Your Chinese Horoscope 2015: What the year of the goat holds in store for you. Neil Somerville. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Neil Somerville
Издательство: HarperCollins
Жанр произведения: Эзотерика
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9780007579464
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      Wood Rat: 1924, 1984

      The Wood Rat has a friendly, outgoing personality and is popular with his colleagues and friends. He has a quick, agile brain and likes to turn his hand to anything he thinks may be useful. His one fear is insecurity, but given his intelligence and capabilities, this fear is usually unfounded. He has a good sense of humour, enjoys travel and, due to his highly imaginative nature, can be a gifted writer or artist.

      Fire Rat: 1936, 1996

      The Fire Rat is rarely still and seems to have a never-ending supply of energy and enthusiasm. He loves being involved in some form of action, be it travel, following up new ideas or campaigning for a cause in which he fervently believes. He is an original thinker and hates being bound by petty restrictions or the dictates of others. He can be forthright in his views but can sometimes get carried away in the excitement of the moment and commit himself to various undertakings without thinking through all the implications. Yet he has a resilient nature and with the right support can go far in life.

      Earth Rat: 1948, 2008

      This Rat is astute and very level-headed. He rarely takes unnecessary chances and while he is constantly trying to improve his financial status, he is prepared to proceed slowly and leave nothing to chance. He is probably not as adventurous as the other types of Rat and prefers to remain in familiar territory rather than rush headlong into something he knows little about. He is talented, conscientious and caring towards his loved ones, but at the same time can be self-conscious and worry a little too much about the image he is trying to project.

      Prospects for the Rat in 2015

      The Year of the Horse (31 January 2014–18 February 2015) will have not been the easiest for the Rat. Some situations could have frustrated him and he could also have faced niggling problems. In addition, his relations with others will have needed care. Although he is usually skilful in this area, some disagreements may have arisen and, uncharacteristically, he may have misread some situations.

      In the remaining months of the Horse year he will need to remain on his mettle. This is no time for rush, risk or jumping to conclusions, and should he have misgivings over any matter, he should check the facts and wait for matters to become clear.

      However, while the aspects advise caution, the closing months of the Horse year can be important ones for the Rat. In his work, he should make full use of his skills and take advantage of any chances to widen his role. By being active now, he can improve his prospects for the future, especially for the much-improved Goat year to come.

      With the closing months of the year often being an expensive time, the Rat would also do well to be disciplined in his spending and wary of risk or extravagance.

      The year’s end can see an increase in social activity, including the chance to meet up with some people the Rat doesn’t often get to see. He will also value spending more time with his loved ones, although he does need to remain mindful in all his relations with others. Inattention or lapses could cause awkward moments. Throughout the Horse year the Rat needs to be careful and aware. Fortunately, most Rats are, and many will fare reasonably well in the closing quarter of the Horse year, but it is generally a time for caution and vigilance.

      The Goat year starts on 19 February, and as it begins, if not shortly before, many a Rat will sense a change taking place. This is likely to be a greatly improved year, with new opportunities emerging and progress much easier. Indeed, any Rats who have struggled or faced disappointments in recent times should turn their attention to the future rather than dwell on what has gone before. For quite a few, this will be a year of opportunity, with the chance to make substantial headway.

      Also, should the Rat have any concerns or niggling problems as the Goat year starts, he should see if these can be addressed. Discussion could be helpful, as could advice from those with expert knowledge. Action taken early on in the year can lead to the easing of some outstanding concerns.

      The Rat’s work situation is especially encouraging, with the Rat having more chance to profit from his strengths. Whether he remains where he is or decides to move on, he can not only achieve some good results this year but also impress others. As a result, when new openings occur or promotion opportunities arise, he will be excellently placed to benefit. Many Rats could also benefit from openings created by restructuring or new initiatives in their place of work. March, April, August and October could see some important developments, but in Goat years opportunities can arise quickly and need acting upon without delay.

      For Rats looking for work, the Goat year may provide the very opportunity they have been seeking for some time. The Rat’s resourcefulness and keen personality will impress prospective employers and, once in a position, many Rats will work hard to establish themselves in their new role. For those who secure a new position or see a change of duties early on in the year, there could be the chance to take on further responsibilities late in 2015 or early 2016.

      For Rats whose work involves communication or has an expressive element, this can be a particularly successful year, and these Rats should make the most of their ideas and the opportunities that come their way. Goat years favour innovation and professional development.

      Rats who enjoy creative pursuits should also look to further their skills in some way. This can be an exciting and stimulating time for them. It is also an excellent year for taking on new challenges and if there is a particular activity that appeals to the Rat, he should aim to find out more. Both existing and new interests can be rewarding this year.

      Finances can also see an improvement, with some Rats finding ways to supplement their income through a personal interest or an enterprising idea. However, while the income of many Rats is set to increase, the Rat does need to stay in control of his budget. If he is able, any provision he can make for more major plans, or savings for his future, could help both his present and longer-term situation.

      The personable Rat always values his relations with others and here again the aspects are much improved this year. Any Rats who have experienced some strains of late will find this an excellent time to try and ease these. By reaching out, talking more and, importantly, giving more time to others, they may be able to strengthen some relationships which have encountered difficulties in recent times. Here the Rat’s input and willingness can be an important factor.

      This emphasis on improved relationships extends to family life. Sharing ideas, home projects and other activities can all lead to many enjoyable times – and achievements. Goat years favour togetherness.

      Affairs of the heart are also splendidly aspected, and for any Rat who is currently alone or has had some personal upset, the Goat year heralds a brighter time. Chance can play a significant part, with a fortuitous meeting transforming the lives of quite a few unattached Rats over the year. May, June, August and September could be particularly active months both for socializing and for meeting others.

      Although the aspects are very much on the Rat’s side this year, one area he must not neglect is his well-being. With an often busy lifestyle, he does need to keep himself in good form. Some personal care and attention, including watching his diet and general level of exercise, can make an important difference this year. Rats, do take note.

      Overall, the Year of the Goat will suit the Rat’s personality. Being resourceful and keen to make the most of his opportunities, he will welcome the chances that arise during it. Whether through improved work prospects, the chance of a new job, the satisfaction that personal interests can bring or the benefits of stronger relations with others, he can enjoy an often special year.

      The Metal Rat

      The last few years will have brought their challenges for the Metal Rat and not everything will have gone as smoothly as he would have liked. However, with the start of the Goat year, his prospects will be much more encouraging. Any Metal Rats nursing frustrations or keen to reach certain objectives will, in particular, benefit from redoubling their efforts at this time. With resolve, much can