21 урок для XXI века. Юваль Ной Харари. Читать онлайн. Newlib. NEWLIB.NET

Автор: Юваль Ной Харари
Издательство: Издательство «Синдбад»
Жанр произведения: Прочая образовательная литература
Год издания: 2018
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accessed 2 February 2018; see also Sarah Knapton, ‘Entire Human Chess Knowledge Learned and Surpassed by DeepMind’s AlphaZero in Four Hours’, Telegraph, 6 December 2017, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/12/06/entire-human-chess-knowledge-learned-surpassed-deepminds-alphazero/, accessed 11 February 2018.


      Cowen, Average is Over, op. cit.; Tyler Cowen, ‘What are humans still good for? The turning point in freestyle chess may be approaching’ (2013), http://marginalrevolution.com/marginalrevolution/2013/11/what-are-humans-still-good-for-the-turning-point-in-freestyle-chess-may-be-approaching.html.


      Maddalaine Ansell, ‘Jobs for Life Are a Thing of the Past. Bring On Lifelong Learning’, Guardian, 31 May 2016, https://www.theguardian.com/higher-education-network/2016/may/31/jobs-for-life-are-a-thing-of-the-past-bring-on-lifelong-learning.


      Alex Williams, ‘Prozac Nation Is Now the United States of Xanax’, New York Times, 10 June 2017, https://www.nytimes.com/2017/06/10/style/anxiety-is-the-new-depression-xanax.html.


      Simon Rippon, ‘Imposing Options on People in Poverty: The Harm of a Live Donor Organ Market’, Journal of Medical Ethics 40 (2014), 145–150; I. Glenn Cohen, ‘Regulating the Organ Market: Normative Foundations for Market Regulation’, Law and Contemporary Problems 77 (2014); Alexandra K. Glazier, ‘The Principles of Gift Law and the Regulation of Organ Donation’, Transplant International 24 (2011), 368–372; Megan McAndrews and Walter E. Block, ‘Legalizing Saving Lives: A Proposition for the Organ Market’, Insights to A Changing World Journal 2015, 1–17.


      James J. Hughes, ‘A Strategic Opening for a Basic Income Guarantee in the Global Crisis Being Created by AI, Robots, Desktop Manufacturing and BioMedicine’, Journal of Evolution & Technology 24 (2014), 45–61; Alan Cottey, ‘Technologies, Culture, Work, Basic Income and Maximum Income’, AI & Society 29 (2014), 249–257.


      Jon Henley, ‘Finland Trials Basic Income for Unemployed,’ Guardian, 3 January 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jan/03/finland-trials-basic-income-for-unemployed, accessed 1 March 2018.


      ‘Swiss Voters Reject Proposal to Give Basic Income to Every Adult and Child’, Guardian, 5 June 2017, https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jun/05/swiss-vote-give-basic-income-every-adult-child-marxist-dream.


      Isabel Hunter, ‘Crammed into squalid factories to produce clothes for the West on just 20p a day, the children forced to work in horrific unregulated workshops of Bangladesh’, Daily Mail, 1 December 2015, http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3339578/Crammed-squalid-factories-produce-clothes-West-just-20p-day-children-forced-work-horrific-unregulated-workshops-Bangladesh.html, accessed 15 October 2017; Chris Walker and Morgan Hartley, ‘The Culture Shock of India’s Call Centers’, Forbes, 16 December 2012, https://www.forbes.com/sites/morganhartley/2012/12/16/the-culture-shock-of-indias-call-centres/#17bb61d372f5, accessed 15 October 2017.


      Klaus Schwab and Nicholas Davis, Shaping the Fourth Industrial Revolution (World Economic Forum, 2018), 54. On long-term development strategies, see Ha-Joon Chang, Kicking Away the Ladder: Development Strategy in Historical Perspective (London: Anthem Press, 2003).


      Lauren Gambini, ‘Trump Pans Immigration Proposal as Bringing People from “Shithole Countries”’, Guardian, 12 January 2018, https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/11/trump-pans-immigration-proposal-as-bringing-people-from-shithole-countries, accessed 11 February 2018.


      Мысль о том, что абсолютное улучшение условий может сочетаться с относительным усилением неравенства, см., в частности, в Thomas Piketty, Capital in the Twenty-First Century (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2013).


      ‘2017 Statistical Report on Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel’, Israel Democracy Institute and Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies (2017), https://en.idi.org.il/articles/20439, accessed 1 January 2018; Melanie Lidman, ‘As ultra-Orthodox women bring home the bacon, don’t say the F-word’, Times of Israel, 1 January 2016, https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-ultra-orthodox-women-bring-home-the-bacon-dont-say-the-f-word/, accessed 15 October 2017.


      Melanie Lidman, ‘As ultra-Orthodox women bring home the bacon, don’t say the F-word’, Times of Israel, 1 January 2016, https://www.timesofisrael.com/as-ultra-Orthodox-women-bring-home-the-bacon-dont-say-the-f-word/, accessed 15 October 2017; ‘Statistical Report on Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel’, Israel Democracy Institute and Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies 18 (2016), https://en.idi.org.il/media/4240/shnaton-e_8-9-16_web.pdf, accessed 15 October 2017. Что касается счастья, не так давно Израиль занял 11-е место по уровню удовлетворенности жизнью среди 38 стран ОЭСР: ‘Life Satisfaction’, OECD Better Life Index, http://www.oecdbetterlifeindex.org/topics/life-satisfaction/, accessed 15 October 2017.


      ‘2017 Statistical Report on Ultra-Orthodox Society in Israel’, Israel Democracy Institute and Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies (2017), https://en.idi.org.il/articles/20439, accessed 1 January 2018.


      Margaret Thatcher, ‘Interview for Woman’s Own (“no such thing as society”)’, Margaret Thatcher Foundation, 23 September 1987, https://www.margaretthatcher.org/document/106689,