On the stone road. Venia Mishin. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Venia Mishin
Издательство: Издательские решения
Жанр произведения: Приключения: прочее
Год издания: 0
isbn: 9785449687906
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collapsed with such a great height, the car wouldn’t had chance to survive; Eric and crazy Anders had even less chances. But Anders, apparently, didn’t care about it.

      Before they had to stick into the ground, like a knife through butter, the car stood in the air, in inches from the frozen surface. When the car stopped, Eric with all the dope hit his nose on the dashboard: the blood immediately gushed from the reddened nostrils.

      – Oh, yes … – Anders said, looking at Eric, who was trying to stop the bleeding by means of his sleeve. – Don’t worry, our wounds heal very quickly! In no time!

      The trunk has lined from hood on one level, after which the car fell to the snow-covered ground, but at a much lower altitude.

      Chapter 4

      The squall of incredible feelings of joy and excitement overwhelmed Eric at the sight of endless spaces, which were hidden from the high mountains of the horizon. Snowflakes quietly fell from the sky on stony ground, which was covered with a white veil, where the sharp spears protruded out of depth.

      – That’s my house – Eric heard a peaceful voice of Anders behind.

      When Eric turned, he couldn’t see the Ander’s mansion: hid home was disguised as a rock, which was strewn with non-viable land, gravel and snow. Among the natural grandiose construction it was impossible to see the elements of an artificial construction.

      In the distance of a slate landscape could be seen a sparse forest. Its sparse vegetation situated on a hill at the foot of the mountains.

      – Are we on the edge of the world? – Eric marveled.

      He had never seen anything like this. Previously, he had only hoped that in the near future he will be able to see the world from various angles.

      – You can say so!

      Going down from desert slope, Eric landed in a deep snow. Eric startled by the sudden collapse, he immediately rushed to get out of the quagmire of snow, which was concomitant with an unpleasant feeling of snow by the collar. Frozen icicles didn’t burn with cold fire. Eric hasn’t felt the icy touch, if only a touch of snow on the skin.

      – Something is wrong? – Asked Anders with a serene expression on his face, when he drew attention to the thoughtful Eric.

      – I don’t feel it … – indifferently said Eric, looking at snowflakes on his hands.

      He felt by skin was, how chilly air, which was rushing around the body, was.

      He felt its icy ferocity, but he still only felt, but he didn’t feel truly at its touch.

      – And you won’t feel until you have an extra energy. Cold is one of the items in the list of unwanted feelings. The extra energy will protect its carrier from everything, except itself. And of course, it won’t protect of clumsiness – Anders added.

      – But it is not the protection; it is deprivation of liberty, the senses! Am I not right? – Indignation captured the young man with gray hair.

      Anders looked sympathetically; at least, he has tried to portray compassion, then he moved on to the valley, which reflected the night light by thin coat of frost.

      They stood counterpart: at such a close distance Anders seemed even higher. It was quite funny to look at a man, which was dressed in light clothes in the middle of the mountain cold. The fierce blizzard, which suddenly appeared, has mercilessly blinded Eric and his friend. Finally, the weather taunts ended: snowflakes didn’t stop falling, they just froze. There were so many that they closed all around; Eric and Anders stuck in its web. Some later snowflakes budged, but in the opposite direction. The frozen fluffy drops rose skyward. A layer of snow underfoot was reducing; it climbed to the top, followed by the rest of the crystals. The rate has increased, Eric looked at his feet – he almost saw the earth, which was hidden from the eyes by the snowy mass. When Eric looked around, he didn’t see anything, even Anders, he saw only a continuous dark veil.

      – Oh wow…! – he amazed.

      It couldn’t fail to impress!

      Eric heard a sniff of Anders. All the snow, which took off, instantly fell back to earth. After a few seconds, Eric brushed the pilings up of snow from his head and squinted grimly at Anders. The dark veil has disappeared, and then he could see the bristly beard: they once again stood on the flat valley, which was dotted with snow. – Very funny, I hope you will show me not just tricks – although he liked the focus, but that moment it wasn’t important. – You’d better to tell me how you control it, how do you manage it?

      – First of all, you need to realize and accept the existence of energy in your body. Only after that, you can manage it. All the necessary levers for this are here – Anders touched his index finger to his temple. – Your mind controls the energy.

      – That is, the energy takes whatever came into my head? – Eric tried to understand. – Energy is not a magic pollen, which grants wishes – said Anders, assumed a mine. – With the help of the energy source we can manage any matter, without touching it. We can move it, or break apart. Our mind works on the subject due to the energy source, but for doing this it needs to know and understand what a given object, how it works, what it consists of. Without this knowledge it is impossible to control the subject – he walked away and leaned on a small boulder, – he hid his hands in his trouser pockets.

      – Really? What a shame, and I was hoping that you can get it by clicking fingers – Eric upset.

      – Not so easy.

      The silence lasted just a minute, and then Anders said:

      – Come on, try something!

      – Do you want me to repeat your trick? – Eric shrugged. – But I have no idea how to do it. And I don’t understand what I can do? What is our strength in?

      – In a move – pointedly said Anders.

      – Manage your power in the same way as the parts of the body. Send commands from here – Anders again tapped his index finger on his temple – use your imagination.

      Eric began to think, what he would try to make. He didn’t try that did Anders – it was unlikely he will succeed; probably he won’t manage to do anything. Eric shook his head in different directions; his attention caught nothing. Then he just decided to lift into the air a small clump of snow. Moreover, it was a very simple task. After all, according to Anders, he could use his energy on the sole, whose nature was known for Eric. And what was the snow – Eric undoubtedly knew, like any other!

      Mentally Eric began to present the outlines of a lump of snow, its size, how it was raised. Nothing happened. Even when Eric pulled his hand in front of his imaginary lump – the result didn’t change.

      “If only my friends have seen me… they would have a good laugh!” – Self-doubt didn’t leave him for a moment. Discarding the thoughts, he began to concentrate all his attention only on the snow pile again. Eric began to imagine how cold and light it is, as he takes it and lifts. He began to feel it; he believed that he could do it: thus, Eric believed in himself.

      Something moved. Noticing this, the young man tried to focus even more. A little snow separated from the land and then headed straight into his face.

      – Damn it! – Eric angrily cursed. He had to shake off the snow again.

      Suddenly he heard a laugh, Eric stared at Anders, but he just gazed peacefully somewhere in the sky.

      – Just don’t be so; I know it was you laughing! – Eric angrily uttered, wiping his nose.

      In fact, the failure of Eric looked very funny, but the laugh Anders teased him, as it was with any other laughter, which was directed at him. He hated to look foolish. He always tried to avoid such situations; they are unbearable for him.

      – I have