergeant Heckenburg”.’

      Ballamara smiled to himself and closed the newspaper.

      ‘What do you want?’ Heck asked.

      ‘How’s it going? You making any progress?’

      Heck reached up to loosen his tie, only to find that it was already loose; it hung at his throat in a limp knot. ‘Do I look like I am?’

      ‘You’ve certainly been putting the hours in. There’s no question about that.’

      ‘Been keeping tabs on me, have you?’

      ‘Now and then. As a scrupulous tax-payer, I like to know my money’s being well-spent.’

      Heck feigned surprise. ‘They tax drugs and prostitution now, do they?’

      ‘Let’s try and keep this friendly, Heckenburg.’

      ‘You asking me that, or telling me?’

      Ballamara’s smile faded a little. ‘You know, these snappy comebacks may win you kudos with the secretaries in the CID office. But I’d remind you that my daughter has now been missing for two years.’

      ‘And I’d remind you that a large number of other people’s daughters have been missing for a similar period of time, if not longer. And I’m no more personally answerable to them than I am to you.’

      ‘You still the only officer on the case?’

      ‘You know I can’t divulge information regarding an ongoing enquiry.’

      Ballamara nodded thoughtfully. ‘Which means you are the only officer on the case. In the whole of the Metropolitan Police only one detective is working on my daughter’s disappearance.’

      Heck sighed. He felt like they’d been over this ground umpteen times. ‘I’m not in the Metropolitan Police anymore, Mr Ballamara. I’m with the National Crime Group, as you well know. That means we have less manpower and we’re not only investigating crime in London, we’re investigating it in the whole of England and Wales. However, the point is a good one. So why don’t you lodge your complaint with Commander Laycock at New Scotland Yard? Believe me, I’d like nothing better. Now, if that’s all there is, I’ve been on a surveillance operation all night, I have about six hours of paperwork still to do, and after that I’m off to bed.’

      He opened the door and made to climb out, but Asquith was standing on the other side, and slammed it closed again. Heck pulled back sharply, only just managing to avoid smashing his face on the window.

      ‘Heckenburg, there’s something you should know about me,’ Ballamara said. It was said casually; a simple statement. But the gang leader’s flat, grey eyes had now hardened until they were more like coins. ‘I have personally used the foundations of motorway bridges to bury coppers who were much tougher, much cleverer, and much, much higher up the food-chain than you. You think I’m just going to sit back and let some low-rank pipsqueak keep fobbing me off while my daughter is suffering God knows what?’

      Heck rubbed his forehead. ‘I’m doing what I can.’

      ‘It isn’t enough.’

      ‘There’s no case, alright?’ Heck stared at him as earnestly as he could. ‘I’ve told you this before. Your Noreen went missing. I’m sorry about that, but she was nineteen and a big girl. She had money, she had her independence – she’s hardly what you’d class as a vulnerable person. You need to accept the possibility that she might have disappeared because she wanted to.’

      ‘She was out with her mates in the West End,’ Ballamara reminded him. ‘It was their usual Saturday night get-together. All she had with her was her handbag and the very skimpy clothes she was standing up in. The next day I searched her flat, myself. The wardrobes were still full. All her suitcases were there, her passport was in the fucking drawer, for Christ’s sake.’

      Heck didn’t really know how to reply. They’d had this conversation over and over, and in any case the gangster was preaching to the converted. Heck also believed that Noreen Ballamara had fallen victim to foul play, and, in that respect, his toeing the ‘official’ line was becoming thankless and tiresome.

      ‘Look Ballamara,’ he finally said, ‘you need to understand …’

      ‘Mister Ballamara, while we’re insisting on formalities.’

      ‘Mr Ballamara, it’s not me you’ve got to convince. But with no body, no crime scene and basically no evidence of anything at all, I’m pissing in the wind. At present, all we can do is class Noreen as a missing person.’

      ‘And what about all the others?’

      ‘The same thing. There’s no proof that any of these disappearances are connected.’

      ‘You don’t think it’s a hell of a coincidence?’

      ‘Look at the bigger picture. Thousands of people drop out of sight every year, but only a fraction of them in suspicious circumstances.’

      Ballamara nodded at this and smiled. ‘In which case, why are you, an officer in the NCG’s Serial Crimes Unit, looking into these particular forty cases?’

      ‘That’s what my gaffers are wondering.’

      ‘It isn’t good enough, Heckenburg. I want answers.’

      ‘What do you think I want?’

      ‘I don’t give a flying fuck what you want!’ The gangster leaned across and peered into Heck’s face with lupine intensity. He’d now blanched to a very unhealthy shade of white and was so close that his breath filled the cop’s nostrils with a reek of peppermint. When he spoke again, it was in a low, menacing monotone. ‘Now you listen, my son. I’ve had it up to here with this bullshit. So from now on, you aren’t just working for the police – you’re working for me. Consider the fact that you’re still walking around with an intact spine your salary. Now get out and get back on the job, or I’ll personally rearrange your face so your fucking mum wouldn’t recognise it.’

      Right on cue, the car door opened again.

      Heck found himself being helped out by Asquith, though, with a bunched fist gripping him by the back of his collar, it was the sort of help he probably didn’t need. The door closed with a thud, and then Heck was standing in the road watching as Asquith sidled around the vehicle to the front passenger door, and Loxton made to climb behind the steering wheel.

      ‘Don’t suppose you lot have been looking for Noreen, have you?’ Heck asked them.

      Loxton eyed him as though he couldn’t believe a copper could ask so stupid a question. ‘Course we fucking have.’

      ‘Any leads you’d care to share?’

      ‘Dale!’ Ballamara shouted from inside the car.